Thursday 21 June 2012

A (Nearly) Finished Front Room

The front room is tidy. And clean. So I have taken photos. I had to physically ban the children from the room for the pictures - they only have to walk into a room for things to magically untidy themselves behind them. Does that happen to anyone else? Please tell me they grow out of it. This is where someone tells me that teenagers are messier than toddlers. 

This room is gratifyingly toy-free as we have a sort of play room area (which we all still call the "extension", even though we built the extension three years ago) with a sofa and tv and lots of toys, and the kids spend most of their time in there during the day.

The sofa is in situ and I am delighted to report that is it marvelously comfortable. We are loving the charcoal grey colour and the comfort and the look of it, and well all of it really.

We found some lovely ready made curtains (I say we - it was John) in IKEA for only £30. I think that is a terrific bargain (she says, lying back on her new sofa with a glass of champagne in one hand). They aren't lined but I like the light and airy look of them, and the wiggly pattern seems to complement the other colours in the room.

Apparently all IKEA curtains come in one size, 3 metres long, so after I'd hemmed them I had enough fabric left for two cushion covers. In my haste to complete and photograph them, I forgot to iron them.

I love the eyelet curtain tops, and the contrast between the grey walls and white ceiling. We always paint the woodwork and ceiling white, I think it shows off the wall colour more.

The chair used to be in our bedroom, where it was a receptacle for all the clothes John is strangely unable to hang up in the wardrobe. Now it sits next to a nest of tables we bought in Habitiat about ten years ago, and I still really love them. The bottom suitcase holds wool, the top one all my sewing clutter.

The walls do look rather bare, I know. We need to find something colourful to hang over the fireplace, and something to go behind the sofa.

In the meantime, I will make do with Kilner jars filled with supermarket peonies.

I hope you like it. I does look very bare and unusually tidy at the moment. I am working on a crocheted granny squares cushion and some embroidered wall hangings. I will, of course (!), show you those whenever they finally get completed.

Thank you for all the kind comments about the grey paint. It's not for everyone, I know! I would have chosen pink if I had full control of the decorating, but that pesky husband of mine likes to interfere.


  1. Your front room looks lovey and very comfortable ~ love the Orla Kiely lamp and cushion too. I'd love to be able to tell you that children get better at making less mess as they get older ~ but in my experience it only gets worse! :O)x

    1. So many people have told me that - I am now fearing the teenage years for so many reasons!

  2. It looks wonderful. We had a playroom (now a junk room really) for all the toys, but the living room and lounge were still filled with toys too. Sorry to say, but they don't get better as they get older, toys are just substituted for teenage things now.

    1. Oh dear, what have I got to look forward to!! I don't mind tidying up after a three and five year old but I think I will be very cross about tidying up after a thirteen and fifteen year old...

  3. Oh it looks beautiful! So calm... My kids just have to walk past something for it to explode into mess. I am envious of the fact you have a play room for them - I think my whole house serves as a playroom, *sigh*

    1. Thank you. The play room is really a play "area" as our house is small and open plan, so don't worry, the whole house is chaos really. In fact Bella has a worrying habit of playing and leaving toys on the stairs - I'm sure one day one of us will end up in A&E!

  4. Looks like MY kind of living room. We have very similar tastes in furniture. I LOVE my Poang chairs! xxx

  5. Gorgeous. It looks lovely and calm.

    Teenagers are indeed more untidy than toodlers - which is even more infuriating as they should know better!

    1. Thank you. I am now officially DREADING the teenage years.

  6. Can I come and experience a space where there is no clutter and clean surface?! Looks beautiful xxx

    1. All toys out of shot or moved to another room... I don't think it's possible to have a truly clutter free house with little ones. (and anyway I love their mess really) x

  7. Ooh it looks gorgeous and calm and comfortable and oh so tidy. What an amazing bargain your curtains were. After our chat about expensive but beautiful John Lewis fabrics you must be pleased to have found (or for John to have found) these! The peonies looks lovely in those jars. We had a peony in the garden at our last house and I loved it. It would die down to just a twig in the winter and then come up again in the summer to produce huge blooms. Might have to get another for our new garden.

    1. Thanks for the IKEA tip - I don't know why but it didn't occur to me to go there for curtains. I would love a peony plant (you should've dug it up and moved it from the old house!) xx

  8. I love the colour, the whole room looks very serene! Sofa looks amazing, and you have peonies (my new favourite)! x

    1. Ah, thank you. I am loving peonies, they are so stuning when they open. They are now vying with tulips for my favourite flower.

  9. It looks lovely Gillian. I have light grey walls in my living room too and have contemplated a darker grey sofa but wasn't sure that they would work - you've proved to me that it looks great! x

    1. Thank you Jen! It hasn't passed the mid-winter light test yet though, but we've seen so little sun in Leeds I feel that it will probably look ok in November. Where oh where is the sun??? x

  10. Your living room looks lovely, Gillian. I like the grey walls -very calming and a great backdrop to the rest of the room. Your little touches are lovely, I especially like the peonies in jars x

    1. Thanks Donna, although if I have to keep replacing the fresh flowers on the mantle piece it's going to be awfully expensive... Better find a print or picture somewhere soon!

  11. Beautiful new sofa! It looks wonderful...very light, bright, and airy! I love the chest and lamp next to the fireplace and the jars filled with peonies are so lovely on the mantle! It really is a beautiful space! Great work!!

    1. Thanks Julia. That chest belonged to my sister - I still can't quiet believe she wanted to get rid of it, I love it!

  12. It looks so grown up and neat and tidy and I'm thoroughly envious.
    Love the grey walls, I'm contemplating grey for our hall (which is way down the list, but a girl can dream). I think you've convinced me!

    1. Grey is my new favourite! But get loads of tester pots and put them everywhere - we found that the shade changed absolutely loads depending on where it was and time of day.

  13. Soft pinks with grey, plus the more vibrant shades of pink, look wonderful - glad you have flowers in the room. Always have flowers, I say. And best to buy single colour bunches and not those awful mixed bunches - do the powers that be in supermarkets think we're incapable of choosing flowers which look good together? A great idea to have them in separate 'vases' (aka Kilner jars.) I sometimes buy just one bunch of flowers and swell it with greenery from the garden. And if you're strapped for cash and flowers are just a step too far, financially, then raid the garden for greenery and berries.
    Margaret P

    1. Hello again Margaret! I am so enjoying your comments. I have a weakness for fresh flowers, I have to seriously keep it in check. I try to grow flowers to pick but my garden is small and I'm not very green fingered so it doesn't always happen. I agree re the supermarket bouquets. It annoys me how they sell everything in ready made bunches. x

  14. It looks just lovely Gillian. I love your pillows and the jars of flowers on the mantle. Perfection.


    1. Ah, thanks Jenny. (And my cushions were envelope backed, not a zipper in sight!) x

  15. Thanks Jooles, it is only serene for the pictures, chaos reigns again now. But it's nice to pretend, just for a moment, that all is calm and pretty! x

  16. Wow, what a perfect, peaceful room! And I love the colours. Nice one!

    We painted ours a few months ago, sort of a sand colour, hubby loves it but I would so much rather have had grey.

    1. Thank you :) All this grey love is very nice indeed. Most out downstairs is painted a sandy colour, I like it very much.

  17. Hi,

    Do you know the make/name of the grey paint on your walls? I love it!


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