Saturday 6 May 2017

Bella's Bedroom - decorating progress


Over Easter we decorated Bella's bedroom. I haven't really shared much of the progress of that room here so far, and I thought that you might like to see how it's progressing.  I know that, like Angus's, it was only done a couple of years ago, but it was time for a change. Decorating decisions that we made in a hurry two years ago before we'd even moved in had not lasted well, and the furniture layout was not working. Bella is growing so fast. She wanted less pretty pastels and something a little simpler and more grown up, and we had fun planning her room together. You can see what her room liked like before here.


After emptying her room, we painted all the walls white, and touched up some of the woodwork. I like white at the moment, it's so easy, fresh and clean. 

Bella's bedroom is very small - it really is a box room. I wanted to try and make it feel as spacious as possible, so we did this in two ways. The first thing we did was have a huge, huge sort out of all her books and toys, and filled bag after bag for the charity shop. Once this was done, and the rest of the decorating finished, we gave her floorboards a light sand and painted them white. Her bedroom carpet - like Angus's - was here when we moved in and really in a dreadful state so I was more than happy to rip it up.

I have to say that one of the few pleasant surprises this house has given us is the state of the floorboards upstairs. My dad did a little remedial work for us but generally they were in very good condition. I am hoping that the white floor bounces a little more light around while the lines of the boards might create an illusion of space. 

The other thing I painted was Bella's bed, in exactly the same colour as Angus's, simply because I had half a tin left over.

The wall behind her bed still needs to be wallpapered with this paper.

Bella's so excited because she chose the wallpaper all on her own and we gave her complete ownership of that decision. (Luckily we liked it and it wasn't prohibitively expensive, otherwise there would have been some negotiation!) She had it in her head for months that she wanted a white background with a pattern of stars. Then a little shelf needs to go up on the wall, just to the left of the bed, to hold her book and glass of water.

So this is where we are so far.

It's very bare, of course, because it's not finished, but it won't be long now. Finally, I promised her we could choose a couple of prints for her walls together, since I did buy some for Angus's room, so I'm excited to see what she chooses. It occurs to me that she has good taste, this girl of mine, and I'm actually quite excited to see what decisions and choices she makes as she grows up. (Feel free to remind me of this when she's fourteen and deep into some all-black phase, or something equally awful...)


  1. Lovely! I fancy white floorboards myself but Richard is not keen.... Maybe next year when he is on his cycling holiday. Bella is obviously following in your footsteps, good taste and all! Have a lovely weekend. x

  2. She has chosen well with the wall paper, she seems to be really in the driving seat which is really nice I think. I have never decorated the girls room again since they started sharing when Megan came out of her cot. They have never asked for it to be any different! They will probably have some massive chip on their shoulder about it when they are older!! I will remind them they wanted a dog... Jo x

  3. It's lovely Gillian, between you, you both have very good taste. I shall look forward to seeing it finished and with her choice of prints. CJ xx

  4. It must be in the genes, the talent for 'interior design'. I do like the washed floorboard effect, but need something soft these days under my poor old feet. Can't wait to see it all finished. Take care.

  5. Those floorboards are lovely, as is Bella's choice of wallpaper. You make decorating seem so quick and easy. I'm currently decorating the kitchen - just painting everything - but everything seems to need more coats than expected, the kitchen contents are all piled in the hall and I'm feeling stressed by it all. I just want to wave a magic wand and have it all finished. It's much nicer to just look at your calm photos and I can't wait to see which prints Bella chooses. xx

  6. Lovely ☺
    We have gone through the teen decor fads not quite black but even so I wasn't keen.
    They have their own homes now and I find lots of inspiration and ideas to pinch from them!!

  7. The little lights are going to look good against the stars. So clean looking.

  8. Stars! The wallpaper looks wonderful to me too. Although I have never had a painted floor, I think it is a clever idea for the reasons you cited. Thanks for letting us in on your project, Gillian. Do you ever watch "Escape to the Country"? The UK is so beautiful, and crafting very interesting to watch, along with the different homes! xx

  9. It's going to be lovely and she will enjoy it, that's the main thing!

    I do wonder, though, whether English houses aren't rather too cold and draughty for bare floorboards and painted floorboards, even though you see them in all the mags and blogs and so on?
    I know in my granny's terraced house it wouldn't last long...!! Brrr.

  10. It looks clean and bright, Gillian. I have no doubt that together you and Bella will choose a soft rug for her to wriggle her toes in when she emerges from her bed of a morning, especially in winter. I know you have central heating, but sometimes it's the mere look of bare boards that look cold, rather than that they are cold. But it's a modern look and it's wonderful for children's bedrooms as you don't have to worry about spillages of paint pots or orange juice! While I love that all-white look for her room I find stark white a bit too stark for our northern hemisphere and prefer a softer cream, or a shade such as Clunch by Farrow & Ball. But this is only a personal preference. Also, much depends on which way a room faces: North and East, white looks 'colder' than in a room facing South or West, as the setting sun in the later afternoon will certainly warm up stark white. White is also a lovely background for colour and I'm looking forward to see which colours you will introduce, along with the grey bed.
    Margaret P

  11. I really like it so far, Gillian. The floor is especially nice, it reminds me of a beach house. It really does make her room seem much brighter to have the floor painted. I love the way her ripple looks on the bed too. Do I spy a Barbie styling head on her desk? I didn't know they were still making those. I didn't have one but my friend did and I loved playing with that thing!

  12. Looking rather stylish already... Well done, Bella!

  13. Oh beautifully bright and white, I can't wait to see the wallpaper up, a nice choice! xx

  14. Hey Gillian,
    I love the wallpaper. My friend Gayle had something similar in her room. I envied it so. I had magnolia and one brown (brown!) wall at Bella's age. I like a pared back look in a child's room. It becomes achieveable as they get older, and require less 'stuff'
    Leanne x

  15. It looks so uncluttered and serene. My husband would lose his mind if I ever suggested painting our floor boards, but I really like the look of them. As I listened to my children squabble over ownership of their bedroom this morning I started wondering if we are getting ready to do a bit of room switching and redecorating ourselves. If nothing else we are certainly in need of a good purging of excess stuff!

  16. Excellent choices Bella. We too let P have free reign with bedroom choices and she plumped for 50 shades of grey (walls, curtains, bedding, storage accessories). However much to my relief decided to a wall of sky blue at the last minute to break it up. So lovely to see their personalities and tastes developing

  17. A good sort out does wonders! Love the clean and bright feel to the room.
    I hope Bella is enjoying her new roo so far.
    Lisa x


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