Sunday 17 June 2012

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day! John has to work today so we spoiled him this morning with some presents. I saw this personalised apron on a few weeks ago and knew I wanted to order one for John. He loves to cook (in that very male way of avoiding shopping lists and weekday suppers, but excelling in weekend extravagance) and always moans about my "chintzy" aprons. So I ordered him one. I really liked the dictionary style typography and the way it could be personalised. He really does make the best chilli and ragu sauce ever. And chocolate cupcakes, which is the only cake baking he will tolerate.

I've know John for almost fourteen years, since we were twenty (so young!) when we met at university. In many ways we have grown up together. I have loved, LOVED, watching him become a father. I have fallen in love with him more since having children. He adapted to the chaos of early parenthood far better than I, and is definitely what you would call "hands on". He has done his fair share of night feeds and nappies. He's not perfect, but has a style of parenting that is much more relaxed than mine. If I go out for the day and he has the kids alone, I invariably return to happy chaos. I like to watch the three of them on the sofa watching tv together, one child under each arm, all snuggled in.

And Happy Father's Day to my own Dad too. Another stellar parent who shows his love by fixing and mending and being useful and knowledgeable in all situations. Dad, I hope that the tide is high, the wind strong and the sun shining, so that you can squeeze in a sail today. My Dad has a lovely relationship with Angus, and I love to watch them looking at books together. My Dad will sneak off with the newspaper, hoping for a little quiet time, and Angus will wordlessly go to the book case, choose some books, then climb up onto my Dad's lap, pushing the newspaper to one side.

And lastly, I am thinking of people I know whose fathers are no longer with us, who will be missing them very much today. A sad day and a happy one.


  1. What a great apron, it makes it really special when it can be personalised like that.

    1. Not on the highstreet is brilliant for personalised gifts, I have to severely restrict myself whenever I go on there!

  2. What sweet words for your husband. I love the apron and the fact that he cooks to the Beastie Boys. (Sabotage!)

    1. I think he's hoping to educate the children musically! They like to dance to it. But they are 3 and 5 so think that everything he does is amazing - I say wait till they are teenagers!

  3. I love the apron and the tribute to your man.

    1. Thanks - the apron is great, I'm really glad I ordered it.

  4. Lovely words for two brilliant dads. You actually made me cry! x

    1. Ah...well we are lucky to have a very brilliant Dad, aren't we. xxx

  5. Such a lovely post! (And I love the apron!) x

    1. Thanks. I don't even think John's read it! (tut tut)

  6. Lovely post and such a great personalised present. x

  7. Lovely - watching our husbands become fathers is wonderful isn't it...even if they don't always do it quite the was we think they should ;)

  8. such a beautiful post. I sadly lost my dad when I was little, but it is so touching to read such lovely father's day posts. brilliant apron by the way!

    1. I'm sorry Charmaine - yesterday must've been a hard day. x

  9. Really lovely post Gillian, enjoyed reading it a lot. I love my husband-as-father as well - really sweet to see him with the kids.

    1. Thanks Lottie. It's like you see a whole other side to them that your never knew was hiding in there when they become Dads.


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