Saturday 13 June 2015

Strawberries and Flowers

Well, I made it through my first week in paid work for eight years and found that actually I rather enjoyed myself, although yesterday I was absolutely exhausted and thought that Friday had never been more welcome. The people are supportive and friendly, I think the work will be a nice balance between variety and routine which will suit me down to the ground, and the children are brilliant. But I came home each day mentally wiped out with the effort of trying to remember everything; people's names, where things go, processes, tips, messages... My poor brain!

Things that have occurred to me this week. Working Monday to Friday is going to be tougher than I thought. Certainly not impossible, but I need to be more organised because the cliche is true, sometimes there aren't enough hours in the day. The two hours I have to myself between the school run and starting work might as well be twenty minutes for all I seem to achieve, especially if I want to go for a run or shopping first. I think our weekends will be sweeter and a lot more precious. I resented spending this morning in the supermarket and I don't want to waste any of that relaxed family time.

Those garden photos above? I have to come clean, they are all in my sister, Katy's, garden. It's the most beautiful garden you can imagine; long and thin, with a winding path that leads you to a pond, fruit trees, a vegetable garden, before you reach a sheltered patio area at the end. In spring it was full of blossom and bluebells, in early summer it's bursting with foxgloves, aquilegia and roses. I can't wait to see what high summer will bring. That's where we spent last Sunday afternoon, the kids and I, eating barbecued food, watching the kids play in the paddling pool and generally whiling away the afternoon in the sun. When I feel a little too jealous, I remind myself that they only moved into this house in March and it was their good fortune to inherit that garden, and now they must maintain it. We have what might politely be called a blank canvas. Yesterday my sister dropped around a posy of flowers she'd cut from her garden. "You're always going on about how gorgeous our garden is", she said, "So I thought you might like these." It tickles me how they look in that vase, like a lady wearing a jaunty hat to a wedding. 

We've all been eating strawberries by bucket load here. I can't find a local Pick Your Own but the supermarket ones have been delicious. Funny how when they're in season they actually taste of strawberry, not water. And I've been working on my Midsummer Sprigs sampler this week, a little every day. I make myself sit down in the evening and even if I only complete one centimetre square of stitches, I can feel the calm descend on me as the stitching works it's magic. I've fallen back in love with counted cross stitch. Working on this black fabric in electric light can be tricky, but I've found that if I sit next to a good lamp and pull it right down so that I'm working in the glow of light, that it's actually quite ok on the eyes. I bought some peonies from the supermarket. I love them but they're quite expensive so they are a rare treat. These were taking ages to open up so I followed a tip I read about online - immerse the heads in a bowl of warm water for a couple of minutes, then gently shake off the water and put them back in their vase. It worked and they are slowly unfolding now. 

Isn't that postcard in the last photo just brilliant? My friend Debora sent it from Germany, knowing I'd love it. I think it might have to go in a frame.

Thank you for all your kind words about my dressing table, and your thoughts and comments about chalk paint.  I'm not sworn off it yet, and I'd like to try a stronger colour on a smaller piece of furniture. I have two tired IKEA bedside tables which I'd like to experiment on. That's a project for the six week summer holidays.


  1. Your sister's garden is beautiful but I'm glad you're reminding yourself about it. I have a situation like hers, where the people before us did all the hard planning work, which is great because I'm terrible at envisioning this kind of stuff, and it was all mature before we got here, but now we have to maintain it. Which was like a baptism by fire at first, especially since my gardening experience before this was in a completely different climate. After six years with this yard, I think I know what I'm doing, but there's a surprise every year. You'll be able to plant things you know how to care for, and you'll watch it all grow and decide what to keep and what not to bother with. It will be really nice. I'm glad your first week at work went well. I'm sure there will be an adjustment but you'll make it just fine. Hope you're having a good weekend.

  2. Well done on your first week at work! And what a gorgeous garden!

  3. I'm glad your first week has been ok! After my period of unemployment, I found it hard going back to work and wondered how on earth I ever had time to work before!

    Your sister has a fantastic garden - beautiful photographs!

