Friday 26 May 2017


Do you have a corner in your kitchen, you know, one where you dump everything that builds up during the week? Perhaps it's in the hallway or living room, an area that piles up with pens and paper, school letters, shopping lists, bills, post, plus those random objects like screwdrivers and broken bits of toys. 

Well, mine is in the kitchen and this is it above, on a tidy day. I suppose I could put all the paperwork in the office but then I'd forget all about it - it needs to be under my nose. It's my Mission Control, this area in the kitchen, it's where I organise myself and check calendar and diary, write lists. But all the stuff kept getting wet with water from the draining board and it was always in the way, and I could never find a pen, so I have been looking for a solution for the last year since we finished the kitchen. 

The wall space to the right of the window is too narrow (less than 30cm wide) for a pegboard or hanging rack, and John wouldn't let me drill into the shiny unit which houses the fridge-freezer but these little shelves from B&Q are just the business. 

Now all my clutter is off the worktop. Pens are in pots, notepads and papers in a little wooden box, and there's just enough space for a few plants too.

Tidy house, tidy mind and all that.

I always enjoy arranging my bedside table, and I like this new combination of framed photograph and potted succulent. 

Add freshly washed sheets, plumped pillows and summer bedding, and it's a calming space.

My new corner in the lounge had a little change around when I realised that moving the chair to the other side of the blanket box was much easier for positioning of things like reading lamps and plug sockets.

It's become my favourite place to sit and crochet in the day (when I get time!) and I'm currently working on this gorgeous bag from Wool and the Gang, using this amazing new yarn which is made from eucalyptus trees. It's silky but strong so I'm hoping it'll make a nice summery bag. There's not much to see so far, but I'm hoping to crack on with it over the bank holiday weekend. 

Outside, I've been working on this corner of the garden just beyond the patio doors to the kitchen and it's looking better, especially now that the rhododendron bushes are flowering.

I've worked hard on this area, bringing in more pots and trying to almost create a feel of a room outside. 

My sweet peas have gone mad and I'm hoping they'll start to flower soon.

Thank you for your kind comments on Bella's bedroom, I'm glad you liked it. We've had some gorgeous weather this week, really warm and sunny. It's still been a crazy busy week, but being able to wander around the house and garden barefoot, and have all the doors and windows open has just been wonderful. I love summer. I love the heat and can't understand why people moan about it so much. It's not like it ever actually gets very hot! It's a bank holiday weekend here in the UK and we're off up North to visit friends and family. I can't wait. I hope you all have a lovely time, whatever you're up to, and that this beautiful weather holds.


  1. It's amazing what a difference seemingly small changes can make. I love how crisp and fresh your home looks. We have color on all of our walls, and I probably couldn't give it up (and my husband definitely would not!), but your white makes everything look so clean. We get very hot in the summer, so sweet peas have always withered away before flowering for me. Maybe I should plant some next March, when I put in my sugar snap peas!

  2. Sometimes I wish I could get rid of corners altogether! It's too difficult to keep things from accumulating in them. I wish I could have mine so neat like yours but around here, someone always throws something on top of whatever I've spent time neatening. It never lasts. It sounds like you've had nice weather lately. I'm glad. I do complain about the heat but I suspect my heat is a little different from yours. I think it's all relative too; we all get used to a different climate and that changes our view of what feels extreme. I hope you have a nice weekend!

  3. I was just thinking earlier today how utterly blissful it's been the past few days, despite having to run around like a crazy woman here, there and everywhere. Love your new shelves in the kitchen, so pretty and a great use of space. Your bedroom is beautifully calming, love the linens. I'm intrigued by the eucalyptus yarn. I don't often use wool as I'm allergic to it, but I do like plant fibre yarns a lot. It's got great stitch definition. Hope you and yours have a good weekend, and a lovely week too if you're on half term now. CJ xx

  4. Lovely Gillian & yes I too have an untidy bit on the kitchen counter, but the only corner in our kitchen is where the 2 windows meet. I've been trying to think of a solution too, since we moved here. Love the pink garden seat & it makes that corner so pretty. WOW! Look at those sweet peas!!!!! Can't wait to see a pic when they bloom. Have a lovely weekend up North & say hello to Yorkshire on your way through for me. Take care.

