Tuesday 22 March 2016

Midweek Happies

Inspired by Jennifer, I bring you a random collection of things which have made me happy recently.

Angus. He has exasperated me lately, but he has also made me laugh and smile a lot, most particularly when he took it upon himself to give himself a hair cut. His fringe was, apparently, annoying him and so he found some scissors and (leaning over his bin - no mess!) hacked away at the offending hair. Just as we were about to leave for a birthday party, I noticed his odd haircut. I couldn't tell him off as I was laughing too much.

We called in at the hairdressers on the way home and they did their best. It's incredibly short. When Angus saw it he said "My forehead looks really big now Mummy!"

I also had a very, very long overdue haircut, but not a DIY job. I spent last Saturday morning getting my trimmed and coloured and when the stylist dried it, she asked if I'd like the ends curled. Why not, I thought? I had pretty, swishy hair all weekend and felt brilliant. A new hair cut and being about to finally do up my skinny jeans - these things add spring to one's step.

Watching the blossom on the ornamental cherry tree in the garden. It's a bit sparse, but beautiful to look at none the less.

Bella the bookworm. She was so excited with her pile of library books after Saturday's visit and spent all weekend with her nose in a book. So like me at that age.

Watching the light move around the house, especially the bright late afternoon sun which shines longer each day.

A recent walk to a favourite spot, always so peaceful.

Observing my mum with four of her six grandchildren on that walk. Without anyone saying anything, all children gravitated towards Nana, where they orbited her throughout the afternoon, fighting to hold her hand, asking her things, telling her things, searching her pockets for chocolate buttons. Us parents can only walk along behind. 

The blossom and blooms, suddenly everywhere. 

Setting the table with Angus for our Sunday evening meal. Roast chicken followed by sticky toffee pudding. John cooks, I clear up, and kids eat everything in sight. It's one of my favourite things, our Sunday meals, the best way to end a weekend.

Thank you for your lovely recent comments on our living room and my blanket. I so enjoyed reading them all. I always read all the comments but I am sorry if it sometimes takes me a while to answer questions or emails. As soon as Easter comes I will do some serious housekeeping, blogging and otherwise.


  1. Gillian, these are wonderful happies. It feels so good to stop and think about them, doesn't it? I love all of yours, especially the photo of your mother with the grandchildren. She is such a wonderful grandmother. Angus is so funny with his hair; I can't believe neither of mine has ever done that. He looks fine with the fix-up. Your hair looks lovely too. I'm glad to hear your dieting is paying off. I bet you look great in your skinny jeans! I hope you're having a good week so far, my friend.

  2. LOVE Angus' haircut! I remember a friend of my daughter who spent an entire year growing out her fringe and then went to another friend's house where they had a merry afternoon playing hairdressers - you can guess the rest. Unfortunately, her mother didn't find it quite so funny! Love your curls too. Have a Happy Easter. xx

  3. Oh your hair looks gorgeous! I cut mine short a while ago and though I'm really happy with my hair I sometimes miss my long hair!
    And I would have laughed at Angus too. My nephews cut their hair themselves also, a while ago. They both looked hilarious but were very sad when the hairdresser had to cut their hair very short to fix evertyhing. I guess that's an experience that a lot of children make! ;-)
    I love your little collage of happy things!

  4. That's a really lovely post, I love sunday dinner time, I love everyone sitting down eating and chating. Yes grandparents have that thing where grand children just want to be with them. Love the postxx

  5. A post of things that make you smile - what could be nicer. Your son sounds like a proactive person which is good! I had a swishy, salon-hair moment a few weeks back which is unusual for me as I normally rush home and wash it out! Yours looks fab. Love that photo of your mum. It's what it's all about. Have a great Easter. Sam x

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I love your happies. My brother sat my sister on an upturned bucket when they were much much younger & proceeded to cut away after placing a bowl on her head. The shot of your mum with her grandchildren is just so lovely. xx

  8. Lovely photos, as always.
    Margaret P

  9. Such a wonderful photo of grandma and her little ones, they are blessed to have her. I had to laugh at your son's haircut, don't they all do that at some point?
    Hugs to you,

  10. Lots of lovely things there, but the one that resonates most with me is all that blossom. Beautiful. I hope there's another happy week ahead for you.

  11. A lovely midweek catchup and Spring is certainly in the air down south. Love the photo of your Mum with her grandchildren. I too had a haircut last week, but went all the way back to quite short, but I think Angus's attempt was funny. Best he learn to tell you when it is annoying him and Bella is certainly growing up and looking like a lovely young lady already. I too read a lot in my growing years, even with a torch under the bedclothes. Have a great Easter and take care.

