Thursday 30 May 2019

Half Term

We've worked so hard since Saturday, especially John and my Dad, and I'm really pleased with the progress we've made on the house this week.

We began by emptying the spare room and office of furniture, no small task because, as you can see, they are a bit of a dumping ground.

On Sunday we pulled up the laminate and carpet, removed the old skirting boards, and took it all to the tip.

John spent bank holiday Monday building a frame to box in the horrible upvc window panel in the office. It took him most of the day but I can already see what a difference it makes, helping the room look more finished and less like a utility room.

On Tuesday and Wednesday John and my Dad laid the new flooring, the same as we had in the living room and hall. We had a lot left over so only needed to buy a few more boxes.

And today they fitted the skirting boards.

Tomorrow involves lots of filling and sanding so that we can start decorating the room, which will be Bella's bedroom (I'll go into that more later - it's musical bedrooms here!) But that's where we are for now. 

While John was laying floors, my Mum and I were busy in IKEA, choosing a wardrobe and bookcase for Bella's room among lots of other things, and Bella chose some new things for her room.

She has a great eye, and there is a theme emerging of blush pink, mustard and lots of plants. (I am very proud.)

I also treated myself to a few things for the house, including this gorgeous mat which holds together really nicely the bits I like to keep on the kitchen table.

A new mustard velvet cushion came home with me....

and this plant and basket.

I remembered that I needed a new apron, and was delighted to find one that had those two apron essentials: a front pocket and long ties so that you can knot the apron at the front, not awkwardly behind you. I also bought new tea towels. I love buying tea towels.

On a whim, I tried these curtains in our bedroom that had previously been hanging in the spare room downstairs. I had to let them down a little, but they look so much better than the navy ones which were there before, and feel like I got a brand new pair of curtains for nothing! We bought this pair ten years ago for our house in Leeds and I had gone off them a bit, but hung onto them because they were really good quality (most of out curtains are cheap as chips from IKEA). The navy ones I took down will go in Bella's new bedroom so nothing is wasted here.

Yesterday it rained all day and I indulged in an afternoon of solid baking. I made tea loaf, chocolate covered flapjacks and tried a new recipe, red velvet brownies from a Hummingbird Bakery recipe book. (I can't find the exact recipe online but if you search you will find lots of similar recipes.) They aren't really chocolately enough to be called brownies, but they are delicious, a bit like a red velvet cheesecake tray bake.

Today we got out into the fresh air for a walk, and everything was so green. May is always the greenest month, with all the leaves so vibrant and bright before they start to slowly fade, and the woods were glorious today.

The cow parsley is as frothily beautiful as ever.

So, that's half term. One more day of working on the room plus all the usual housework, then Saturday is John's birthday so we'll have a day off then and do something nice, if the weather is cooperative. Fingers crossed.


  1. Bella's room is going to be lovely. It feels really good to clear a room that is full of clutter and make it all nice. Enjoy the rest of half term x

  2. Ah ha! Heidi is 11 and has chosen navy and mustard for her new room when we finish building it. She had a navy Orla Kiely duvet cover and is always drawn to that mustard colour in clothes and decor. Good Luck with it all. I have 88 metres of skirting board to wax for our new house this weekend - the whole house worth! Looking good. Jo x

  3. Wow what a difference the boxing makes on the window panel and the new flooring. I love these new velvety soft cushions - DH hates cushions so I have to sneak them in.
    Bella will love her new room when it is finished - she has chosen some lovely bits and pieces.

  4. Hello. I really like your blog. I get a lot of inspiration from him. I hope to see Bella's room soon. I think it will be beautiful.)

  5. It all looks beautiful. The woods look spectacular. I'd love to walk in those.
    My 14yr old is going away for a month on monday with school. She doesn't know it but we are going to buy her a double bed. I've purchased a charcoal doona cover and dusty pink flannelette sheets. I was thinking of putting one accent pillow on the bed and she can decorate as she wishes later on. You've got me thinking that a trip to Ikea might be in order. I can't wait to see her face when she gets home. She thought she was getting one for her 16 birthday - 18 mths away. Another huge suprise the day after she gets home is her Penpal of 7 years is flying over from Colorado, USA to Melbourne Australia and they have never met. Fun times ahead.

  6. Great taste in bedroom decor, Bella! All looking rather lovely... Enjoy the rest of half term

  7. Love the bromeliad, you have reminded me that I used to have one. A pineapple relative if memory serves. I am introducing more houseplants here at the moment, strategically placed away from the dog. You're making a beautiful job of it all, glad you had a good and productive week. I am envying you your rain, it is ridiculously dry here, the grass is going brown. Have a lovely weekend. CJ xx

  8. what a brilliant idea to box in the window! We had windows with no windowsills in our first house - I wish I'd had this idea. It would have made such a difference. Well done you. It's looking good!

  9. You've been very busy, hope Bella likes her new space when she moves in. Yummy looking baking, Cathy x

  10. The red velvet brownies look so good! I also love the new mat you bought for the dining table. I need something like that to hold bits and pieces on my dining table.

  11. Lovely progress! I am keen on my IKEA finds and came home with a little basket in which I have a Shamrock plant on a small round table in my front window. Happy Birthday, John! :) xx


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