  4. I'm so glad your week went well, hopefully you will soon learn all the names etc and it will become less overwhelming. Your sister's garden is beautiful but at least you get to have yours your way and hopefully it won't be long before you are blogging your own beautiful garden :-) x

  5. I'm so glad your week went well, hopefully you will soon learn all the names etc and it will become less overwhelming. Your sister's garden is beautiful but at least you get to have yours your way and hopefully it won't be long before you are blogging your own beautiful garden :-) x

  6. I'm glad that the first week went well. I am sure that as you get further into it it will be easier and you will get your routine sorted out as well. It just takes a little while to figure out. Hope that you are enjoying your weekend. xx

  7. So glad your first week went well! It's bound to take a while to balance everything with your new commitments but if you can find even a few minutes to craft I think you are managing wonderfully ;) . Wishing you a thoroughly relaxing weekend. Bee xx

  8. Oh that top photo, it's absolutely gorgeous. I'd like to sit there for the afternoon, amongst the flowers and the bees and the greenery. Wonderful. You're right about that postcard, it's fantastic, and very you. I'd definitely frame it. I was just reading a post about postcards the other day, and what lovely affordable art they are. If you'd like to see it, I hope you have a lovely weekend, it is certainly very well deserved I think. I'm glad your first week went well. CJ xx

  9. Yay! Glad your first week was a success. I'm sure it will easier as the weeks go by! x

  10. The garden is gorgeous and its nice that your sister could share it with you by bringing those pretty blooms. Congrats on the job, but i can imagine how tired you must be. It will get better as you settle in. I know what you mean about weekend time being all the more precious when you work. Enjoy this weekend family time :)

  11. Glad your first week went well, I'm sure it will get easier as time goes by and great that you've found time for essential cross stitch therapy. Your sister's garden is lovely. Have a great weekend xx

  12. I love those roses on the brown paper and the garden is lovely. Have you thought about getting your groceries delivered? My son pays a minimal amount per annum to Ocado and has a delivery once a week. They just add things to their order as they think of them and when they are ready they just send off the order. It saves time and hassle in a busy life.

  13. So glad the first week at work went well - I was thinking of you. I have loads of aquilegia in my garden - let me know if you'd like any seeds for your blank canvas! Hope you all have a great weekend. x

  14. Congratulations on having completed your first week at work!
    No better way to spend a sunny Sunday afternoon in June than what you describe here, in that beautiful garden your sister was so lucky to inherit.
    There are several fields near where I live where people can go and pick their own strawberries, and right now is indeed the best time for that.
    This was a very nice, relaxing post for me to go with my morning coffee just now. Thank you!

  15. Your sisters garden is beautiful. Glad your first week of work going won't be too long at all until you are into the swing of it. Being super organised and making enough of meals that you can freeze the other half (Cook once, eat twice!) really help me out. And yes! Don't go to the supermarket on a weekend if you can help it. Have a great new week ahead!
    Marianne x

  16. Work will definitely get easier, and I'm sure you'll crack the organised thing, though I never have. Even now my back lawn is like a meadow because in the precious hours I have I prefer to sew, but now it will take ages to sort ..... Perhaps I should pave it. Love the red strawberries against the black. Xxx

  17. Well done of getting to the end of the first week, it's always manic when you start something new and established routines are tipped upside down, but it will get easier and easier. It's good to have plans for how you see things unfolding with new routines but until you are actually living them you can't tell if they are doable or not. I say this from the point of view of someone who has changed jobs a couple of times in the past couple of years.
    It's such a good idea to make yourself sit ad do something else which absorbs your mind in the evening. I forget to do this and just find I am procrastinating over the day and what I may have done wrong as I'm learning which doesn't do me any favours!
    Your weekends will become much more precious as you say and I'm sure you'll make sure you make the most of them with your family and friends.
    Lisa x

  18. Congratulations on surviving your first week at work, I am sure it will become easier once you have got used to the routine but weekends will always be precious. What a lovely summery feel your photographs gave and what a lovely garden your sister has. xx

  19. The little cross stitch work is so beautiful!!
    Miss xx

  20. I'm so pleased your first week went well. I'm sure you'll soon get in the swing of things and it will become second nature. Your sisters garden is beautiful. How lovely to spend a glorious afternoon in it. Those kinds of days are so precious. X

  21. The minutes at the end of the day and weekend downtime becomes VERY precious when you work all week! I love my job, but I love home more. Those sitdown meals with family and cuddles on the couch are so much more important when I spend most of my day at work. Don't worry- you'll find the balance. Your kids are at a good age to be flexible, too. It will all work itself out over the next few weeks. Congrats on surviving your first week! XOXO B.

