Saturday 9 June 2012

Making Our Own Fun

Oh, the rain we have had this week. It feels as though it has rained every day. I don't think it has, but I have that bored, restless, dissatisfied feeling that comes from a wet school holiday. Picnics and farm visits have been cancelled or relocated to indoor soft play centres. We haven't had much garden time, for playing or gardening, not when the rain drums down on the skylight windows like this. 

I've found this week hard work. Bella was very tired and whiny when school broke up, everything was a problem, nothing was right, and she has been like it all week. Stroppy. Angus has also been harder work than normal as we removed his dummy last weekend ("My not need dummy. Dummy for babies.") In hindsight, doing this at the start of half term was foolish, but it was long overdue. He doesn't want a nap anymore. I rely on that little break in the middle of the day to get jobs done, have a little head space, have some one on one time with Bella. But, he is three, and I am lucky he was such a good napper for so long. See how I'm trying to find the positive?

Thank goodness we had the Jubilee celebrations to give the week some focus and colour (and an excuse to eat a lot of cake). Thank you Abigail for my lovely mug, what a wonderful surprise.

We've made our own fun. The kids never tire of trying on my shoes, and I never tire of finding it entertaining. Like when they try on my sunglasses, it always makes me laugh.

Especially when Angus is still in his "monster" pyjamas.

Plants have been admired and watered (she grew this at school - they are doing "growing" at the moment).

In between rain showers I have been perking up some furniture with the help of little people. It's a job that has taken all week, done in piecemeal, waiting for coats of paint to dry, done whenever I have a spare minute. I'll show you the finished result next week.

Bella wanted to do some sewing (yes!) without any pressure from me, honest. She drew a plate filled with apples, oranges, grapes and bananas onto the white linen with a fading pen. Then she wants to sew over the lines with thread. She has started on an apple, in green. It requires patience and endless needle threading from me, but she seems really motivated by it.

Her design reminds me of the beautifully detailed, whimsical Palmers Cove and First Eats tea towels from Anthropologie. What can I say, my girl's got taste.

Image from:$uk-zoom-5x$

She "hemmed" the edges:

I've been doing a bit of sewing too (theme Wizard of Oz, not Gay Pride):

Meanwhile, Angus assembled a Playmobil snack kiosk at the top of some battlements on his fort. Handy for any attacking troops who fancy a milkshake and apple on their way to do some raping and pillaging.

We ended on a high note though, with a trip to see Peppa Pig Live at the West Yorkshire Playhouse, followed by lunch out at a Chinese buffet with a pretty spectacular all you can eat ice cream selection.

What about you, have you had a nice week? Have you had ANY sun? I hope you've had fun wherever you are. Thank you so much for being here and for reading, and a very warm welcome to my new followers. x


  1. Oh I hope the sun shines for you all soon! I looks like you have come up with some fun rainy day activities to keep everyone busy. The playhouse by your driveway is so lovely...what a great space for little ones to play and pretend! And what a big week for Angus. I hope it continues to go well without the dummy. My daughter has not asked for her pacifier in about two weeks now, Yay!! She does still nap, thank goodness as I do appreciate that break every afternoon, but she does not go to bed until around 10:00 p.m. at night. Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Me too Julia! 10 pm bedtime, gosh. At least I can put Angus to bed at 7pm and he's so tired he just falls asleep in an instant! Next step, potty training...wish me luck. x

  2. Ooh more lovely photos! Bella's sewing is wonderful and I love Angus' Playmobil scene. Very practical indeed. The mug is great, is it Emma Bridgewater? Looking forward to seeing the results of your furniture painting.
    Our week was similarly frustrating due to the weather but we did have some lovely days out in between rain showers. It has been nice to spend time with the girls without having to frequently check the time for pre school drop off or pick ups. xxx

    1. Yes, it's Emma Bridgewater, a lovely surprise parcel from Abi. I know what you mean about the clock watching. It's so nice to have a break from rushing to drop off and pick up and constantly checking my watch. Plus the long lazy mornings with multiple cups of tea.

  3. The weather has bad timing but you looked like you got through it! Love the sewing and Angus looks very chic :)

    1. After that epic moan I feel like I got it out of my system. We saw a peek of blue sky today, fingers crossed!

  4. haha, love the playmobil snack kiosk, brilliant! rain here too, it must end soon! x

    1. The kids make me so weather focused. But living in the UK I guess we have to expect rubbish rainy summers...

  5. What a dismal week its been - I've almost been glad to be at work rather than working to entertaining small people in the damp.

    Very excited at the sneak peak of the Oz embroidery :)

    1. Ooh, I really hope you like it! Should have it finished to bring along to yours for crochet fun. x

    2. Oooooh even more excited now.

  6. Oh how funny when, you said 'Not Gay Pride', you see, one of my friends took his mother's brolley to work forgetting his mother is gay? i think he is still trying to live it down. Anyway, I love your little ones sewing. Such a beautiful craft for her to enjoy. Love the snack kiosk, perhaps our politicians could learn a lesson from this, a snack and a smoothie and lets settle this! X Roberta

    1. What a good idea! That made me laugh! Milkshakes at all UN summits from now on, world peace will be sorted in moments.

  7. Lovely family moments! Miss playmobil though we still have the pirate ship in the attic. Know what you mean about the rain.

    1. Playmbobil is great - I love how it's not marketed at boys or girls but both, so both of mine can play with it together.

  8. Yum, that ice cream selection looks scrummy. Was it the Chinese on New York Street? I've heard lots of good reports about that, I keep meaning to try it out. Love the hairy head, I remember my kids making those when they were young, such excitement when the 'hair' starts to grow. It's so lovely that Bella enjoys sewing. It's something I've never been able to do, so I was determined to encourage Eleanor. She's taken textiles as one of her options at school, of which a large part is sewing, and she really enjoys it.

    1. It was Red Hot on the Headrow. Good for kids, especially my fussy eaters, as they could try a little of everything.

      I wish I could've studied textiles at school, how lovely!

  9. Replies
    1. I know, i do sometimes think that five is the perfect age to be.

  10. I loved reading this post! The pic of Angus in your heels is great and well done to Bella on her sewing. I particularly love the hemming! x

    1. Ah, thank you. Those types of everyday life posts are always fun to write. They made me realise that, in hindsight, we actually had quite a fun week!

  11. I love your daughter's sewing! And her earlier picture of the Queen. You should save both of these:)

    1. I have, I save everything, it's ridiculous! Thank you though.


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