Friday 22 May 2015


I'm glad it's Friday and I'm very glad it's half term next week. This week has mostly rushed by, leaving me feeling frazzled, frustrated and like I've caught a cold - or it could be hay fever, I'm not sure. Both are unwelcome. Well then, thank goodness for Tuesday, when I had a delightful morning in West Sussex and met up with Christine from the blog Chrissie Crafts at West Dean Gardens. Meeting up with blogging friends is fun but, as when meeting anyone for the first time, you want to make a good impression. I was a full twenty minutes late. I took a wrong turn on the way and had to double back on myself. Then I saw a sign for West Dean Shop, followed it and ended up down a dirt track in a church yard. Back on the main road I then saw a bigger sign for West Dean College and took that turning; knowing the gardens were somehow attached to the college I assumed I was nearby. I drove around the college grounds and ended up on a road which seemed to turn into a path and was soon facing a dead end opposite a pergola. I felt like I was having an anxiety dream. Starting to panic slightly, I did the smallest, neatest three point turn you ever saw (not easy in my massive, noisy, diesel estate) and drove back to the front of the college, muttering "This is ridiculous, where are the signs, where are the signs?" to myself as I drove. I parked. There was no phone signal (we're in the countryside here) so I can't access my sat nav on my mobile. Apparently I'm very, very close. I drive around a little more and head back to the main road where, around a bend, is a HUGE, very clearly written sign saying "West Dean Gardens", where I turn in, park, and run towards the entrance. Upon seeing Christine my first words are not "Hello!" or "Hi, how are you?" but "I'm so, so sorry!"

Anyway, it was the most glorious morning, it really was. Christine is funny, warm, friendly, and seriously knows her plants. We had a coffee together before heading into the gardens for a nose around. So beautifully maintained but also relaxed, with friendly staff and so much inspiration to be had, and tantalising glimpses of the stunning college through the trees. As you all know I'm no gardener, but show me a walled garden and some Victorian cold frames and I'm happy. It was all very Mr McGregor's Garden - I'm sure Peter Rabbit was lurking in a watering can somewhere.

I wanted to take something home with me from my day out and I did, but it was more a feeling than a purchase. Gardening in our new house so far has involved digging, moving sheds, assembling trampolines and a lot of me staring despondently at half finished jobs. I haven't been feeling much love for the plants, but spending some time at West Dean nourished my fickle gardening spirit. I bought a lavender plant at West Dean and picked up some compost on the way home. I called in at a farm shop on a whim and, thinking of the pelargoniums I'd seem earlier in the day, bought two geraniums and a bunch of locally picked asparagus. Once home, I gave some brand new terracotta plant pots a wash of watered down chalk paint to make them look a little more like the ones I'd seen earlier that day, and planted up my new purchases. Looking at the asparagus, I thought something chickeny and lemony would be nice for dinner and made this. I wish I had the time and opportunity to be so inspired in both garden and kitchen every day. 


  1. Nourishment, now that is a good word. lavender is a good place to start a gardening journey, don't over water it (think of Provence) and only cut the great when you trim it after flowering,As soon as you cut the woody stems is is a gonna. Anyway enough of the Chelsea style comments. Great pictures and a very inspiring place it seems.

  2. Your pics are a feast for the eyes, and despite the wobbly start, your day sounds just simply lovely. I can see just how inspiring those gardens must be - and well done you for getting your new plants potted up too.
    Have a happy weekend and hope the cold / hayfever disappears soon. xx

  3. What a beautiful garden, so very like Mr. McGregor's. I'm not surprised that it gave you inspiration for your own garden and kitchen-- it's so lovely and charming. I'm glad you enjoyed your meet up with Christine there. Thanks for showing us this beautiful place. Wishing you a nice and restful half term. X

  4. Ooh, I can feel that anxiety pouring off the page. I met a bloggyy friend recently too, and was cripplingly late, it was awful! But once that was out the way, it was lovely! West Dean looks amazing. Sounds like you have been inspired by your visit X

  5. I love the pot! Lavender is a favourite of mine but I don't thinks ours has survived the border revamp, a trip to a garden centre needed here too. I have just been over to Chrissies, thanks for the link, here page looks really interesting. Sharon x

  6. What a treat, meeting up with a fellow blogger and ending up in such a beautiful spot...happy bank holiday! :) xxx

  7. I visited West Dean many moons ago (pre children!!) it's a beautiful garden!! I love rows of veg and geraniums in teracotta pots. Sarah

  8. Your photos bring back happy memories of our day, Gillian! I didn't mind waiting at all, and we certainly made up for the little lost time over coffee! I love that the rain clouds stayed back til I was driving home. I'm glad we both had our nurturing and inspiring escape for the morning - may it be the first of many, my friend! Cxxx

  9. It sounds like such a nice day. I'm glad you're getting the chance to meet up with so many blogging friends since your move. I love visiting places like that, it's always inspiring and you feel like you've stepped into another world sometimes. Enjoy your weekend and the break.