  5. Like what you've done, I've definitely got some corners that need some work done on them.

  6. We are enjoying perfect weather, too, and our red Rhododendron is in full bloom. I have numerous catch all areas in my living space that would benefit from your organizational ideas. Thanks for sharing and I hope you and yours have a great weekend. We have guests from California for a week and are having a great visit. xx

  7. A much improved kitchen corner, I am rapidly losing corners at the moment to displacing things to keep them away from the dog. I am using Tina tape too at the moment but have packed it all away in my suitcase. Off on holidays today! Jo x

  8. The 'dumping' place in the kitchen is the ban of my life and often spills out to other spots... Like currently in front of the bread board! (Not my doing I hasten to add). I love your little shelf solution.

  9. R has multiple dumping places around the house - they drive me crazy! I need to take a leaf out of your book and try to pretty them up a bit. Loving your bedroom and garden corners too. Have fun over the bank holiday - we're currently enjoying a thunderstorm; I love it! xx

  10. The perfect answer to your dumping ground. Some days I wish I could empty out my whole house and start again with rearranging and tidying.
    The garden is looking lovely too.
    Enjoy your weekend Gillian. X

  11. Our dumping of random-yet-important-things area is the kitchen table. Dangerous as things just sprawl. Daily they get pushed to one side so we can actually use the table, occasionally they get shuffled onto one of the chairs. Sigh. I would love to banish all piles. Or at least make them look as stylish as yours. I do love these peeks into your home... Have a lovely time away

  12. Ours is also the kitchen table! I think I would prefer a corner as at least all the junk would be partially confined! My husband says he forgets things if they are not under his nose but doesn't seem to get that when the table is full (all his stuff as I am a compulsive filer) invariably things get hidden! Catch 22!
    I love your house. You have such an eye for colour & style!

  13. Love the pink bench against the green bush.

    I hate bits of paper on the sides, it stresses me. Your shelves are a fab solution

  14. Gillian - love that little kitchen corner. So happy looking.

  15. That little kitchen corner looks lovely! I bet it makes you smile everytime you go past now. :)


  16. What a neat, sweet corner you have created. As I type I can see my usual,teetering pile of papers, letters, notebooks etc on my 'baking surface' as I grandly call that little piece of marble worktop. I should really call it my 'clutter surface' as that would be a truer reflection. X

  17. I love the corners of your house, and how neat they are. I don'y have a dumping corner... I have a dumping house. I just never quite make it to tidy....

  18. Love those little shelves, they'd be really useful in a downstairs loo or cloakroom too - the perfect size for a little corner and ideal storage space. Love the change-arounds you've been making in your home - it's always good for the feelgood factor!

  19. It always looks so tidy and organised at your place, Gillian; even before your lovely new shelves! Sometimes it seems as though every surface here is covered with someone's stuff and I have to channel my best calm not to let it drive me nuts. I'm the only one in our household who cares about being tidy – I have a husband and three teenagers who leave chaos in their wake and it's a struggle not to feel resentful if I tidy up after them All The Time, so I go out into the garden instead! Your sweet peas might need higher supports, by the way (hope you don't mind me suggesting). It looks like you've got a lot of plants in there – you might need to thin them out a bit (move some to other pots) and pinch out the growing tips to encourage side shoots and more flowers. Love the look of that bag. Sam x

  20. I LOVE your new shelves! I have a messy pile on the counter right next to the fridge; piles of lists, pens, and photocopied recipes. There isn't room from shelving there, but at the very least this inspires me to get a pretty folder or something to keep it all in. I am envious of how much natural light you get in your house. Our kitchen has a big awning outside to cover the patio, which is great when it is hot or rainy, but keeps the light away from the kitchen, which is where I spend most of my time. Sigh...

  21. That corner looks brilliant, I love some simple changes like that that suddenly make everything feel more organised, and the colours of that bag you are making are stunning. x

  22. I have corners like that all over the house, it is a losing battle :-) You did great with yours.

  23. Everything is ship shape! You're a fine homemaker!


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