Friday 4 January 2019

2018: A Year of Makes

Happy New Year! I hope you all had fun celebrating the arrival of 2019 and are full of plans and intentions for the coming year? I had fun celebrating but that's about it. I always feel more New Year-ish in the spring, or when school goes back in September, than I ever do in the middle of winter. Right now feels like time to pause and regroup, reflect on last year and think about this one. No resolutions here, because I don't believe in them, but if I just keep trying to find balance and contentment in life (no small thing, let me tell you!) and not always be rushing, rushing, then that would be very good indeed.

It's that time now when I like to look back at last year's crafting and see what it all looked like, what I made and when, favourite crafts and new ones. I'm always surprised how much my creativity changes with the seasons - not just in the kind of things I want to make, but in my output. I seem to have a lot more energy in the lighter months of the year. Crochet and embroidery featured heavily again this year, but I managed to try a few new skils too: weaving on a loom, shibori tie-dyeing, framing an embroidery and experimenting with making miniatures. I knitted my first jumper and sewed my first dress, two major firsts that I never thought I'd achieve, and I finally started that hexagon patchwork quilt. 

January, February, March



April, May, June


July, August, September


October, November, December



2018 was a year when we were busy working on the house and garden, trying - as ever - to get the most that we can from this space that we love so much, on the smallest of budgets. I think that John, always in the background here at this blog, supporting my ideas and occasionally reigning me in when I get a bit carried away, deserves a mention. As well as digging up gardens, knocking down walls, laying flooring and never moaning when I ask him to drill a hole somewhere for me, he made some really beautiful and useful things for the house this year, including this outdoor table and seating, the peg rail shelf, and the most beautiful bench for our hallway.

I am going into 2019 with quite a few half-finished projects to complete: a crochet jumper, a patchwork quilt and a cotton crochet summer blanket, just for starters. Crafting continues to be one of the hobbies I love the most, the thing that both energises and soothes me, keeps me sane and makes me slow down when life gets too busy. I haven't really thought about crafting goals this year, but I know that I would like to improve at weaving. I've just taken delivery of a lot of wool and roving, and I'm now planning how I can turn a big old picture frame into a loom to make a huge, beautiful weaving for our hall, so that is occupying my thoughts a lot at the moment. I'd like to make more clothes too, perhaps a skirt, and do some more knitting. What about you - any crafting goals or resolutions this year?


  1. Your makes for 2018 made me gape in awe. Well done & I think they are all gorgeous & worth the effort. Look forward to seeing what you do in 2019. Craft is definitely calming & also keeps me sane. Happy New Year to you & your family. Take care.

  2. I always enjoy seeing your projects grow. I particularly love the broad range of things you make. From whimsical sweet decorations for your Easter branches to practical jumpers that keep you cosy, there is nothing that I can't imagine you'd be able to create. Being creative is my favourite way to wind down and focus my thoughts away from daily drudgery to dreaming and planning. All the best for this year! x

  3. You've been so busy! Sometimes you forget how much you've really done. I've made more things than I've put in my blog and I think perhaps I should have included them. We decorated the dining room after John's trike got it's new home, but I haven't blogged about that. I really should blog more or add more to the posts I write. I do love your blog and look forward to each new post. Best, Jane x

  4. Our daughter has finished her masters degree, has a job, and is moving out for real, so her bedroom will become the guest room and the sunnier guest room has a new table waiting upon which I will place my sewing machine which I've had to haul up from the basement and place on the dining room table whenever I want to use it. I am looking forward to improving my sewing skills this year.

  5. wonderful year for nyour yarny makes, so inspiring, love the t'shirt with floral details and the cuddly jumper...happy new year x

  6. Wow, what a productive year! I recognise my husband in yours - we chose well! Only slight problem with mine is that he's colour blind and prone to making alarming colour choices if left to his own devices. I will look on in awe at your crafts during the year, having just discovered your blog and loving reading back through the posts in this quiet holiday time. However I am incapable of either knitting or sewing - both drive me into a fury, so best left well alone. Growing things is my 'craft' (tho I did make our Christmas door wreath this year, shortly to appear on IG!). If you like weaving, you should visit Dovecot Studios (pronounced Doocot) in Edinburgh. Amazing tapestry workshop and exhibitions, in what was Edinburgh's first public swimming baths in the 19thC. And they run tapestry weaving experience days - see the Events tab. Linda (@occasionalscotland on IG)

  7. I know what you mean about the rushing, rushing. Your blog actually helps me to slow down and think about the important things like home, family and the changing seasons. Thank you for that Gillian x

  8. Beautiful pictures and lovely makes :) In particular I love Bella's bag, she's got excellent taste just like her Mum x

  9. So lovely to see all the gorgeous things you made in 2018 and so inspiring as always. I just wanted to wish you a happy new year and to say thank you for writing your blog and for sharing the things you make and do with us .For me, sitting down and reading your blog post is a much needed 5 minute break from all that rushing and something I look forward to very much. X

  10. Every single year I'm blown away by how much you've made and how beautiful it all is. You really are amazingly talented. Crafting has really taken a back seat for me lately as I throw every almost spare second into my writing career. But I agree with you, it is energising and soothing, and I always have a little knitting on the go, adding a few rows last thing at night as I wind down for the evening and change the brain waves into calming sleep ones. I am very much looking forward to seeing your weaving for the hall. Exciting stuff. Wilf the crochet dog is absolutely wonderful. If I had enough time, I think that's the one I'd attempt. Lovely to see John's makes as well, brilliant. Wishing you and yours a happy New Year. CJ xx

  11. You know how much I admire you for how creative and talented you are! I love reading your posts, no matter whether they are about cooking, crafting or other things in your (family) life.
    Looking at the many beautiful things you made last year, I can very easily pick my favourite: the room in the suitcase!

  12. So many makes you must have busy fingers.
    I just wanted to say how much i enjoy reading tales from your home and how i look forward to each new blog.
    I just love ,in particular the chunky pink throw have you any details how to make it.
    Wishing you and your family a happy new year.

  13. Wow so many makes. Lovely photos, especially pleased when you blogged about crochting socks. I've only ever knitted socks before but may yet try crocheted ones. Happy new year, Cathy x

  14. I absolutely love the miniature dolls house room, and had seen it in Mollie Makes, but the Etsy shop is still closed. I would love to make one, but my hands are a bit shaky these days and doubt I could manage it. I love your blog too, by the way, an interesting read.

  15. I always like to visit your craft projects. They have a real style that belongs to you and that is something to treasure I think. You should definitely make more clothes! Jo x

  16. So lovely to be inspired by your gorgeous makes over the past year... I suppose I don't have New Year resolutions really, sometimes I have wanted to learn a new - usually craft - skill, one year was to read War and peace... This year I would like to continue using the wool in the drawers left over from over projects. Happy New Year!


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