Tuesday 4 September 2018

Seasons Turning

I'm never so aware of the seasons turning as I am in early September. Every year it's the same; the combination of darkening evenings, cooler mornings and the return of the school routine all collectively remind me that we are making that shift from late summer into early autumn. Even when the days are still so warm it no longer feels like summer to me.

It's been a long week so far and it's only Tuesday. So much is happening here; DIY work on the house, a new job for me, a new school for Bella, a new school year for Angus. It's a little overwhelming and I deliberately took Sunday afternoon out when I should've been doing a million other things like the ironing or labelling school uniform, to go to the beach with the kids and the dog. The weather was beautiful over the weekend, like summer's last hurrah, and it was time very well spent.

The new job is going well. I'm still working in a primary school but now as a teaching assistant (Y3) rather than an admin officer. It's more hours and less money but I am much happier being in a classroom and am very excited for the first day with all the children tomorrow. Bella's first day at secondary school went better than we ever could have hoped for. She left smiling and greeted me smiling when I got home, full of things to tell me. She loves the small amounts of independence that our new routine have given her; walking to and from school with her friends, her first mobile phone, having a key and letting herself into the house before I get in twenty minute later. She also looks adorable in her uniform with her blazer and tie, so smart.

It was a good summer though, wasn't it? I always find it easier to go into autumn if I feel like I've had a decent amount of sun, fresh air, sea swims, beach time.  I was thinking about our Summer Holiday List, and how we fared. We managed the meal in the restaurant (quite a few times), lots of family walks, a visit to my friend Abigail's and beach trips. We also squeezed in a day trip to London where we visited the Imperial War Museum, had lunch out, browsed Foyles bookshop in Charring Cross and went to Chinatown.

At home we did colouring and crafting, lots of reading and made Freakshakes. I think the children felt they were actually more fun to create than to eat/drink, and that there is such a thing as too much sugar.

I didn't find time to make a miniature room in a suitcase for Angus (it's ok, he says he'll have one for Christmas instead...) or have a barbecue on the beach, but I'm trying to persuade the family that we should have a hot picnic down there one day, with baked potatoes or soup. 

As for my list, I didn't get that cream tea in Devon sadly although my mum did make a fabulous one for us all last week, with homemade scones and tea in a teapot. I did however start making a quilt, start a blanket, and go blackberry picking.

And with those blackberries, kilos and kilos of them, I did one of my most favourite things to do at this time of year: make jelly. This year was a bumper crop of blackberries, they were huge and so sweet and juicy, so I made ten jars of bramble jelly and six of hedgerow, and have enough bags of fruit in the freezer to keep us in blackberry and apple crumbles well into next year. 


  1. I think I may have missed the blackberries but I have so many apples I don't know what to do with them all - we have been cooped up at home whilst the contractor has been renovating the outside of our house but I am glad it is almost finished now - only the scaffolding to come down and then we can do a big tidy up out there.
    Glad you like your new job and that the change of schools has gone down well so far - it is such a worry - I remember it well when both my girls started secondary school.

  2. We have made blackberry wine because there are so many this year. A packed summer for you. Enjoy being a TA. I teach English and maths to TA's when they do their NVQ at our college. It is my favourite part of my job because I know what life is like for TA's as an ex primary teacher, they are always very giving, kind people. Bestest. Jo x

  3. Your summer activities sound wonderful - I do so envy you living close to the sea. Good luck in your new job; I'm sure you'll be brilliant. I hope your jam tastes better than mine - I spent yesterday morning making some marrow and ginger jam (trying to use the marrows that greeted us on our return from holiday!). I followed the recipe faithfully and it set fine. The only trouble is it is far too sweet! xx

  4. well done bella, well done mummy!...you both have done so well. I have done the exact same thing~ Sophia walks with her friends, texts me when she arrives at school and walks home at the end of the day...But Boy' do i feel knackered! I think its all the build up to knew changes in our household...and me coming to terms with new changes. I cant wait til friday and its only weds!. Though i'm looking forward to the changing of the season and Autumn days a head. We did the same at the weekend and whizzed off to the beach to relax in the sea air and chase a few waves!...x

  5. Well done to Bella and to you, Gillian. I think you will be a fabulous teaching assistant for now because I also think you would be an amazing teacher. You have so many skills and the school where you have gone is very lucky to have you with all your creativity. Happy first term!!

  6. I am glad you all had a good start to the new academic year. How wonderful for Bella to embrace her new school and those precious first steps towards adult life. Sam is off to university next week, I am so excited for him. x

  7. I bet your mum's scones are better than any they have in Devon. Hot picnics are great, I like to do curry in a wide mouthed thermos and we cook rice and heat naan bread on the Trangia. Well done on starting the quilt, and I'm very glad that Bella's first day was good. Congratulations on the new job, I hope you enjoy it, no doubt Year 3 will keep you entertained. CJ xx

  8. What a lovely summary of your summer and the start of September for you and your family. A love Lynn post with gorgeous photos too. Xxx

  9. I heard about your blog in a magazine a couple of months ago and so I had a peek.
    I have to say how reading your blog and looking at the pictures is like a breath of fresh air! I am an English girl who moved to Australia 10 years ago so my seasons are opposite and we entering spring here. So, as I said, I am really enjoying reading your posts and love the photos. Reminds me of my uk home! Thanks. PS, I am inspired to make some freakshakes with my kids this summer too!

  10. I'm so pleased to hear that Bella's first day went well. Our youngest started secondary school on Tuesday too, and I'm happy to report that she also had a great day. You certainly sound very busy, and have reminded me that I STILL haven't made it out berrying yet. I think that might have to be the plan for this weekend. Best of luck in your new role; I'm sure you'll really enjoy it. x

  11. So glad Bella smiling both ends of the school day! Patch is excited to go in, and very chatty about what he has been up to. And how have your days with the children been? I too am in year three this term - it's all so new! But lovely to be with the children. Looks like the loveliest summer had, happy autumn time!

  12. Glad Bella is enjoying her new routine, all the best with your new job. Lovely photos, have a good week. Cathy x


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