Monday 24 June 2019

Midsummer Weekend

Finally, finally, some sunshine. Just in time for the weekend, blue skies and warm weather arrived, flooding the house with bright light, while the garden positively glowed in the heat after so much rain. It lasted a whole day and a half, only to be replaced by low, dark cloud and suffocating humidity that saps all my energy and sets off my hay fever. We may have thunder tomorrow.

But look, proof of sun.

The lawn is lush and growing faster than we can keep up with mowing it, and my blackcurrants and redcurrants are ripening beautifully and are not far off being picked.

On Friday the four of us went for a walk after work and school. I love an evening walk in the summer, it's the nicest way to start the weekend, and marks the end of the working week in a much calmer way than rushing around the supermarket. We rarely find time but luckily the dog gives us an excuse to go out.

Even on Sunday, under hot, leaden skies, the woods were so green, just buzzing with growth and life.

I abandoned the crochet socks I recently started and picked up this blanket project instead. I don't know why but the socks just weren't doing it for me, I couldn't settle into a rhythm with the pattern, so they've been put to one side in favour of this granny square blanket made with cotton yarn. It's been lying half-forgotten in my basket since last autumn, but when I got it out and had a look at it, suddenly we were friends again.

The colours and shades make this very much a summer blanket for me, and I am filled with enthusiasm to crochet as much of this as I can whenever I have a moment.

My parents recently returned from a holiday in the Cotswolds with the best kind of holiday souvenirs: a couple of additions to my little Observer Guide collection and a box of eggs.

The books have been browsed and admired (cue much excitement from John when he spotted his beloved Leeds United FC in the photograph on the cover of the football guide) and the eggs came in the prettiest box, with the deepest yellowy-orange yolks. Heaven.

I've been cooking as much as ever, just forgetting to take photographs. I am enjoying overnight oats a lot lately, making them with coconut and chia seeds, and often take them to work in a jam jar with some fruit if I don't have time for breakfast at home. There have been salads, so many salads, and a lot of fruit. I can't quite believe the amount we get through in this house. I mean I'm not complaining, but I have to do two or three midweek top-up shops for fruit alone. We eat at least twenty bananas a week (we all take one each to work or school), a couple of bags of apples, melons, a pineapple, grapes, and if I buy strawberries then they are gone in a matter of hours. 

Bella and Angus aren't always that enthused by talk of a big salad, preferring instead to eat the tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce etc that they like plain without me throwing on seeds, herbs or dressing. Unless, that is, I mention Rainbow Salad, and then they are fighting to chop and arrange the vegetables for me. Aren't these bowls gorgeous? They're made of bamboo so perfect for indoors or out, and are from my favourite local shop/studio Winter's Moon. I have bought bits from Julia's shop over the years and love her eye for style, but also her support of ethical, independent, vintage and local suppliers and makers. We need more of that, I think. 

We started painting Bella's bedroom over the weekend. These things always take longer than you think, don't they? Hours were spent sanding, preparing and undercoating while I was itching to just slap on that bright white. It's almost there, just the two feature walls to do and then hopefully we can assemble some of the new furniture this weekend. Baby steps. 

Wishing you all a happy week ahead. 


  1. Lovely post, Gillian. Ditto here for the salads, fresh eggs and the outside world awakening to summer buzzing and tweets. It is all to be treasured. Happy crocheting.

  2. Fantastic bowls, I love that sort of thinking too and yes, we definitely need more of it. Industrial quantities of fruit and salad consumed here as well, I can't keep up. I sometimes almost live on overnight oats I think, couldn't be without them. Mad rain here this morning - no doubt more of the same with you. But sunshine is coming, I'm sure of it. And it will be all the greener out there for the odd deluge. CJ xx

  3. Stunning pictures, they live up to your blog name, and I really like the blanket, those colours are delicious.

  4. Such a lovely post, Gillian. It's always lovely to see the normal things photographed and described in such a beautiful way x

  5. Lots of beautiful things in this post! Lovely art work and crochet and that salad looks appetizing!

  6. Lovely pictures Gillian - I just love that little bookcase and those bamboo dishes would make any salad dish tempting.

  7. Sunlight in a room can make such a difference, can't it!
    We've been having our first proper heatwave of the year with temperatures of up to 39C today. It is nearly unbearably hot at the office; working from home is an option for some but not all my clients.
    Your house looks as beautiful as ever, and I imagine Bella's room will be fabulous!

  8. Catching up on blogs after a year spent not reading them... posts like yours are a favourite for me. Very little happens, but it all means so much. Thank you for sharing x

  9. Luckily my kids eat all kinds of salad (except raw fennel) That one looks delicious. The weather was a welcome break fro the rain wasn't it? I love the photo of the dog.I have a Midsummer post too...

  10. Your blanket is looking good. I hope you do crochet some more socks one day, I need inspiration. I've bought 2x balls of yarn to make some but as yet, haven't started them. I have a few things waiting to complete first. This is the pattern that I will be using - one day. Cx

  11. So lovely to see that sun, but oh my those humid days. Crochet blanket is looking gorgeous...

  12. Aaah, catching up on summer through your blog, since it has deserted the north of Scotland.


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