  12. Oh Angus! what is it about kids and cutting their own hair! Your hair looks great by the way :-) Lovely seeing your daughter with her head stuck in a book x

  13. I love all of these, especially Nana and the grandchildren. My eldest had no fringe throughout all of Reception - her class photo from that year is priceless :) xx

  14. Nice one Angus. I have a wonderful photo of the littlest boy when he gave himself a really short haircut. It's the only photo I have of him where he's not laughing or jumping. He was having a crisis of confidence and wondering if he should have done it after all. He cut the whole centre section of his hair from forehead to back of neck to around 2mm. The sides were still long. I let him walk around like it for a few days before we went to the barbers. He'd hidden the hair all over the place, behind curtains, under the sofa, behind drawers. I was finding it for weeks. Oh it's a good memory and the photo is a classic. I recommend you print yours off and stick it up in the kitchen for all time. CJ xx

  15. I have a gorgeous black and white photo of my daughter aged six taken a day or two after she had used her first proper scissors to cut her fringe and, just like Angus, she tidied away the evidence in her bin. I wasn't cross, but I remember feeling guilty leaving her unsupervised with scissors! I am enjoying gardening and cycling off-road on dry tracks and the afternoon light too. I love this time of year and always feel amazingly energetic. I find that my jeans fit me so much better once I've put the first potatoes in the ground - nothing like digging to whittle the waist. Your Sunday evening sounds perfect - we used to do the same. Aren't we lucky our husbands can produce a wonderful roast dinner. And, finally, like mother like daughter. Mine is now at university reading English literature and having the best time and my son has just come back from Copenhagen where he has been researching sustainable transport for his thesis. It is no mystery to me why the Danes are so happy - they are a nation of cyclists. A lovely group of happy moments Gillian, thank you.

  16. Great photos and moments, Gillian! ;)

  17. Great photos and moments, Gillian! ;)

  18. Gillian, your family looks great and so united... aww, holding grandmothers hands - what a lovely picture!
    Wishing you to have more such joyful moments and days! Hugs!

  19. Dear Gillian, this was a wonderful read, thank you! When I come across a post like this, it makes me believe that not all is bad in this world. I am generally of rather optimistic (some would say naive) disposition, but with so much horrible stuff going on in the world, it is hard not to despair sometimes.
    Your kids are very, very lucky to have you as a family!
    The photo of Bella reading is my favourite of this lot. I am not kidding, it could win awards - totally unposed, perfectly capturing a moment.

  20. Oh Angus that is so funny. Two girls once did it to each other in class when I taught reception - I had to take them out to their parents at the end of the day and explain but it was accepted well. Have a happy Easter weekend. Jo x

  21. Happy Springtime! Looks like some lovely days...

  22. I love the photo of your mum with the grandchildren. It's the same for our kids when we're with my in-laws, especially with granddad. They won't play with anyone else if he's around. Angus' DIY hair cut made me laugh too, but also glad to see it was sorted at the hairdressers :-)

  23. We have recently moved house Gillian and I too am enjoying noticing things like the cherry blossom in the garden, that nice sunny spot by the window where I plan to put a reading chair, that sort of thing. Agree with you on the Sunday night meal - I love all 5 of us sitting together to round off our weekend. Perfect! x

  24. What a lovely warm, gentle post which shared a little of the happy with us. X

  25. Would you like to have a cheerful spouse? I have a straightforward proposal for ladies and it doesn't include nourishing or satisfying your man. Rather you get the chance to send him away to man camp where he will encounter his own type of bliss. Men know the significance of these male improving vacations. Luckily, more ladies are getting a charge out of the products of their cheerful camper spouses.

  26. oh boy, that is one severe fringe ha ha. He's done well to brazen it out! Loving your posts, just can't be arsed to comment very often - sorry, my bad. Think your style is spot on - and a little bit different. Like it. A lot. Happy pastel Easter ;)

  27. Hey Gillian,
    Angus and his diy haircut reminds me of a fab school picture of my brother. He had hacked a huge chunk from his fringe during at school, and then had to sit for the official school photo later that day. It's hilarious, and me and my sister often laugh about it. Ben (my brother) has always been very, very handsome. But in this picture he looks like a Victorian sideshow!
    How I love a happies post.
    Leanne xx

  28. Oh I did giggle at Angus! What a lovely photo of your mum and the children.
    Hope you are all having a great Easter.
    Lisa x

  29. Lovely photographs! I particularly like the one of your Mum with all the grand children. Very touching X

  30. some fabulous moments Gillian, especially the haircut!! Wishing you a wonderful spring x


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