Wednesday 4 April 2018

Easter Weekend

On Good Friday, when it rained heavily all day, when sensible people were inside in the warm, doing nice inside, warm things - we were down on the beach in our wellies and waterproof trousers, walking the dog. 

Saturday, after a hellish couple of hours in the supermarket, in a break between showers, we dashed out for a walk and eyed the black clouds warily. 

On Sunday we were the family in the waterlogged, muddy park throwing a ball around and Monday we were on the beach again while the wind howled and the rain drizzled around us. Dogs, they do indeed get you out, whether you like it or not. 

Actually, I never mind the walks. Even in the worst weather I enjoy them and I always feel better after some fresh air and exercise on the beach, especially if it's a wet bank holiday weekend and we're all feeling a little cooped up. And there is such satisfaction to be had in watching a whippet tear around the sand madly, just for the sheer joy of being out, running. But oh, the mud. I am so over the mud. The grass in our garden is completely waterlogged now. Ziggy likes to go in and out of the garden at least one hundred times a day and has to be wiped down with an old towel every time he comes back into the house. Shoes are muddy, floors are muddy. Thank goodness there is cake.

And what a lot of cake there has been. Since the only person who liked the Simnel cake I made last year was me, I made something more family friendly this year, with this recipe, and it has proved popular, largely due to the mini eggs. 

 We had a big family roast dinner at my mum and dad's on Sunday evening and I took along this lemon meringue roulade. It was delicious but needed more lemon curd than the recipe called for, but perhaps that is because I do really love lemon curd. 

Rain and mud aside, our slow bank holiday weekend has been most welcome after such a busy few weeks. I've cooked a lot, done the kind of spring cleaning that only gets done in the school holidays, tackled a few jobs around the house. There is such pleasure in doing jobs like changing the bedding and washing the floors when you're not looking at your watch every five seconds and worrying about being late for work, or anything. Just pottering around with the radio on, making things clean and lovely. I moved the terracotta pots of tulips I planted last autumn - which are a few weeks from blooming - from the back garden to the front door step yesterday. I've been meaning to do that for absolutely weeks.

It's so nice to have some time. I spent an hour in bed this morning reading about English Paper Piecing, looking at patterns, reading instructions, thinking about what fabric I have. I've been reading books, knitting, cross stitching and dreaming about all the things I want to do in the garden when it ever stops raining. We've been out and about too, for breakfast and lunch, seeing friends and family, visiting museums. I think the Easter two week break is my favourite in the school calendar. 

We have a day out planned tomorrow, and on Friday, who knows. It depends on the weather. I hope you all had a lovely Easter weekend. 


  1. I do envy you having a beach to walk on - even in the rain! Your weekend sounds perfect and I'd be surprised if there is any of that cake left; it looks delicious. Enjoy the rest of the break. xx

  2. I hear you about the mud. The cake looks excellent, I can imagine it was very popular. The lemoncurd roulade has taken my breath away. I LOVE lemoncurd and cream and I can just imagine how utterly divine it was. Scrumptious. CJ xx

  3. Lovely post Gillian & I am feeling for you at the moment with all the rain, mud & yucky weather & I'd love to send some of our warmth in exchange for some rain, as we've had so little here in Oz. You are lucky to have the beach so close, as we need to travel at least an hour to get to anything decent, though we did go out on Tuesday to one & I could have watched the waves rolling in for hours. I didn't, as we needed groceries on the way home. Enjoy the rest of your break & take care.

  4. You're that family who really enjoys where they live and the time they can spend together, even if it's not the best weather for the beach. Your cake looks delicious. You're such a talented and adventurous cook.

  5. Never knew one could make a roulade from meringue! It looks interesting, but I am not sure how it is eaten without crumbling a lot.
    The photos of your home and the beach are, as always, great. Like you, I enjoy walks in nearly all kinds of weather, but I do have a tendency to stay in when it is really nasty (and I have no dog to "force" me out).
    Easter was mainly travelling back and forth between my town and O.K.'s village, as we were invited for special meals with my folks as well as his. A bit like Christmas, but we are used to it by now; that's what you get when you have a long-distance relationship.
    The short working week (4 days only because of Easter Monday) is very welcome. Spring has truly arrived here, apart from Easter Sunday, we had sunshine and mild temperatures. There are primroses in every garden, forsythia and hawthorne blooming, and the first fruit trees show big buds and won't take all that long now. I love spring!

  6. It was a bit of wet Easter for us the fields are covered in standing water. The lemon meringue roulade looks delicious. I don't think I've ever tried making one of those. My lot won't eat Simnel cake or Christmas cake so I tend to make an alternative the only down side being that I put mini eggs on mine and the fairies and pixies kept pinching them off the top.

  7. I have mentioned my thoughts on mud. Enough. Come on sunshine. Seeing your (amazing) cake reminds me we have an unopened packet of mini eggs. How has that happened? Sadly I am not at home...

  8. Oh yum, a lemon curd meringue roulade! I bet it was delicious. I don't mind taking the dog out in the rain either but I usually do so on my own, with a good audiobook in my earphones. There is so much mud her, I think Scotland will be renamed Mudland shortly. I am so over it! Glad you have been enjoying your break. I am in full English paper piecing mode, have just basted my 296th hexagon for a quilt. Let me know if you are short of any particular colour/pattern fabric, I have more fabric than my children will want to inherit one day :-)

  9. I make a roulade that like when I am asked to take a dessert to a gathering - people always gawp but really I know it is really easy to do!. You are a blog ninja Gillian, than you so much for your comments and precious time over at my blog. Roll on warm weather. Jo xxx

  10. Hey Gillian,
    Having Honey was the best thing that happened to us. Walking her whatever the weather has resulted in some fabulous adventures. I love the pictures of your family at the beach. What is it they say? There's no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing! Our Easter break is sounding very much like yours, although we have the dreaded revision. And your lovely.
    Leanne xx

  11. from Japan : Happy Easter! Wishing you an extraordinary and joyful Easter.May your life be full of blessings!

  12. Your lemon Roulade looks really lovely. I like the flowers you've made on the wreath, very pretty. Cathy x

  13. Lindas imagens. Feliz fim-de-semana. Cumprimentos

  14. It is super-muddy everywhere, isn't it? I have to hose our dog down every time he goes out and still find muddy patches in the house where he's been. Ah well, I still wouldn't swap him for a goldfish! :) xx

  15. Hi Gillian
    There are a couple of ideas here that I would love to try next Easter. The wreath is one and also the felt easter eggs as a garland. May I put those 2 photos on Pinterest please? This is how I save any ideas I come across in blogs etc.

    1. Thanks so much Gillian. I will of course add in a credit to you for the ideas and the photos.


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