Wednesday 16 December 2015

Peppermint Bark

Hello! How are you all? Hanging in there? It's still complete madness here, but we're smiling. Every day seems to bring some kind of school event, party or nativity. Angus needed three different fancy dress costumes this week. Yes, three. The children swing between moods that are happy, excited, tearful and downright unreasonable. They - we - are very tired and are all looking forward to Friday. But I have to say that Christmas in a primary school is a pretty delightful thing. It's hard to feel too bad about the stresses of the season when there is so much unbridled joy and innocent anticipation coming from all those small people (who I have grown rather fond of). Thank you also for your lovely comments on my last post. I wondered whether I'd overshared, but sometimes you need to be honest. I choose to share and celebrate the things in life that make me happy on this blog, but sometimes there are all kinds of other things going on at the same time.

Anyway, here is a fabulous idea I saw recently for a last minute gift, for teachers or anyone else. Not everyone, I've found, likes jam or chutney. We get through at least a jar of jam a week in this house, and an awful lot of chutney too, but not everyone is the same. Quite a lot of time and effort goes into making preserved gifts and sometimes you need something from the kitchen which is a little quicker and easier.

Peppermint bark is essentially chocolate, any kind, melted and combined with crushed pieces of candy cane, then broken up into shards when it's set. You could do anything with this basis for an idea though; add dried fruits, nuts, broken biscuits, honeycomb. You could layer one type of chocolate upon another or swirl them together to create a marbled effect. It's a very child friendly gift to make and, a bonus for me, it doesn't matter how neat it is. In fact, it's supposed to look a bit messy I think. 

To make a batch I used 400 grams of chocolate with 12 candy canes (they came in a small box of 12 from Sainsburys for £1) and a little peppermint essence. You don't have to use this but I wanted my bark to taste quite minty. I made two batches, one with white and one with dark chocolate. I put a teaspoon of peppermint essence in the 400 grams of dark chocolate for a stronger flavour, and only half a teaspoon in the white chocolate batch for a milder, creamier sweetness.

Melt the chocolate, either over a pan of simmering water or in the microwave. Blitz most of the candy canes in the food processor so that you have a mixture of crumbs and small chunks. Stir this into the melted chocolate and pour it onto a baking tray lined with a greaseproof paper. With a sharp heavy knife, break the remaining candy canes into larger chunks and sprinke over the top. Leave to set in a cool place, but not the fridge. I covered my trays with clingfilm and put them in the garage. 

When they're set remove them from the tin and break up randomly into smallish chunks.

This bit is fun. The chocolate more bends than snaps but it's easy to get similar sized chunks. I layered one piece of white with one of dark chocolate in little cellophane gift bags. Add a ribbon and a spare candy cane if you have one and hey presto, a lovely homemade present.

One batch, with 400 grams of chocolate, will give you three generous bags of chocolate bark. I reckon it cost about £3.50 to make, so that's just over £1 a bag (not including things like ribbons and whatnot) which is pretty good value.


  1. An excellent gift!! I love peppermint bark and was wondering about making some myself. You have inspired me to try! xx p.s. you didn't overshare, you were just honest and that is never wrong if it feels like the right thing to do. xx

  2. Yum, I really enjoy peppermint bark. One of my daughter's school friends gave it out as her birthday treat in class the other day. I think those are the prettiest candy canes I've ever seen.

  3. I remember reading about this last year and thinking 'I must make this' and here I am again thinking exactly the same again. Doh! I so need to get a seasonal calendar together.

    ps thank you for being so brave to share with us, hugely generous of you :-)xx

  4. What a great idea and it looks so pretty wrapped up with ribbon and a candy cane. Only 2 more days to go - hang in there. xx

  5. Mmm, it sounds delicious and it looks really pretty. No doubt it will be very well appreciated. We're having the whole gamut of excitement, tears and unreasonableness here as well. But you're right, primary school Christmas is excellent. Candlelight carol service tomorrow, should be wonderful, it's my favourite bit. Then the long-awaited Christmas Jumper Day. Enjoy the rest of the week Gillian. CJ xx

  6. This just looks so yummy! Thanks for sharing. Your blog is delightful and I really appreciated your last post as well. We all have those difficult moments and days! So nice to be able to share that as well as all the loveliness.

  7. Hmmm... I have never tried to make this, but I think I have all the ingredients and you are so right it will make a lovey gift, and so stylish the way you have packaged it, Gillian. Thanks for posting the idea! I have fond memories of working at the elementary school around the holidays and am glad you are finding some joy in the midst of the busyness :) xx

  8. It's a great idea and makes a personal - not ready-bought - gift that won't just stand around and collect dust. Love it!

  9. Interesting, as I've never heard of peppermint bark. I'd probably enjoy though, as I like chocolate and peppermint. Thanks. Take care.

  10. Love the minty bark. I've been making it for several years and it always goes down a treat. Such a good idea to add the candy cane to the gift bags.

  11. That looks fabulous, I definitely want to try that and you definitely didn't overshare in your last post. It's good to get things out of your head sometimes and I'm glad you have a loving family who are supporting you through the difficult times. Much love xxx

  12. Quick and easy and tastes good, what's not to like!
    I have to say working in a school for the short time I did - Christmas was great - seeing those little faces being so excited- priceless.
    Lisa x

  13. These chocolate looks so super tasty! Looks delicious! I think I should try to do it.

  14. Genius and so quick. Saving this post. Jo x

  15. This is a great idea - quick, easy and doesn't cost much. And they're packed so nicely. I bet the teachers loved them! We made chocolate oat treats for the teachers. They're very easy to make too. Have a great weekend! X

  16. Hey Gillian,
    After seeing this on your instagram account. Me and Olly made it as little gifts for his chums. And I've added son to my homemade gift boxes too. I think it's fab, so thanks for sharing.
    Leanne xx

  17. Great idea! I must remember this for next year. x

  18. Great idea! I must remember this for next year. x

  19. What a wonderful idea, thank you so much. Happy Holidays,

  20. This is such a nice idea! I have made peppermint fondant chocolate a few times, mainly for my husband as he loves it, but I never thought of using candy canes. Great idea, and very pretty too X


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