Friday 8 November 2013


Hello! Happy Friday. Thank you for your nice comments on my last post, I had fun taking those sparkler photos. And hello new followers and readers, it is lovely to have you here. Making and baking for Christmas gifts continues. I have an amazing list. I am so good at lists. I have about ten things that are in progress, the same number at the, ahem, "planning stage" and one finished gift, a doll for my niece. I am so pleased with how it turned out but I'll wait until I've made the second, for my other niece, before I show you. The are sister-dolls for sister-nieces. I fear I may have slightly over-egged the gift making - I hope you're not disappointed!

Anyway, here's some cake. I know you don't really need a recipe for crispy bars, but I thought they were so good, and a few of you asked, it is. I'll hang my baking head in shame.

I used to hate crispy cakes. You know the sort - a handful of stale rice crispies covered in a mean amount of melted chocolate, and then dolloped into a little muffin or fairy cake case, and sold at fetes and fairs for 20p. Then I ate one of these, which is how they should always be made, and was converted. John and I pretend we make these for the children but we all know it's a lie. We probably eat most of them. Ludicrously easy to make, they are an excellent activity to do with small people when you want to "do baking" without actually baking anything. You need:

5 Mars Bars, although any sort of supermarket "Chewy Caramel Bar" will do just as well.
120 g or 4 oz butter.
150 g or 5 oz Rice Crispies. Again, "Rice Pops" or "Rice Snaps" will suffice.
50 g or 2 oz white chocolate.

Melt the Mars Bars and butter together in a large bowl. I do this in the microwave so use a bowl big enough to hold the Rice Crispies but small enough to fit inside. Give it a good stir - it will look a bit curdled and unappealing at this stage but have faith. Stir in the Rice Crispies.

Tip the mixture into a square baking tray (mine is 8" x 9" or 20 cm x 23 cm). Squish it into the corners and flatten it down with the back of a spoon. Give it an hour in the fridge to set. Melt the white chocolate and then drizzle this all over the top of the crispy mix. This is huge fun for adults and children alike, and I defy you not to want to have a go. Then put it back into the fridge for another half an hour.

I use a silicone baking tray for these. I usually loathe these floppy baking tins and avoid them, but have found that for anything you want to bake or refrigerate hard, then tip out and cut into pieces - like flapjacks, crispy bars or rocky roads - they are fantastic. The bendy sides make it so easy to tip out, and you don't need to grease or line them.

Cut into squares and eat.

The title of these bars is an issue. It's not very snappy, is it? But that's what we call them in this house. If you can think of a better one, do let me know. And have a lovely weekend. 


  1. I think that Mars Bar Crispy Bar is a great name! They look delicious and I can quite see why you like eating and making them. Thanks for the tip on the silicone baking "tin", I have always steered away from these, but I had not thought of them for things like rocky road - you are so clever!! Hope that you are having fun with all of your christmas making. xx

  2. Oh Gillian this looks delicious!! I know my kids will love this so going to give it a go. You can add it to my Weekly Bake post if you like, so others can also try this. Enjoy your weekend and I am joining you at beavering away at Christmas makes. xoxo

  3. Oh wow Gillian those bars look so yummy!
    What a great idea will be trying these xx

  4. This look so yummy... I am experimenting with baking lately and I am not really so lucky which is a bit frustrating. Back to basics is plan over the weekend to restore my faith in my ability to bake. Have a lovely weekend.

  5. Mmm, I'm so hungry and everyone is showing pics of delicious food! This weight watchers lark can be a bit trying ...

    Mars bar crispy bars sounds fine to me ... Crispy Martian could be an alternative? Perhaps not ...

