Thursday 7 February 2019

A Dusting

It's funny, how soon after the snow melts that it seems like it was never actually there at all. When it's only lying on the ground for less than twenty four hours, you don't really have time to get used to it, to adjust to it. We had a little at the end of last week, but sadly not enough for the longed-for Snow Day and school closure that the children were hoping for. But it was enough to feel like it had snowed, and the kids had a chance to play in it before it melted. 

The weekend was cold and sunny, with a bitter wind blowing. On Sunday afternoon we decided to drive to a large country park near us - it's seven miles away, inland, and up on a hill. Well, you'd think it was in another country, the amount of snow that still laid on the ground up there, three days after it had fallen.

Enough to crunch underfoot and for the children to throw snowballs at each other.

Enough for the dog to go completely mad and skittish, racing around everywhere, sniffing, digging, eating the snow.

He loves the snow, does Ziggy; like sand dunes and long grass, the texture sends him a bit mad and he doesn't know what to do with himself except dash around madly.

When we weren't in the snow, we were doing things to keep warm: making sweet potato soup, crocheting, sitting in front of the wood burning stove.  I found in the vegetable rack a couple of old sweet potatoes, and in the fridge half a butternut squash and an long-opened jar of Thai curry paste. Throw in an onion, some stock and a tin of coconut milk, and you've got a very warming, spicy soup. 

My Goldenrod Sweater is almost there. I've been diligently working on this project for the last month and now have just the second sleeve to do, and then it's ready to be blocked and worn. I have my eye on this one next, although it does look a bit daunting. 

We just finished watching The Haunting of Hill House on Netflix, a drama I had to psyche myself up for. It's so scary (lots of jump moments!) but so sad, and so incredibly compelling too. I loved it and felt unsettled by it at the same time. We've now moved on to the equally cheery Conversations with a Killer. We know how to have a laugh in this house. Any Netflix recommendations for us?

I feel like I've been quite happily living in a winter bubble since Christmas, avoiding the news, keeping our weekends as free and quiet as possible, cooking, reading, not going out. It's been lovely but can't go on forever and I'm starting to look out for the tentative peeks of spring when I'm out and about, starting to feel my energy levels creep up as I wake up a bit and make plans for the coming months. 


  1. That book scared me so much I've never seen the
    e movie.

  2. I know what you mean re Netflix. I just watched all seasons of The Killing and season 4 had me in quite a funk. On to something more upbeat. I'm not watching Grace and Frankie which is laugh-out-loud funny for my age group. Your photos are beautiful, as are your children! and Ziggy! and your sweet pot of daffodils!

    1. I LOVED The Killing!!!! Tried to get hubby to watch, but he only got through one episode.

  3. I have Gilmore Girls on a pretty steady rotation, haha! Otherwise, I'm watching call the midwife, Marcella, Father Brown, Broadchurch, Death in probably not much help. The Blacklist is pretty good.

  4. I love this mix of snowy pictures and hints of spring. We've not had any more snow remaining since the last time, and it is forecast to get to 11C this weekend, but I don't think we'll get away without another cold (and possibly snowy) period before spring truly arrives. Already the longer daylight makes a difference!
    Your jumper looks great already, and the soup sounds like my kind of food. O.K. will arrive tonight and stay until Sunday night, so there will be some cooking in this kitchen, too, which I am really looking forward to.

  5. Beautiful photos of your winter bubble... I would quite happily maintain that winter bubble feeling for as long as possible

  6. We loved Hill House too, after I plucked up the courage to watch it! Nothing else to recommend though I’m afraid, at least not on Netflix. We’re watching Mrs Maisel but that’s on Prime and Endevear which is on Sky, so not much help!
    Enjoy your winter bubble I say, I’m struggling a little with mine, it’s feeling like w bit of a slog!

    S x

  7. It seems like this is the year we have enjoyed winter too. Not too cold, not too wet, the children have been old enough to occupy themselves without too much intervention and we have had our new house to focus on. I love your sweater and admire that you have stuck to one project (unlike me!) Have a good weekend. Jo x

  8. A lovely post Gillian & sounded just what winter should be like. The photos of Ziggy & the children in the snow looked so good, after our searing heat here in Oz. I do like the pattern & colour of your new sweater. Take care & have a great weekend.

  9. Beautiful photos! The forest looks like a winter wonderland! We've had a bit of snowfall, but nothing that stuck. At the moment it's blowing a gale and teeming down. Your sweater is looking great and the new one does look complicated. I couldn't yet even begin to imagine how to crochet it! I don't like any films or programs that have any kind of gore or horror; definitely not for me. Best, Jane :)

  10. Lovely photos, thanks. I need to rewatch Hill House, as I missed loads of ghosts on first watch - then are hidden all over the place if you start to look around. Nightflyers is quite good if you like Sci Fi, written by the Game of Thrones guy...

  11. Love your sweater. There's a lot of crocheting there! Grace and Frankie are my go-to on Netflix, I can't do scary horror stories!I loved The Marvellous Mrs Maisel but that's on Amazon and I've also just watched Season 7 of GoT which I hired from my library.I really enjoyed 'Goliath' on Netflix but 'House of Cards' was a disappointment without Kevin Spacey in it.

  12. So much lovely to see your children play in the snow so much joy! even for the comforting pictures of yarny makings and delicious looking soup...I loved 'stranger things' on netflix ~ im not really someone that likes creepy, scary type things...but loved the retro feel of it, so well put together. My partner is a comic artist in his spare time and loves horror and gore!, but he's the kindest and sweetest of men apart from that hehe!.
    I love true documentaries and films based on true stories...but i do now and then go over to the dark side. despite the gore i really enjoyed 'the vikings' and 'game of thrones' (though missed many and need to do a catch up). I think what i love the most is the outfits, hair, costume, settings and amazing landscapes. The cost must be immense!. but truly amazing filming!.
    Ive really got into my embroidery lately...also still w.i.p with my memeories blanket too.
    keep cosy , have a lovely weekend ;)x

  13. The snow made Bertie go a bit mad as well, funny isn't it. You've captured Ziggy chewing his chew beautifully. Glad you had some snow to enjoy. It's a distant memory here, with rain, rain, rain today. Bertie's not quite so keen on that. CJ xx

  14. Hi.Gillian.I loved your post,as usual.
    I can recommend on NetFlix,"You",The Sinner,Bates Motel and The Ted Bundy tapes.x

  15. A lovely dusting indeed - you are lucky, here it is continuously wet and windy, or super icy. At the moment the wind is blowing down the chimney and I am tucked under a quilt, best thing to do on a winter's afternoon. Your jumper is coming along really well, love the colour. I am daunted by anything that is not square when it comes to crochet. Wishing you quiet weekend, maybe with another dusting of snow (fingers crossed). x

  16. We've just started watching "Killing Eve" which is excellent, although we are only 2 episodes in....think it's on Amazon though and not Netflix? xx

  17. Great photo's, I will look out for the Haunting of Hill House, we have been watching lots of world dramas so if you don't mind subtitles, The Break is good (French) Bordertown (Finnish) these two are crime dramas. Money heist (Spanish) Apaches (Spanish) The Forest (French) Bonus family (Swedish) a bit more light hearted that one and The Rain (Danish). Hope that keeps you going a while.

  18. Hi Gillian. Love reading your blog. I would recommend 'Black Mirror' ( Kind of like 'Twilight Zone ' for the modern age) and for a laugh 'Derry Girls'.

  19. Hello!,Ive just found your blog.I love your beautiful photos..oh and scary films...Case 39.Its got that Bridget Jones lady in it but I cant spell her real name,lol.Great film!,xx


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