  22. You will find ways of doing things but it is hard especially in the winter when the daylight hours go too but I am glad you are enjoying it. Jo x

  23. Thanks for that tip re peonies as I sit here looking at the 5 buds I have on my fireplace that are as tight as they were when I brought them home from aldi last week.
    I'm pleased your week went well and you enjoyed it.

  24. Beautiful pictures of the garden and flowers. I'm glad the new job is going well - it will all come together as you get new routines set up and you'll be able to claw back some of that precious time, I'm sure.

  25. So that's the tricky first week in the new job under your belt and good to hear it went well. Your sister's garden looks and sounds perfect. Actually, that's a brilliant idea to post photographs of someone else's lush plot; I may have to pinch that one!

  26. Am so glad to hear that the week went well. Like you said, it sounds like it will work perfectly around term times! Good luck with it. I do hope you manage to grow a couple of hours into your week to carry on making home. You're very gifted and I'm sure it will work well for you all after a little adjusting, J9 x

  27. Am so glad to hear that the week went well. Like you said, it sounds like it will work perfectly around term times! Good luck with it. I do hope you manage to grow a couple of hours into your week to carry on making home. You're very gifted and I'm sure it will work well for you all after a little adjusting, J9 x

  28. Glad to hear you enjoyed your new job. Working Monday to Friday can be hard going. I work a 4 and a 1/2 day week compressed into 4 days so I always have Friday off. I don't think I could ever work on a Friiday again. Your sister's garden is very nice but yourw will be too. It takes time to make a blank canvas into a masterpiece.

  29. I am already in awe of you managing to fit a job in, even if it has only been one week. I'm glad it went well and I guess the juggling act will get a little easier with time? It's certainly true that you'll make better use of your down time now it is so precious. I hope it keeps going well.
    Love your sister's garden, it looks beautiful.

    S x

  30. Hang in there! You'll be a natural before you know it! I remember when I started back to work, it was a challenge to figure out how to things in new and different time slots. I remember missing baking for my crew. So I bought a dozen containers with lids, and filled each with measure portions of a favourite baked item, like oatmeal muffins. Then I slapped a sticker on the lid with the name of the item and the wet ingredients I needed to add. Dump and pour of our favourite recipes....hooray! It gave me a month's worth of baked goods without taking all the stuff out. So as you realize what you miss the most, get creative and find a way to fit it in! Love all your flower pictures! Aaaahhh! Summer!

  31. Congratulations on your first week- lovely, lovely photos- beautiful strawberries! Xx

  32. Thanks again....beautiful pictures Gillian x

  33. Well done. you can do it. It is so hard but so rewarding. My tip would be buy your necessities online then the fun bits like seasonal stuff do with the family.It teaches them about seasonality then go home and cook together and makes it more enjoyable.

  34. Strawberries and peonies, two of my favourite things.

    I'm glad the new job is going well, I never doubted you'd love it, but yes, the working mom thing, it takes a while to adjust. My only tip is make lots of lists, that usually worked for me.

  35. Amazing blog and very interesting stuff you got here! I definitely learned a lot from reading through some of your earlier posts as well and decided to drop a comment on this one!

  36. congratulations on the first week of work, and I'm sure the balance will come with time. Beautiful garden, and the vase gave me a smile!

  37. Well done on completing your first week, there's so much to take in during the first few weeks, it's enough to make your brain burst. I'm going to try that trick with the peonies, I have some in bud that won't seem to unfurl xx

  38. Beautiful cross stitch! Hope you're settling into new routines and enjoying your job xx


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