Sunday 10 June 2012

Sunshine, Thank you and a Question...

Good day to you! Firstly, thank you so very much for all your kind and encouraging words about my knitted cushion. I feel much more confident about showing you simple or imperfect things. You are all wonderful. Also, sorry for such a moany post about the rain seems I am always going on about the weather. It's just that, you know, it is June and a little (little) bit of sun would be appreciated, if only to improve my mood.

And one other thing...I've had a little play around with my blog this week, changing the header photo to something more summery (ha ha) and adding some other buttons down the side. But I cannot get my photo to sit centrally and fill the top of the space. It always aligns to the left. Also, it has gone all pixelated and horrid looking. Why??? Anyone with a "blogger" blog, please could you put me out of my misery and tell me how to achieve a less amateurish looking blog? Thank you in advance. 

This morning the sun shone and it was good. We spent hours in the garden cutting the grass, trimming the hedge, weeding, pruning, tidying and sweeping. Hard work. I have blisters and broke a sweat. Satisfying, outdoorsy, dirt-under-the-finger-nails sort of work, but you feel so good when it is done. The children just roamed around us, playing and chatting and trying to help. We stopped about 1.30 and ate a late lunch of Huevos Rancheros with a cold beer. Then I had a doughnut. I needed to replace those calories I burned this morning, you see...


  1. You are ahead of me on the making your blog look professional thing as I have failed every time I have tried to put a header in. It is a time thing... Will be reading other comments with interest.
    The weather is getting to us all - I was with you. Sweet looking wendy house by the way!

    1. It is a time thing - I wasted an hour last night fiddling about with it before I got all cross and went to bed. (that wendy house was dead cheap off the internet and we painted it. Angus somehow managed to smash one of the acrylic windows last week. Boys...) x

  2. It was lovely and sunny here too. I loved pottering in the garden and it reminded me of your 'pottering' post. I don't particularly like gardening, although I love pretty flowers and would love to grow my own veg. Alas this will remain a daydream as with a naught dog roaming the garden, not much will survive and flourish in our

  3. Ooops pressed the wrong button!

    .... little patch.

    Sorry I can't help with your question, but I will look at the other comments as I would like to have a picture as my header. X

    1. It didn't occur to me that a dog would interfere with gardening, but you've just reminded me of the time my in-law's Jack Russell dug up a load of freshly planted seedlings, and how livid I was! x

  4. Hi Gillian, love the new header photograph. You can give this a go

    I have used this before and it has worked, but make sure you back up your template before you make any adjustments to your blog.

    Hope this helps! x

    1. Hi Jen, thank you very much, I will give it a go. x

  5. Glad you had some sunshine today. Send it southwards please! We had a wet grey day but did manage a visit to the park and some scone making. Had to make 2 batches as I used the wrong flour first time.
    Jon doesn't know anything specific about blogging but he suggested that the pixelated photo might be because either you have resized it or the website you use might have resized it automatically because they have a size limit on photos for the header.
    By the way I referred to your blog today as I needed some help with a little gift I am making. I'm appliquing an initial letter and some pictures onto a cushion cover for a friend's new baby and I needed to check how to use Bondaweb, having got it wrong last time. So thanks for the great instructions. I have to admit I thought maybe the glue on the paper had dried up or hadn't transferred to the fabric as the shape I had cut out wasn't sticking to the cushion cover. It was then that I realised that the iron was turned on.

    1. Whoops, I meant that the iron was turned off.
      Think I need more sleep!

    2. lol! I think Jon is right re the photo - I mucked about with it in Paint and since I have no idea what I am doing...

      Glad I could help with the applique info. Your cushion sounds gorgeous. I quite often get all cross with the iron before realising it is not switched on. xx

  6. I love the new header bright and happy! I am so glad you are enjoying some well deserved sunshine! And yes, I am with you on the potty training as we are not even close! Wish me luck, too!

    1. Thank you Julia! Sadly the sun ran away and it rained all yesterday afternoon and today...but at least we got some gardening done! We've stopped potty training for now as he's not ready. Will try again in a couple of weeks.

  7. Hurray for sunshine and boo for sending the rain to me :) Re: your photo I always resize it to what blogger says before uploading it. If not it goes a bit odd looking. I don't know if that's the reason but it's all I do. Good luck! xxx

    1. Thanks Andrea, I will try that. Your blog header always looks amazing.

  8. Oooh, love huevos rancheros and your blog header is looking good!

    1. Thank you Lottie - I think I will just leave it as it is now!

  9. yay, some sunshine! I like the new blog look and the summery photo. I think the header has something to do with the pixel size of the original image (I seem to remember resizing mine either in iphoto or photoshop to the size recommended on the blogger help section). I spend hours trying to figure out how to change things on my blog, it can get so frustrating at times! Hopefully Jen's link will have the answer! x

    1. Thanks for the tips. Your header looks so professional!

  10. blogger and photos and i don't get on very well either i'm afraid. half the time i spend 2 minutes writing a post and then 22mins trying to get the formatting right. ..

    sending some sunshine your way!

    rachel xo

    1. Thanks Rachel, you are right, I spend way too long faffing with the formatting. (We got rain again today...)

  11. I'm pretty hopeless with Blogger...I'd be the one heading for the beer & doughnuts instead! Sounds as if you made the most of that brief episode of sunshine...

    1. I took that photo a few weeks back during that weekend of hot weather that will now be known as "our summer" if this current weather is anything to go by!

  12. Lovely sunshiney photo, I think it's probably something to do with the size of the image. Not much help I know, I think I just got lucky when I added mine. Not good at the technical bits!

    1. I love yours, that little house with the stitching, so cute.

  13. Oh, look! Blue Sky! Your blog is looking beautifully summery now. I think to get my blog header centred etc I went into the blog design and played around with the width of the columns. I also made my header in Photoshop to the width they recommended.

    1. I tried that but it made my blog so narrow and skinny as to be unreadable. How do i find out what the recommended width/pixel size is? x

  14. I see you've sorted it. Lovely header picture :D

    I found it much easier to control things like this using the old interface but it helps too if you can manage HTML and CSS.

    I guess all the folk who post tutorials on how to fix stuff in Blogger will catch up with all the new interface stuff soon. Hope so!

    1. I am slowly feeling my way through it all with very limited knowledge. I am such an idiot though - all I did was try ticking the box that said "shrink image to fit" and it did what i wanted! If only I'd known...


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