Thursday 15 June 2017

Sweet Summer

There is so much making me feel happy at the moment, I just want to soak it all up and remember if for when life isn't so sweet. I've had a few moments this week - nothing special, just weeknight family meals - where I've looked around me and felt really deep down content with life and what we have. I can't put my finger on exactly what is making me feel this way but I think the following things have something to do with it:

:: The gorgeous weather. It's been fantastic this week, warm and sunny and just a little breezy. Perfection. 

When I get home from work the first thing I do is take off my shoes, make a cup of tea then take it out into the garden and pad around on the grass barefoot, looking at the plants.

:: The way the evening light moves around the house.

:: Watching hot air balloons float across the horizon from Angus's bedroom window at bedtime.

:: Peonies. My love for these blowsy blooms knows no bounds and I take so much joy from them. The shortness of their season only makes me appreciate them more.

:: New houseplants. This oxalis was given to me by my mum and I've separated off lots of shoots and am trying to cultivate more plants. All my houseplant propagating is trial and error but it's good fun.

The tiny pileas I repotted at Easter are now are looking robust and I've got lots to give away to friends and family. I absolutely love the deep vivid green of their leaves.

:: A little trip to Bosham with the children last Sunday afternoon. We bought ice creams and just mooched around a bit, had a little walk. 

I'm really looking forward to this weekend. The weather is supposed to be a-mazing so I'm planning little trips out (shopping and a bit of lunch in Winchester maybe?) plus we need to do some gardening, and maybe a barbecue too. Lots of time outside. End of term is five weeks tomorrow. I've already started planning my six week holiday, writing a list of all the things I want to do, one of which is decorate our bedroom, another is get a puppy. I think I need to do the painting before the puppy! 

Enjoy the sun everyone, and have a beautiful weekend. 


  1. It's a lovely time of year isn't it? I've also felt the need to keep pinching myself as I have been feeling so content with my lot, in sharp contrast to the sadness at the goings on in the world at the moment. There is a gentleness to the days and evenings and we've really made the most of the good weather.
    Very excited for you at the thought of a new puppy. It's something I have been thinking of for a while but as Lily is frightened of dogs I will just have to keep thinking...for now at least.
    Have a wonderful weekend Gillian. X

  2. I'm so glad you're feeling happy with your life, Gillian. It's good to stop and remember the things we appreciate. I enjoyed seeing your photos of summer happiness.

  3. ooh yes, definitely painting before puppy! I'm going to have a really busy summer (bought a house last month at last, not moving in until all work is done!) but I can't wait for the end of term as life is so, so busy at the moment. A bit of good weather can make such a huge difference to how we feel I think.

  4. Our puppy is trashing our garden - digging holes, he lies in whole plants like a huge nest, he eats the flowers off my plants (every tulip!) For someone who is a keen gardener, I have kind of gone off the garden a bit lately but I know it is only like a bad haircut and it will come back next year. Glad you are happy though, sorry I might have dampened your spirits there! Jo x

  5. If our local meteorologists are correct we should have some summery temps and sunshine by June 20 which I am really looking forward to. Meanwhile, I am trying to appreciate more cool rain. I have my little electric fireplace on this afternoon. I have a purple leafed Oxalis like yours and a green leafed one as well. They are more than doubled in size since I got them a little over a year ago, and always seem to have blooms on them. The green leafed plant has developed white bugs, just albino spots. Curious! I enjoy seeing the leaves fold up to go to sleep at night. Wishing you a happy weekend. 🤗

  6. Glad life is good Gillian, Bosham looks lovely as ever. I'm looking forward to the warm weekend too. Don't plan on doing too much once you have a puppy, as the littlest boy would say - just sayin'. Although maybe you will whip yours into shape and still have time for stuff. I am floundering rather. Hardly any writing done at all this week, it's been ridiculous. My friend just came round to see him and she's getting a cavapoo in July so we'll have a chum to play with. It's puppy madness! I'm learning a lot though. My top tip of the day is deer antler for chewing. A friend took pity on me and got Bertie one today in the hopes that he'll chew that instead of the children. It's helping, I'm sure. CJ xx

  7. A puppy, how exciting! That's your summer holiday sorted then! B and A are looking so grown up in those photos and your home and garden are looking beautiful. Enjoy the weekend. xx

  8. Lovely post Gillian & glad to hear how contented you are. Your home & garden are a credit to a creative mind. Oxalis is a rampant noxious weed here in Oz, so was surprised you grow it for fun, but it does look pretty in that silver pot. I can't believe how the children have grown in the 4 years I've been following you. A puppy, something I'd love to have is a dog. Have a great weekend too & take care.

  9. I have to laugh reading Susan's comment above because I was just about to say the same thing. Dreaded oxalis!! It is considered a terrible weed here in New Zealand and it's hilarious to me to see it grown on purpose in a pot. I am constantly ripping it out of my outdoor pots and garden. Whatever you do, don't let those darn bulbs get into your garden.
    We are also getting a puppy, he is three weeks old so another five or so weeks to wait, so we will be going through puppy trials at the same time as you. I would love to know what type of dog you are getting, or thinking about getting. We are getting a Lagotto, they love to dig apparently so hopefully he'll dig out my oxalis, haha!
    Lovely pictures on this post - as per usual :)

  10. A wonderful post, and pretty much echoing how I feel these days (most days, actually). Summer with its many hours of daylight and temperatures warm enough to allow us going out without being covered in layers and layers of fabric is just such a great time of year, isn't it!
    The peonies look fabulous - I want some in my living room now! But I am not going to buy any, as I am away for the weekend again and would not see them at all.
    Only three weeks and two days until my Yorkshire holiday!!!

  11. That's so good to hear G! Something that I am missing at the moment, that contentment. Not quite sure why because all is pretty ok in my world right now. Still, soak it up my lovely. It's always a joy to read your posts too. So many people seem to be stopping blogging at the moment that it's always a pleasure to see yours pop up in the list. Oh and good luck with the puppy - I'm beginning to think you're a workaholic! 😉 S x

  12. The Summer is a good time to get a puppy, housetraining is easier when it can go straight out to the garden and will be so much fun for your children. My pup is now 9 months old and we are really enjoying the good weather with him. I couldn't imagine not having a dog now as I have been a dog owner since I was 27 and single. My kids have grown up with dogs and they have always had a friend to play with in the garden! Enjoy.😀🐶

  13. Oh Im glad to hear your thinking about getting a new puppy. :)

    I feel that way, though it is winter here. The cool air, the crackling fire, the morning frosts which are so pretty. It is a time to exhale.


  14. Content is a wonderful way to feel. Happy weekending.
    Lisa x

  15. Look forward to hearing about the puppy adventure. After so much pleading from P, we all quite welcome the idea of a pup but are having problems finding the right one. Mainly cost, but also trying to find a pup good with children and a rather timid kit. Who dashes inside when she sees a butterfly move. Sigh. I love oxalis in the garden, it certainly hasn't madly spread, have never thought of it as a house plant. How is yours doing?


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