Saturday 2 June 2012

Flag Frenzy

1. Flowers from the supermarket (they came with a flag, wrapped in Union Jack cellophane!)
2. Tea towels from Ikea, £1.99 for two.
3. Bottle tops.
4. A regal and delicious cold glass of beer.
5. The Jan Constantine cushion that sits on our bed.
6. A flag in the pots on the front door step.
7. Homemade artwork.

We have gone a bit Union Jack crazy here. All the above images are from our house - I wish I'd had the camera when we were out and about this morning. Everywhere is festooned with union jack flags, bunting, posters. I like it. I like the way our flag is being used in positive, celebratory way. Not many people proudly wave the St George's Flag, the red cross on a white background that is the English flag, these days. I think a lot of people feel it's been hijacked by either football hooligans or the BNP. 

Is there flag waving in your house too? Any American readers...does it get this flag crazy every year for the fourth of July? Us reserved Brits are excitable because these events come along once in a blue moon, but if it was annual, I don't know if we'd be so bothered. But I say Hurrah for the Union Jack (sorry Dad, Union's only a Union Jack when it's on a boat) and all this flag-waving happiness. This busy, diverse, rainy island I live on is not perfect but I like it very much. 


  1. Just put out my bunting! I can hear my dad chuntering about the Union Flag / Union Jack thing. Now to crack open the Pimms - perfect... Enjoy your long weekend!

    1. Thank you, and you! I'd forgotten about the Pimms...I'm off to check mint/lemonade/cucumber supplies in preparation.

  2. I agree with you about living on this island - we have lived in NZ one of the great escape countries. We loved it there but we love it here equally and this country is full of people we love so here we stay.
    I have to get my jubilee fun in by stealth - I live in a very republican household but dotted about my house are pretty teatowels, a jubilee marmite pot (have you seen it - it is fab) and wind up royals. Hip Hip! x

    1. Other countries do seem awfully appealing sometimes (I've always had a hankering to live in France or the US) but I know we will stay here in Blighty. Would love to know more about your time in NZ sometime.

      Please show us your Jublilee martmite pot and wind up royals (maybe a video? just for fun!). I am discovering how many of my friends are republicans - more than i thought!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Ooops...mistake...little one thinks she is Bill Gates! :D

    2. Hee hee - I am surprised Angus hasn't deleted my blog already. Bella goes on the cbeebies website and says she is "checking her blogs"!

  4. Me too....loving all the flags and the children are playing spot the Union Jack *your poor father must be having a hard time with everyone using the wrong name* and getting excited whenever they spot one!

    1. He'll have to cope! He is a stickler for always using the correct name and always calls the microwave the "microwave OVEN" and says "I'm going to get diesel" when everyone else says petrol... Bless him. (Love him really, he's fab.)

      Happy Jubilee to you - have a fantastic weekend! x

  5. I feel a bit sad that we are away from home over this Jubilee weekend as I would have them everywhere!
    There are lots out and about so that willhave to do me!

    1. Well I hope you get some sun wherever you are, as it has rained solidly all day here in Yorkshire. Typical!

  6. Lovely photos ... I'm also really enjoying the chance to celebrate being British and loving the flags everywhere ... lots of colour. Looking forward to the picnic tomorrow! Rain permitting.

    1. Thanks. I do hope the rain didn't ruin your picnic!

  7. My dad sounds like yours ... after growing up with him insisting on the correct usage of Union Flag and Union Jack I automatically say Union Flag. And very pretty your home looks festooned with them. Have a lovely Jubilee weekend Gillian :D

    1. Thanks Annie, and you. Although we aren't feeling so festive in the pouring rain at the moment...

  8. I've seen very few Union flags here. Probably most people avoid them as they are used so much by Rangers supporters and are associated in the West of Scotland with all that Rangers/Celtic, Protestant/Catholic nonsense. I don't think many people here are mad on the Royal Family either but we are glad for the extra holiday, thank you!

    1. I didn't know about the Rangers/Celtic tension re the flag...I can see how that would make me people wary of flag waving. Oh well, hope you enjoy the long weekend.

  9. Hope you're enjoying the jubilee long weekend. The atmosphere in the UK must be lovely at the moment! x

    1. It's fun and festive but it would be a whole lot better if the sun was shining. It is freezing cold and raining here today - we put the heating back on!

  10. Great photos, I love the bottle tops! Im loving all the union flags up everywhere, it looks so pretty down our street. Hope you have better weather tomorrow, we have managed to miss most of the rain here so far! x

    1. Hi Caroline, thanks for stopping by! I too love those bottle tops, I am wondering if I could save them and turn them into something crafty. Probably not. Let the jubilee madness stop!

  11. Love the photos! Those bottle caps and labels are soooo cool.

    No, we don't get so flag crazy on Independence Day each year - probably because it's annual, like you said. But people go firework crazy. I guess Americans really like to blow things up? My, that sounds horrid!

    1. Ah, here we go firework crazy on 5th November (Guy Fawkes Night, or Bonfire Night) and at New Year. I seems a shame that most of the UK fireworks take place during the winter. It must be lovely to sit out on a balmy July evening with a drink and watch firework displays...

  12. Love all the flags and that pillow is awesome! I have been following the Queen's Jubilee via Television and the energy must be amazing over there...Enjoy! Hope the weather clears up for you soon!

    1. The energy is great, there is lots of love for the Royals at the moment! It has rained a lot, but hey, it wouldn't be a British celebration if people didn't moan about the weather.


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