    Love Claire xxx

  6. I know the 20p kind of crispy cakes all too well.... and really can't stand them. Yours look yummy, I have just added the ingredients to my shopping list, a perfect activity for the wee ones tomorrow after footie. Thank you for sharing

  7. I don't know, those crispy cakes you don't like sound pretty amazing to me! I don't think I've ever seen them made that way, just the plain type with marshmallow/butter holding them together. This recipe looks delicious to me and I am sure I'd eat most of it myself. My husband wouldn't even stand a chance, let alone the children. :)

  8. I'm not a fan of the mars bar but eaten this way I think I could get used to them!
    Lisa x

  9. This looks delicious, .... It's a very original idea. Photos are great. Have a nice weekend!! :D

  10. Yummmmm I could just eat some of that NOW!!! lol

  11. Oh - they look good - I think I'll be 'baking' this weekend! :)
    Have a good time.

  12. Yum, they look good! I shall be trying them very soon. They also make me remember the ones Mum used to make when we were young. I must get the recipe, melted toffee and marshmallows came into it I recall....

    S x

  13. I'm not a fan of crispy cakes either but these just look so yummy! I'm tempted to make them with my girls this weekend.x

  14. Yum. yum. yum ... have a lovely weekend ... Bee xx

  15. I never imagined that I would want to make rice crispy cakes again, but I just might now!! they look lovely, Heather x

  16. I don't think it matters how old you are you can't resist a rice crispy cake. I used to love making them for my own children. They are all flown and grown all bar one. I wonder whether they will be making rice crispy cakes when they have their own children.

  17. These look great...I always enjoy looking at your foodie photographs! My mum makes something similar to these and she calls them "Space Bars"
    Marianne x

  18. Hmmm this look so so good. How about chocolate caramel crispie slice? Makes Mars bar crispie bars sound like a catchy name!

  19. My mum calls this Mars bar crunch, she also puts some raisons in to be healthy but actually they do make it nice and gooey. Mars bars make this vastly superior to normal crispy cakes in every way!

  20. Ooh, drool... that looks dee-licious!
    Happy weekend to you,

  21. Mmm, I could eat a couple of those right now. I'm sure the children would love making (and eating) these. As would I. I always think that with Rice Krispies in them, there are lots of extra vitamins. Which means they are actually quite good for you.

  22. Mars bar cakes are a firm favourite in our house too! They are a grown up version of a crispy cake! Thanks for the tip about the silicone baking tray. X

  23. They would last about 4 minutes in my house, much less time than they'd take to make, might try them this weekend. thanks!

  24. What a fantastic recipe! I will most definitely give them a go - although I'd rename them to "MINE!" Chrissie x

  25. I love the name! I have never had these before, so I might have to make a batch really soon. They look delicious!

  26. Mmmmm...That recipe takes me back. Used to make them for my sons when they were little.
    Jacqui xx

  27. Love rice crispie cakes...we've not made any for ages...think we need to rectify that. Have a great weekend! Sarah xo

  28. Looks Yummy and a wonderful treat ... think I will be making these ... Mars Crispy Treats feels right.... Thank you for sharing. ( Looking forward to seeing the dolls ! )

  29. These look yummy and I've not had crispy cakes in years. I'm not a fan of silicone bakeware either because it's so floppy. Seems to make the edge of cakes a bit odd too. Great for these though or anything which is a pain to get out of a tin! x

  30. Oh boy, these look so, so good. Totally not practical in our summer heat thankfully as all this sitting around is not compatible with scoffing vast quantities of chocolate! mel x

  31. To a gal who likes the taste of Mars Bars but isn't too keen on the texture these sound great ... I just need an excuse to make some now! Thanks for sharing Gillian :)

  32. They're making me quite peckish just looking at your photos. Mmmm crispy cakes!

  33. I can feel my waist line expanding just looking at these Gillian :o) I can't believe that you have just posted these, I've had Alice melting a 100g Galaxy bar this morning making rice crispie and choc nests. She is on a baking roll at the moment and that is also not helping my waist line he he x Happy weekending lovely Gillian xxx

  34. You had me from the first photo, it wouldn't all have made it into the mix !

  35. Yum!! I think I just put on 2kg looking at these pics!

  36. I just found you and am soooo glad, I have made a version of these using marshmallows and toffee, but am going to experiment with other chocolate bars, Snickers are high on the list but I will add a little caramel for the stickyness. Oh I am going to follow as well.


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