Sunday 4 March 2018

Snow Day

On Thursday afternoon the snow arrived. School closed at lunchtime as the first flakes started to fall and by the time we were home later in the afternoon everywhere was covered. Our school, like most locally and probably many others across the country, decided not to open the following day and a snow day was suddenly a reality. I was so happy. I still am! John's day off fell on Friday too and, since he has been working this weekend, it was the most wonderful and unexpected family day, made even more special by the weather. I had such a sense of anticipation and excitement on Thursday night as I wondered whether it would snow more, and ran through all the lovely things we could do tomorrow with this gift of a day.

I started sensibly with a lie in. 

Those bitterly cold, strong Eastern winds had blown the snow all over the place, so that there was none in some places that were sheltered by the house and drifts in others.

It was such a treat to substitute the usual weekday breakfast of porridge for a more relaxed meal of toasted sourdough and a pot of coffee while we talked about, well, the snow of course. 

We decided to take Ziggy out for a walk first. I love the way the snow transforms everything, so that a road you might walk down every day suddenly looks different.

We went down to our local woods, somewhere we often go, but I've never seen them covered in snow before.

I just love the way the snow lies on the boughs of the tree.

 I took my new camera with me and had a lot of fun playing around with it.

Of course there was a snowball fight.

When we got home I made homemade rolls and leek and potato soup for lunch. 

I cobbled together a made up recipe with some strong white bread flour and dark rye flour, and hoped for the best. I'm of the opinion that if you put enough butter on something and dip it in hot soup then it's probably going to taste nice. 

But what a treat to have that extra time to make bread and soup. I can't remember when I last bothered to do that. 

After lunch, and in danger of falling into a little snoozy slump, we went sledging. It was only Angus who wanted to go, to be honest, we were all quite happy staying cosy indoors, but it was worth it just to see the look of total joy on his face. He loved the snow, much more than Bella, and was outside playing in it at every opportunity. He was so sad that it all melted yesterday bless him, as was I. The other member of this household who very much enjoyed the snow was Ziggy - he was so skittish and playful in it, and had twice the energy he usually has (and he usually has a lot....).

Back home again we lit the stove, snuggled under blankets, watched the snow fall again outside, made hot chocolates that were towering with whipped cream and marshmallows, and I knitted a little. 

It was a pretty perfect day, and it's not often you can say that, is it? And I'm glad I took all these photos and that I have this blog to record days such as this one because this afternoon on the beach, with 9°c temperatures and no wind, with such warming sun that the kids took their coats off, it was hard to imagine that it ever even snowed. 


I do realise that I am incredibly lucky to have been able to enjoy the snow, rather than have been stuck on a motorway for hours, or properly snowed in as some have in other parts of the UK. It's one thing to be able to enjoy it falling thickly outside from the safety of a warm home, quite another to be out in it, and we only had a little down here on the south coast compared to other regions where it caused real chaos. And hats off to all those essential workers, those people who work in hospitals or for emergency services who cannot enjoy the luxury of a snow day and have to get to work regardless, no matter how hazardous their journey. Thank you.


Writing this post sparked off a little meander down memory lane for me, as I remembered our snow falls when we lived in Leeds, especially this one in March 2013 and this really big one in January 2013, and this one in February 2012, right at the start of my blogging journey when the children were so small, only two and a half and five years old. How time flies. 


  1. It was fun while it lasted wasn't it. It seemed to go from winter to spring in the space of a day, this afternoon was glorious, all warm sunshine and birdsong. Glad you had a good day together. The homemade bread and soup look delicious, well done you. CJ xx

  2. I remember snow days with my girls - they were so special. Luckily, I didn't have any appointments this week, so spent it decorating and listening to my audio book whilst the snow fell. Coincidentally, I also made leek and potato soup! Your new camera is doing sterling work - those photos are gorgeous. xx

  3. I love snow days too. It is a day when the world can just do without me and it feels more relaxing than any other days. Of course other people have to battle on but my students are glad not to have maths for a day! You are getting the hang of your new camera well. I love the lichen shot. Jo xx

  4. How nice. It's good for kids to experience days like this, I think, if they can get them where they live. Mine have always enjoyed snow days, the few they've had here and there. I had lots of them growing up myself, and for me, they were quite hard because I was in charge while my parents went to work. I'm glad you were all able to be home together, it resulted in some lovely memories.

  5. Snow days are the best! So glad you all were able to be home together and enjoy it. I loved looking back at your snow day posts from several years ago, the children were so small. Wow, just amazing at how fast time flies. My Charlotte was two and a half when I started blogging and she's about to turn nine in a few weeks. I can hardly believe it!

  6. I love your blog title. Your posts are indeed tales from a happy house. As I type this here in Rotorua, New Zealand I am wondering how to cool off after a very warm day!

  7. Never, not once in my life, have I experienced a Snow Day. Our schools and work places were always open, no matter the weather; and even though my school days are long gone (and back then it really DID snow more; weather statistics prove that), I have never heard of any school here that shut down because of snow. Somehow, people here are simply expected to cope with it, and somehow, they do.
    When it was so cold for the last two weeks (-12 C), I often wished I would not have been required to go to the clients' offices but work from home, but I still had to be there, for meetings and such.
    Now it has warmed up; yesterday, a lovely mild sunny day brought everyone out to the fields with rollerskates and dogs and bikes, and I even went running for the first time since January 13th!

    Your photos and descriptions are wonderful, Gillian; thank you for sharing your perfect Family Snow Day with us.

  8. We didn't have as much snow as some but we were cut off by road for several hours. Much praise to our wonderul local farmers who ploughed and dug and towed lorries and card out of drifts and up slippery slopes! And to neighbours who were out with shovels and hot chocolate. Hard to explain to city dwelling relations that - no, we weren't going to drive for 5 hours on Friday to come and see them. We would rather enjoy the snow from home thanks! Lovely photos and soup and bread.
    I used to sit in that same position by the fire when I was young. Sensible lad!

  9. We had snow week here in Kent, it was lovely but I don't envy those in the North and in Scotland where it's still biting. Your leek and potato soup looks lovely, it's a firm favourite in our house too, usually with garlic croutons sprinkled on top. Have a good week xx

  10. So glad you all got a snow day! Lovely memories...

  11. Oh I’m happy you had the snow. I’ve got photos of mine tobaggining at break neck speed down the hill at Polesden but you never forget the magic of snow - wonderful and thanks for the links to your earlier posts too.

  12. I so enjoyed reading this post & it made all world weary stories fade into oblivion. Definitely a snow day for you to remember & for us in far flung places to ponder about. Ziggy looks so photogenic & posing for the camera in front of the fire & your children have certainly grown since I started following your blog in 2013. Have a lovely week & take care.

  13. What a beautiful post Gillian. I am glad you were able to seize the opportunity and have a wonderful family day. It is still biting cold here, still plenty of snow. We had three snow days last week, and of course a snowy weekend. Unfortunately, we were instructed to work from home but it was still pretty good to be at sitting at the desk in pjs, kids milling about everywhere and way more breaks than a day at the office would warrant. I have never seen as much snow in Scotland as last week. It is so funny, I can't get used to the chaos snow causes here. Growing up in Switzerland where it snows plenty, I don't remember a single snow day. Life just continues because the infrastructure is in place and functioning - I know, wouldn't it be great? xx

  14. Your photos are fabulous (although they always are) but I really loved the one with the lichen. Hooray for new cameras! Not much snow here in Winwick so I'm glad you got to have a lovely day - I've been enjoying it vicariously! xx

  15. Beautiful photos, my favourite is the knitting at the end! :)


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