Tuesday 2 June 2015

Summer Plans

At the start of each season I like to make a mental list of things I want to do over the coming months. Do you do the same? They can be big or small, vague or specific. This spring I really wanted to go for a walk in some bluebell-filled woods, paint my pine dressing table, cook roast lamb on Easter Sunday, and spend some time in our garden. I managed the first three (a dressing table post will follow) and think I'm sort-of getting to grips with the garden. 

This summer (when it arrives - I'm sitting here with a scarf round my neck watching the rain and wind batter the garden) I want to make time to:

  • Go down to the beach hut after school, eat fish and chips for tea and swim in the sea in the evening.
  • Start my Midsummer Sprigs cross stitch sampler.
  • Have lots of barbecues and try barbecuing some fish.
  • Wear my new summer dress.
  • Renovate the old garden bench my parents gave us.
  • Make lemon curd.

If I do only two of these I will be a happy woman. But things are going to get busy around here as, after 8 years at home, I am about to start a new job and return to the land of work! I feel excited, terrified, empowered and overwhelmed, more by how I know life is going to change than by the actual job itself. I've been giving it a lot of thought and I've realised that if I want to continue blogging in any kind of regular way, I need a plan, and that plan is a series of posts called Make, Bake, Sew, Grow. While I want to post them fortnightly I think it's more realistic to think that they'll just happen when they happen. I like to be tidy, and this for me is a neat way to gather up my miscellaneous musings on the domestic and creative front into something a bit more coherent.

This is not me putting pressure on myself to be superwoman, but instead a way of gently reminding myself why I love to craft and cook, why pottering and gardening makes me so happy. My hope is that it will encourage me to make time for myself and for the things I enjoy.

Make: In the widest sense of the word. Making plans, making changes, making a start. And not just crafting, but anything done with my hands, anything creative in the home.

Bake: This should really be Cook or Eat, but they don't rhyme with Make. Stories from my kitchen is more realistic, just a regular and seasonal look at what I'm cooking, if only to stop me falling into a fish-fingers-for-tea rut.

Sew: Embroidery, cross stitch, using my sewing machine to make things for the house...all of this. 

Grow: Not "this is what I am growing today" but more a general look at how my garden grows, at what is happening out there, what is making me happy.

I'll post my first this week. Wish me luck, with the job and the blogging!


  1. I think this sounds like a great plan, Gillian. I wish you lots of luck. I'm looking forward to reading about your new situation as it unfolds. I know you will make time for things you love because that's the way you are, you value the simple, slow things in life and you won't let those go, I am sure.

  2. Oh gosh! good luck! How exciting and yet how daunting too. Look forward to reading all your posts to come, no matter how sporadic,and very pleased to hear you are not going to stop blogging X

  3. It all sounds very exciting, I like the idea of a mental list, a few things to focus on during the coming months. I wish you all the luck you need x

  4. How exciting to be going back to work. What is your new job? You seem to be very organised and so I'm sure it'll all come together. I'm delighted that you will continue blogging and like your plan – it makes perfect sense to me. I've spent a lot more time gardening and taking photographs (both things I love to do) since I started blogging about it – a fruitful cycle and all good! Best of luck Gillian. Sam x

  5. Good luck with the work! Give yourself a chance at first to settle back in, and let your energy be your guide. The new posts sound a really good idea; I'll look forward to reading them.

    I haven't planned my summer yet, but my daughter has. She loves pinterest and really enjoyed browsing for good ideas. I blogged about it here; http://angeljemscitycottage.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/wednesday-wind-up-with-difference.html and she loves the idea of ticking off what she's done.

    Of course, we're still waiting for the summer to arrive.

  6. I like reading your blog and wish all the best for your new job!
    I love your new dress, unfortunately deliveries to Germany are quite expensive, so I have to wait till our holidays, but then its shopping time ��

  7. Great plans and good luck with the world of work. I'm sure you'll balance both blogging and work brilliantly - is that the right order?

  8. Sounds a great plan and good luck with your new job.
    I've got the heating on here - it feels and sounds more like Winter out there, rather than the beginning of Summer! x

  9. Hey Gillian,
    Best of British on the job front my friend!! I agree with Jennifer; you'll make time for the things that matter to you, because that's the kind of person you are. I am really excited for you. A new chapter in your life. I like the idea of organising your blog in this way. It gives structure. I think mine could do with that too. Hmmmmm...
    Leanne xx

  10. Good luck with all your summer plans and especially with the new job. The new posts are a great idea, looking forward to reading them. X

  11. I hope that your new job goes really well and that you love it - they will of course love you!! Hope to still see you blogging as and when you can. Most of all enjoy it! xx

  12. I'm wishing you loads of luck with your new job, I hope you enjoy it. And I shall very much look forward to reading the posts in your new series. CJ xx

  13. I hope you get to tick off some, if not all, of your list for the summer and good luck in your new job, I hope you settle in quickly. I'm glad you're going to continue with blogging and look forward to the new format, I'm sure you will balance it all out. Have a great week Gillian. Jane xx

  14. Good luck with the new job! You will be fab. Glad you are going to keep blogging too.
    Marianne x

  15. Yes to everything in this post! Yes, I absolutely always love to make lists about what I hope to do in the coming season / months / weeks (and sometimes even day, ha ha). And yes, I love the sound of your list -- especially the lemon curd making. Have you done it before? I tried it once and the result was amazing (think I followed a River Cottage recipe) but I was disappointed that it only keeps for a short time...

    And yes, what an excellent-sounding series. That pretty much sums up everything I want to write about on my blog too, that I have struggled for ages to find some nice cohesive way of expressing. Drat it, I wish I could have come up with something so neat!

