Sunday 3 September 2017

Fruit and Flowers

Thank you so much for your comments on my holiday embroidery. I'm really glad you liked it, and I really appreciate that so many of you took the time to say so. A few people have asked if embroidery is hard and how I learnt. It is not hard at all, but it is time consuming and you need patience. I am by nature a very impatient person, so you'd think I'd prefer whizzing things up on the sewing machine, but no, hand sewing is a relaxing indulgence for me. As for learning, well I am learning new and better ways all the time. I am a beginner, an enthusiastic hobbyist, and have never been on any courses or anything like that. I remember sewing a little with my mum and Grandma as a child, but I didn't really pick it up again until a few years ago. I just sort of feel my way and go to YouTube when I need to learn a stitch, like French Knots. I worry that people think embroidery is a lot harder than it actually is and are put off for fear of doing it "wrong". For me there are no rules, I don't care how untidy the back of my work is, I just enjoy the process, the colours and the textures. So if you are thinking that you might like to try it, just start. Just play around with colours and threads on a small piece of fabric. It's fun, I promise.


The changing of the seasons has been really noticeable this weekend. Yesterday was warm and sunny but today it's wet, windy and about ten degrees cooler. I've spent the day in the kitchen, cooking for the week ahead and making a big chilli for tonight's dinner. 

All the photos above were taken in West Dean Gardens last week, or perhaps the week before - the days are rolling into one and the weather makes it feel like so much longer ago. It was beautiful though and I think it's lovely there whatever time of year you go, especially with all the glasshouses. At the moment there are still the most stunning dahlias, and apples and pears growing on the trees, and we went for a long walk through the surrounding woodland with my family, picking blackberries and collecting feathers, before finishing the day with a cream tea.

I made another trip to the Pick Your Own farm in the week, buying green beans, corn on the cob and yes, more dahlias.  

It's been another busy week but I've tried really hard to carve out some quiet time at home, although that does seem to inevitably get spent on housework and chores, before work starts tomorrow. I had a long list of things I wanted to get done over the holidays: decorating, cleaning out the garage, sorting through the filing cabinet, tackling some jobs around the house and garden. We did get most of them done.

As well as my France embroidery, I've had a few crochet projects on the go this holiday. I made a wall hanging for Bella's bedroom using some leftover cotton yarn. I made it in exactly the same way that I made this one, for anyone who might be interested. 

I've been cooking a lot, baking cakes and cookies, and stewing fruit. I love the plums cooked with a little sugar and spice on top of porridge or yogurt. And I've been peeling, coring and slicing apples from my sister's garden for the freezer. It's a tedious job but it's great to pull out a bag of frozen apples, one of blackberries and another of crumble mixture and have created a pudding with minimal effort. 

Do you remember the crocheted vegetables I made for the school I work in? I've started on the fruit. 

I was hoping to have them done by the start of the school year but there just isn't going to be time.

As I'd hoped they are just as much fun to crochet as the vegetables were and I am thoroughly enjoying this project.

Finally, I'm delighted that this blog has been nominated again for an Amara Interior Blog Award! Thank you so much to whichever person nominated me, I can't tell you how much it means to me. It's a popular category and there are some big blogs in there so it's stiff competition, but if you would like to vote for me then that would be absolutely lovely, and you can do so here. I hope you know how much joy I get from sharing my love of crafting and interior design with you all here.


  1. How exciting to be nominated again. You deserve it. I love that you're making crocheted fruit. Your photos them are very clever. I really like the wall-hanging too, the colors are perfect. It sounds like you've had a very nice weekend.

  2. I love the dahlia's and crocheted fruit! (and the French embroidery)!

  3. I am so impressed with your beautiful, clever work and you share the info using such glorious photos. I voted for you! Good luck and keep up the great work!

  4. Well done on the nomination, it's very well deserved. I love the gardens, especially those glasshouses with the citrus, wonderful. I always like to have a freezer full of prepared fruit for crumbles as well. Must get on and tackle those windfalls that are piling up here. Have a great week Gillian. CJ xx

  5. Just cast my vote for you. Those gardens are gorgeous and I'm very envious of your stewed plums - our tree didn't have a single one this year! Your wall hanging for Bella is lovely too, and coordinates beautifully with the wallpaper. xx

  6. I have voted and I hope you win. Your work is beautiful and you present it all so beautifully for your readers to enjoy. Good luck. Catriona

  7. I have voted and then remembered I hadn't said how much I love the quality of your photos - they are so sharp. Thank you for your marathon comments on my blog, you are a big softie. Love Jo x

  8. Great post Gillian & the garden photos are stunning. Your crochet fruit is realistic, as I didn't spot the strawberry until I twigged that you weren't just saying you were going to do it, but had done some. Clever! Crafty hobbies are good for us, so they say & glad you enjoy all that you do, then share as well. Thanks & take care.

  9. I have got to get to West Dean Farm some time! It looks amazing. And those dahlias... gorgeous. Love the crocheted fruit, too. You are so industrious and creative, Gillian, I am full of admiration. Hope your first week back goes well. Sam x

  10. Those wonderful dahlias made me sigh with envy! (Not envious in a negative way, of course!)
    The crocheted fruit looks great, and I imagine they are fun to make, too.

    As if the weather knew the calendar, it changed noticeably here, too, on the 1st of September. We were still at 32 Celsius on Wednesday, but by Friday, a cold morning at 9 Celsius, grey skies and rain - it felt like moving from high summer into autumn in the space of two days.
    The sun has come back, and we've enjoyed a lovely walk and sunshine on stone walls over the weekend, but summer is definitely over. I have even been lighting candles in my living room for the evenings, as it gets dark so much earlier now. I want to hold on to summer but look forward to "proper" autumn at the same time.

  11. Enjoying the crochet fruit pictures. Well done on being nominated.

  12. You got my vote! I love seeing all your beautiful pictures and reading about your life. It amazes me all the things you accomplish in your busy days. You're such a talented woman and very deserving of this award!

  13. Your photos are stunning, the crochet fruit are brilliant especially with their counterparts. All the best with your award. I'm intrigued by your 'cooking for the week ahead. A book I read described a character preparing a weeks worth of basics for her father. Potatoes - peeled and chopped, pastry etc. I'm never that organised, though I do plan a weeks worth of menus (main meal) on the Sunday. It's on the diary above the radio, though I still get asked 'what's dor dinner?' Cathy x

  14. wonderful post~ always enjoy seeing what you will cook too...we are over run this year with apples in our hilly plot~ so i can see crumbles, pies and tarts for at least two months worth hehe! dahlias ;) especially when they're on the turn they have a beautiful burnt edge look to them like dried flowers...such beauty ;)

  15. Gosh, you cram so much in to your time, Gillian! With regard to preparing apples, I recommend this gadget: We have three prolific apple trees in our garden and it has definitely saved my sanity!

  16. Hey Gillian,
    Delighted about the nomination, my friend! And really loving the colours in your pictures; all those rich fruity tones contrasting with the paler hues of the dahlias and wall hanging. The national dahlia collection is not far from me; all the different varieties in one field. It really is amazing.
    Leanne xx

  17. Oh. My. Goodness. What a gorgeous post, so many lovely images to inspire. Thanks Gillian. Now I've added West Dean Garden to my (long) list of 'must go to'.


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