  10. Sorry you had a traumatic time finding West Dean but it is certainly a beautiful garden and well worth the effort of finding it. Good luck with the lavender and geraniums, I am sure they will make a wonderful show. xx

  11. Oooh that looks like just my kind of garden, what a fabulous selection of photos here. The greenhouses, swoon! The walls, swoon! The stream, swoon!

    Must make a visit there myself, pronto.

  12. Gorgeous post, love the garden it looked glorious and yes it is fun meeting fellow bloggers isn't it?

  13. Looks a lovely place to visit. :) Wish the pelargoniums in my greenhouse looked as good. They need some more warmth! Have a great bank holiday and half term. x

  14. I'm suffering here with hay fever and keeping the various tissue companies & chemists in business! What a wonderful garden. It's so good to feel inspired and restored after a visit like that. The chicken looks amazing! I'll definitely be trying that! Have a great half term! Xx

  15. Wonderful nourishment for the mind, body and soul indeed!!!! Sounds like you had a really great time and were really inspired for your new garden!! xx

  16. What a gorgeous place, and how lovely to meet a fellow blogger. Nice to see a couple of new plants for your new garden. I think when you move sometimes you come to the garden last of all. By then you will no doubt have a feel for how you want it to be. I hope you have a lovely relaxing weekend Gillian. CJ xx

  17. Sounds like a lovely place to visit and I love your painted pot and geranium. Hope you're feeling better soon and have a lovely Half Term xx

  18. What a beautiful place, and how special to meet a blogger friend! I love your pretty pot and white geranium by the front door... it looks so welcoming. I especially love terra-cotta pots - especially the ones that have aged for years and years. I hope you feel better soon, and enjoy the weekend!

  19. Fabulous outing pics! Be patient with yourself at your new home. Easily takes a couple years to get the gardens turned in a direction that you enjoy! They are lots of work, but so rewarding. Have fun with it! Hope the cold/allergies passes quickly!

  20. What a great day out you've had, and excellent nosh to top it off :-)
    Those gardens are wonderful! I am not a gardener myself, but I do love walking in gardens and having a good look around. I love the round building in the garden, and the chestnut tree in one of the first few pictures of the post.
    Greenhouses somehow hold a special fascination with me, and even more so if they are old and vast - the older and vaster, the better.
    I've been ill and hope to be going out today for the first time in nearly two weeks - to the palace grounds.

  21. oh I hate to be lost and late. but it looks like it was truly worth it in the end. I adore walled gardens. xxxx and your dinner looks delicious xxx

  22. I can smell the wallflowers from here! Lovely pictures, there's something about a walled garden, isn't there? xx

  23. every time I see your pictures I marvel at how lovely they are! looks like you had a fab day out

  24. I do like a walled garden. I always wanted to have found a Secret Garden when I was younger.

  25. Gorgeous photos and lovely writing. And how nice to meet a fellow blogger. I think there are many potential good friends here! Have a relaxing long weekend Gillian. PS Loving your instagram too. I am 'samstanleywd'. Sam x

  26. How lovely to meet up with a blogging buddy & such a great place too. Oh yes half term, thank god! xx

  27. What a beautiful garden and such gorgeous photographs. There is something very satisfying about seeing lovely neat rows of vegetables like that. X

  28. Lavender, wonderful first purchase for your new garden.
    What a lovely day out you had too, it's so lovely when you get bloggy friends.
    Lisa x

  29. Yay for meet ups and wow that garden looks stunning, fab photos
    Clare x

  30. How fun you got to meet up with Chrissie, she is the best. So glad you had fun together.

  31. Your photos are beautiful. You seem to have had a great day. Joan at

  32. It looks like a wonderful day out - and great that you continued at home - your new plants will be a lovely reminder.

  33. that sounds like a wonderful day, a wonderful dish, and a wonderful bit of gardening. We have spent a lot of time in our garden recently, but one of my favourite things is the small pots and hanging baskets that I planted up with some viola, the colour and the sense of it being my own handiwork brings me happiness every day! xx

  34. Lovely pictures, so glad your day turned out so well after that stressful drive. Love the pictures of the gardens, and that chicken dinner looks great! I am so going to make that. Enjoy half term ;)

  35. Your dinner looks delicious! It's great when inspiration strikes - in any field! I'm sure you felt very stressed trying to find where to go on your day out. I hate it when that happens. Thankfully you got there in the end and had a lovely time.

  36. Not knowing where I am going is my worst nightmare! I feel for you. I'm glad the day got better and your pots look lovely x

  37. I always think in terms of Mr McGregors garden when I'm in a walled garden too. I also manage to turn up late because I got lost with some regularity.

  38. Rest assured it has probably happened to most of us at some point, that horrible "I'm lost and now I'm late" thing. I'm glad you had a great time once you got there and how lovely to meet a fellow blogger. I hope you're having a relaxing half term this week, Gillian xx

  39. Have just found your blog and enjoyed my first visit. I would love to visit West Dean - it's rather far from us here in Edinburgh. Hopefully we'll remain part of the UK and I won't need my passport when I eventually make it there.


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