Tuesday 16 February 2016

Make, Bake, Sew, Grow

{ Make }

Making small additions and improvements  to the house here and there; an outside light by the front door, an extra light in the hallway, a plug socket in the porch. Little things which make life more practical, or more cosy, or more welcoming - little things which make a huge difference to how we live in our home.

There's moving around and spring cleaning going on. We bought a beautiful, vibrantly colourful rug for our living room (it makes such a difference - pictures soon!) and this grubby old sheepskin scrubbed up rather well after a gentle, cold hand wash and now sits by Bella's bed.

{ Bake }

There is so much goodness going on in the kitchen this winter. Rushed weekday dinners aside, the weekends are when the good cooking happens - except for Pancake Day when I got up early and made pancakes for breakfast.

Bacon, avocado and tomato rolls for lunch.

On Sundays we often cook and eat something which takes a bit more time and effort - and more often than not it's cooked by John - like a roast dinner, and we have napkins and candles, then sit around chatting for ages afterwards. The children absolutely love it. So do I.

{ Sew }

My Midsummer Sprigs sampler is so nearly finished. Just a few more letters to go! I have enjoyed working on this so much, and have a renewed passion for cross stitch at the moment. 

Work on the corner to corner blanket has started up again. I'm on a mission to finish projects this half term before starting new ones. 

{ Grow }

I moved some plants pots around from front garden to back, so that the daffodils and tulips greet me when I unlock the front door.

Such a simple thing, but goodness, so happy making! 

I'm looking forward to a lot more of this kind of domestic pottering this half term. 


{ Make } Something for the home.

{ Bake } Something from the kitchen.

{ Sew } Something crafty.

{ Grow } Something in the garden.


  1. I always enjoy your make bake sew grow posts. I really like having a pot or two at the front door too, with seasonal flowers. Looking forward to seeing your blanket completed X

  2. You sound like a woman on a mission. There are some great things going on there, I really, really want to see the sampler all presented. We are on half term too but I have visitors so crafting has slowed down in exchange for nice chats, cups of tea and playing with the children.

  3. I also love to take my time for cooking on the weekend. DUring the week it's quick and easy recipes for us!
    I'm really looking forward to your crochet blanket. I love the color combination!
    Greetings from Austria

  4. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! Hope that you enjoy working on your blanket, it is lovely! xx

  5. It's really true that simple things around the house make you feel so good. For me line drying the washing the last couple of days! Bliss.

  6. It's really true that simple things around the house make you feel so good. For me line drying the washing the last couple of days! Bliss.

  7. Making small changes in the house can make such a huge difference, can't they? It sometimes takes a while to work out what's needed, and even longer to get round to doing them, but extremely pleasing when they're complete. As usual, Gillian, your blog is a pleasure to read. Hope you're having a wonderful half term. Sam x

  8. All lovely, especially sitting round the table together to enjoy a delicious dinner, how civilised and actually what an easy but very special thing to do with the children. When your daffodils have finished flowering you could plant them straight into the border letting the foliage die down naturally. Next year they will flower again and you can avoid bulb planting in Autumn when always carries the risk of damaging existing bulbs. Buy fresh bulbs and use fresh compost for your pots in Autumn and you will be able to continue the cycle.

  9. A great post, it's sooo often those little things that make a big difference! X

  10. A great post, it's sooo often those little things that make a big difference! X

  11. It is nice to sit at the table and chat, particularly after a lovely meal. x

  12. I am envious of all you seem to fit into your days. Great pics. xx

  13. Lovely post and the blueberries made me giggle, as I could give you lots of fresh ones at the moment. I'm still picking them. I do love your corner to corner rug, so bright and cheery. Seems like spring is not too far away now with those little daffs appearing. Take care.

  14. Such a lovely post today.

  15. What a lovely post. Your cross-stitch and blanket are beautiful and I can't wait to see your new rug. Enjoy the rest of half term. xx

  16. I'm glad you're finishing your projects. They look great and how exciting and liberating it feels when you know you're close to starting new ones! I love your little narcissus, so delicate and pretty. Spring is definitely in the air.

  17. I love how you live for these little moments in your life. Memories don't have to be big to be heart-warming. Dinner, crafting, blossoms- life's simplest forms of beauty.

  18. It is wonderful that your children grow up with all this - they, in turn, will enjoy good cooking and home-making when they have their own places (and maybe families) eventually.
    Daffodils aren't out in people's gardens here yet, but aconites make for that wonderful splash of yellow on the ground, and there are a lot of crocus and snowdrops about. It's gone cold again here (below zero at night), but is supposed to warm up over the weekend - I can't wait!
    It's often the little things making a big difference, isn't it :-)

  19. Such a lovely post (always especially enjoy these ones!)

  20. Hey Gillian,
    Replace outside light is another diy thing for my list. Ours keeps tripping the cooker for some reason. I enjoy sitting down to dinner as a family very much. Although the older boys seem to eat and run these days. I try to bribe them with pudding, so that they stay a little longer. Your home life sounds so satisfying and happy.
    Leanne xx

  21. Your WIP'S are lovely, I'm looking forward to seeing them both when they're finished. We love our family dinners too, especially at weekends when there's more time for cooking and the kids' bedtime are a little bit more flexible. Wishing you a week of happy pottering. Enjoy!

  22. oh my, that sandwich! I think I'm gonna have a bacon, avocado, tomato, grilled cheese sandwich tomorrow. Thanks for the inspiration :)

  23. Beautiful post and pictures. Our daffodils are also out in our window boxes and garden.

  24. Having slid back to dinners on trays, in front of the tv, we have recently made a real effort to set the dining room table and eat our evening meal there. We find it so much better, a) we converse, b) we digest our food slower and c) we linger. It's nice and we enjoy it so I must remember that when we hit the slippery slope of late dinners, wobbly trays and juggling knives and forks with the tv remote.
    Glad you're having such a lovely week.

  25. It's amazing how much difference little things can make.
    Your breakfasts sound lovely, I think it's my favourite meal of the day when time is taken over it.
    Lisa x

  26. Lovely pictures. Hope you managed to fit in all the pottering you wanted to do. Was going to ask if John had a brother!

  27. Just came across your lovely blog. Your crotcheted squares look great. I enjoy seeing what people make, bake, sew and grow!

  28. I always enjoy these posts, look forward to seeing the rug!!


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