Saturday 19 January 2019

Not Rushing

Today was a Saturday unusually free of errands. After bootcamp in the park first thing this morning, I came home to coffee and pancakes not made by me, which was rather lovely. By late morning, every other member of the household was occupied in activities elsewhere and I found myself alone in the kitchen. Don't feel sorry for me - this is pretty much my favourite way to spend a weekend - and so I switched on the radio and started pottering around, simmering oranges for marmalade, making pizza dough, planning meals.

I could not let January pass without making some marmalade. I cut the peel quite thick for this batch, and used some muscovado sugar with the normal white granulated. It looked like toffee when it was boiling, and the result is the darkest marmalade I've ever made and has a slight caramel flavour which is lovely with the bitter Seville oranges. It's really good. Tomorrow I'm going to make a lighter orange and lemon version if I have time.

I've been baking, so much baking - marmalde pudding cake, blondies, lemon polenta cake, white chocolate and fig cookies - none of which I managed to photograph as, since it's winter, I can only photography things in daylight at the weekend, and they all got eaten indecently quickly. The Christmas cake is almost finished, with only a couple of slices left.

I'm still slowly and steadily working on my Goldenrod sweater, trying to complete a couple of rows each night. I'm about two thirds through the body and then will need to add the sleeves.

I've been reading a lot. I just finished Another Little Christmas Murder, which is not at all about Christmas, but about a group of strangers who find themselves seeking refuge in an old house during a huge snowstorm, and then someone gets murdered, of course. It was a lot of fun, light and humorous with a slight Famous Five feel to the whole adventure, but enough good plotting to keep me happy, and guessing till the end. I've just started Nora Ephron's Heartburn, and am completely and utterly loving it. It's funny, and sad, acerbic, perceptive and inspiring, and I want to recommend it to all my friends. I can't believe I haven't read it before now. The Donna Leon title is next on my list. Crime fiction is always my favourite kind of comfort reading and her books are so good, particularly her descriptions of Venice, where the Brunetti series is set.

I don't feel like I've seen much daylight this week. I would argue as to whether is actually got light today, or just stayed in a state of perpetual gloom. Thank goodness there was marmalade making to bring some warmth and colour to the day.

Our dog walk this afternoon was cold, damp and so muddy, and it was a real struggle to see the beauty that is there, hiding away. 

I've resisted buying any potted bulbs or bunches of spring flowers so far this year, and I refuse to engage in what is happening in the garden at the moment, which is mainly mud. I find I am quite happily centred in winter for now, making the most of what this time of year has to offer, which is some peace and a little quiet time, and am - for once - not rushing towards spring. 


  1. It was quite bright and sunny earlier in the week, but the last few days have been dull and wet. My anxiety picks up quite a bit at this time of year too. Work is also still very busy, so I've been feeling rather fraught. I've not had time for doing anything much in the way of relaxation. I'm crocheting a baby blanket and need to get it finished ASAP. Another long shift tomorrow, then a day off- YAY! Best, Jane x

  2. Your golden rod is coming on nicely. It's a lovely pattern to do isn't it? I have worn mine quite a bit and got compliments on it. You are on the home straight now.

  3. Love those beautiful bare branches! (Although they would look pretty with some nice blue sky behind them, too!) This is the second blog that I've read today that mentioned Donna Leon. I love crime/mystery reading, so I think I'll go over to Amazon and treat myself!

  4. I bet the smell when cooking marmalade is wonderful. Yes, it's very dismal out in the woods here too - but with the cold front coming it will soon be frozen and hopefully prettier. Your sweater has a pretty stitch, would look great worn layered with greens and browns at this time of year.

  5. I quite like the winter countryside, all stripped back and resting, but I know what you mean about the darkness. I ignore the garden from November until March at least, and I really enjoy the break. A little sunshine here right now, which is good, as I'm off to watch football. Have a lovely Sunday, hope you get time for more marmalade. CJ xx

  6. I loved Heartburn the film with Streep and Nicholson. I'm making orange marmalade this week at work. Last week I made a batch of lemon and lime marmalade for the first time and it was a success, thankfully. I love your new jumper and the colour is perfect.

  7. Heidi and I have had a cook up this morning and now it is time for some sewing, knitting and they are on Just dance - Might have a crack at Wannabe today and try for a higher score than at Christmas!

  8. It sounds like a nice Saturday, but what is bootcamp in the park?

    1. I think bootcamp is usually an organised exercise session outdoors, focusing on all kinds of body-weight exercises (sit ups, squats, burpees, press ups etc) and running and other things. I have no idea where the name comes from - the army maybe? My sister is a personal trainer and she runs this one. :-)

  9. I find that having lots of wintry projects in hand is the best way to stop me wishing the winter away. Your weekend sounds lovely, and I'm glad you're enjoying January despite the gloom!

  10. I've also been making marmalade this weekend. It's quite time consuming but definitely worth it. One batch might even contain some brandy.
    The jumper is looking fab. X

  11. Sounds a lovely Saturday to me! I love the colour of the sweater your making. I also enjoyed Another Little Christmas Murder when I read it! It's been a very gloomy and grey week around here too, we've been in the fog all weekend but there was snow with it too which was nice so I've been walking :)

    By the way, sorry it's been soooo long since I last commented here. Life's been a bit mad over the past year and I've been struggling with blog commenting, but I've still be reading :)

  12. I love Nora Ephron's writing, including Heartburn. If you can find a collection of her essays, I think you'd find them enjoyable. I would like to make marmalade before winter is over; I'm thinking about doing it next week. I've never seen a dark one like yours, it sounds really interesting. I'm glad you're enjoying winter. :)

    1. "I Feel Bad About My Neck" is on my birthday list!

  13. The 70s bowl in the top photo is great!
    Being able to embrace this time of year and make the most of the cold weather is good. Although I do not bake and craft like you, I enjoy being home, too. Leaving the house in the mornings for work is a bit of a challenge when it is so cold (and dark), I find - but already it is daylight a little longer than it was a month ago.

  14. I love the way all the tones in the photos of this post work so well together. That orange and the greys - gorgeous. Even an orange tone in the fruit on the cake, and in the bottom book in the pile! Am envious of your marmalade making. I was intending to make it this year but I'm starting my own business and have taken holiday from my job to write the copy for my website. I can't afford not to use this precious time. Was a bit put off by Nigel who says 'don't think you can do anything else on a marmalade making day'. But that doesn't seem to be your experience?
    The darkness isn't affecting me this year, perhaps because I'm now living on the edge of a small village in the Highlands, and it's very dark indeed. Somehow it's quite soothing - but I definitely didn't find that when I lived in Edinburgh.

  15. Your jumper is looking gorgeous... so would love to make it one day. I do like these winter days mostly, the cosyness and contended feeling of hiding away at home. I don't even really mind the dreary grey days then. But having to be out in those dreary days, and all the mud. Wretched.


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