    Best of luck with the return to work. Exciting and terrifying in equal measures, I would imagine. And I'm saying that after only three years out of an office! Hope all goes well and it brings you loads of enjoyment.


  16. exciting new job, exciting summer plans, and an exciting series for the blog! busy but brilliant times ahead x

  17. All good wishes for a great start to this next part of your life. Not easy juggling work and family I know, but well worth it for all sorts of reasons. I look forward to hearing about how it's going when you find moments for blogging. Take care of yourself! Deborah

  18. Perfect plans for the summer season. Have fun.

  19. Oh yes good luck, I would be happy doing any of those. Jo x

  20. Congratulations Gillian, I hope your new phase of grown up life brings you much satisfaction and happiness. Is it too nosey to ask what your job is? I'm really looking forward to your ongoing blogs, I love visiting this space of yours and keeping up with your family life. Much love to you as alwaysxxxxxxxxx

  21. Congratulations on the job :) I think you have gathered your thoughts here really well and in a busy life we all know that organisation is key to getting as much done as possible. I am looking forward to what is yet to come and looking at the weather forecast have that dress ready for the end of next week

  22. Good luck in your new job xxx look forward to your posts xx

  23. Wow, big changes are afoot. All the best with your new job. I'll definitely miss some of your newsy blog posts, but as I've not done much myself lately, I know that everything changes all the time. I'll be in touch once we're more settled. Looking forward to your new type posts, take care and look after yourself.

  24. Good luck with the new job! Hope you soon settle into a new routine and still have time to blog!

  25. God bless you with strength as you head into a new routine! Your little ones are not quite too little to help out, making the transition easier! My kids were a huge help when I returned to work. Love your creative new idea for blogging. I am among many who would miss your posts. I see so much of another corner of the world through your delightfully observant lens. Carry on! ☺️

  26. All the best for your new job. It will certainly make a lot of changes to your routines. I hope you can get your blogging fitted in as I enjoy reading all your posts.

  27. Good luck with your new job, a busy but exciting time for you. Look forward to reading your future posts.

  28. I like a good plan (who was it who said having no plan is like leaping off a precipice and trying to knit yourself a parachute on the way down?).and yours sound very good. Congratulations on the new job. Exciting times ahead.

  29. What a great plan. I really do hope that all goes well with the job firstly but of course with the blogging too. I shall be looking forward to the first post. x

  30. Good luck for your new job! I know how hard it can be to work and still care about the blog! ;) But you'll manage! I hope you have fun at your new work! :)

  31. I would happily join you for all your summer activities! Oh your dress, gorgeous. Thanks for the link, there are some other beautiful items.... I am wishing you all the best luck with your new job. How exiting it must be! I work full time but always make time to blog, it helps be to remain grounded in reality. Looking forward to your new series. Cx

  32. congratulations on your new job, hope all goes well. as for the blog plans I Love your ideas, those are wonderful headings x

  33. Congrats on your new job. Being a full-time worker and mom myself, I'll not kid you- blogging often takes a back seat, but I think your new blogging plan will help you get it all done, one day at a time! Love that cross-stich sampler. I may join you in making that this summer.
    Here's to days at the beach and pottering in the garden! Bring on summer!
    xoxo Bronwyn

  34. hope the new job goes well, always enjoy your blog posts! (not always commenting but love reading)... i just love being outside in the summer time...country walks, coastal views...taking in the warmth and the pretty meadow flowers and devon and cornwall villages~ trying to take lots of photographs! and capturing the beauty of the summer days...working and being a mother is not always easy but it makes you treasure those family moments so much more ;) xx

  35. I was admiring that dress yesterday but it's not really suitable for the ball I was shopping for!

    Your list sounds wonderful, so many memories of biking to the beach after school, love the seaside!

  36. Good luck with the new job. It's harder to fit in the blogging when working but where there's a will... I always have lists of things to do, places to visit - spontaneous I am not! x

  37. I love your idea for blog organisation. I am randomly going from post to post with no clear agenda. I need to up my game and get organised like you! Wishing you the best of luck in your new job, my lovely blogging friend. Exciting times! Bee xx

  38. Love the photo collage Gillian, so so summery! Congratulations on your new job. I hope you really enjoy it! Looking forward to your new posts and to seeing you complete your summer list. Will we gte a pic of you in the dress? It's lovely xx

  39. Congratulations on the job! What will you be doing?
    I always enjoy reading your blog and can't wait to read the new posts-they sound fab :-D xx

  40. I always make plans / lits like that at the start of a Holiday period. I don't make seasonal lists but now and Again when I find that time is just flying and nothing gets done, I make a list as a way to start myself in another "lane". That's how I get most of the painting around here done ;-)

    Congratulations on your new job. Glad to hear you've made plans to continue blogging!

  41. You know I'm mega chuffed for you re. the job and to still have regular posts to read here will be a bonus. Good luck for Monday x

  42. Wishing you lots of luck in your new job.
    Don't be hard on yourself if the blogging does slip a bit when you start work, it takes time to adjust to these things and before you know it you'll be in a routine.
    Lisa x

  43. Wow, that's really exciting news, another massive change for you. Are you going to tell us more about it!xxx

  44. Congratulations on the new job! I am sure it will inspire you in different ways. I hope you will find time to blog as yours is one of my favourite blogs - I am sure you will still find ways to do your thing. I have just found a new job also whereas I have always worked I also find the balance to be well, challenging. But tomorrow I am going to make elderflower cordial - you will find the time to do the things you love with those you love. Good luck! They'll love you

  45. Sounds like a great plan. Good luck with the job and enjoy this new stage of your life! Pati x


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