Sunday 27 November 2016


Such a deliciously slow and steady weekend. No agenda, no real commitments or places to be, and John at work so it was just the kids and I. We stayed in our pyjamas until late in the morning both days, each doing our own thing; watching the iPad, eating toast, reading magazines. I kept thinking that I really should be doing something productive, but I didn't, I just dug out another unread magazine and put the kettle on again. Ridiculous, isn't it, the insidious guilt that creeps in when we're relaxing and doing nothing. Like we're not allowed to do that. 

Yesterday, a friend and her son came for lunch. I made leek and potato soup and her three year old was adorable and quite taken with Angus's train track. In the afternoon we walked into town to see the Christmas Lights switched on in the town centre and meet up with some friends from school. It was nice, although bitterly cold. I was glad John had arrived home from work and lit the fire while we were out. Today I did a lot of Christmas shopping online, which felt productive, even though I sat in the kitchen drinking coffee the whole time.

Bella is currently obsessed with baking. Before 8am this morning, she was whipping up a batch of cupcakes and was remarkably competent and independent with the whole thing. (Until it came to clearing it up. I did that.) But bless her, trying her hardest to pipe the icing onto the top of the cakes, wearing her Christmas jumper, her hair still wild and tangled. We took the cakes to my parent's house this afternoon for a family gathering to celebrate my mum's birthday this week. She was proud of herself, and I was proud of her.

I finished another pair of socks and have to say that I love the grey and mustard. These will be a gift. In other crafting news, I have almost finished my cross stitched Christmas napkins, and have made a start on Bella's crocheted koala. Two legs and one and a half arms, to be precise. And I've been putting together a different kind of advent calendar for the children this year, on and off over the last few months. Twenty four little matchboxes, each filled with something different. I'm looking forward to showing it to you.

Lastly, we passed our home check from the retired greyhound people. I was at work so it was John they spoke to, and I think they were checking us more than the house or garden, you know, making sure we're not lunatics. So we go to pick up our dog this coming Saturday. Thank you for all your well wishes with that.

Wishing you all a happy, calm week.  


  1. Bella looks just like you in that photo. You have the same smile. I'm glad she likes baking so much. She did a nice job with the cupcakes. Congratulations on passing the inspection! That's exciting news. I can't wait to meet your new friend. :)

  2. I cannot believe how Bella and Angus have grown. She is beautiful and Angus looks grand (his picture is just not as clear--sure he is beautiful also :). I have three rescued greyhound granddogs,thanks to my eldest son and his wife. Wonderful and gorgeous! So fun. Wishing you much joy with yours.

  3. What beautiful homey photos. Bella should be very proud of her cakes; they look great. Your weekend sounds perfect - all that and a new greyhound too! xx

  4. Lovely to see glimpses of your beautiful home getting in the spirit of the season! Watching the Christmas lights being turned on is even more "christmassy" when it is cold, isn't it :-)
    Nice to see Bella so seriously at work, and I am sure the results are tasty. And one should never feel guilty for having a relaxed weekend!

  5. lovely homey pictures and congratulations on getting your dog - a home is so much a home when there is a pet.

  6. sounds like a lovely chilled out weekend x

  7. Lovely pictures of your home. Funny , all little sitting-corners of crafters look alike.
    Have a nice week, Manon

  8. You are doing that frenzied thing you do every year at Christmas but I love you for it! I was at home with the children this weekend mostly on my own and it is so much more relaxing than when bloke is here because we don't have to negotiate so much - that is terrible isn't it but I really enjoyed myself with the girls just pottering around making my ....Christmas skirt. Post it soon.Have a great week. Jo xx

  9. I gasped about the doggie news, SO EXCITING. Well done all for not being lunatics and being responsible enough for your new friend. Can't wait to see him or her. Glad you had a nice relaxing weekend. A lot of standing outside in the cold here. I get used to it after a while though. Bella is such a sweetie, a mini-you I think! The cupcakes look brilliant. CJ xx

  10. How exciting that you are picking your dog up soon. Lots of lovely walks. It sounds like you've all had a good weekend x

  11. Ah yes! The calm before the storm! It will be fun but an adjustment with plenty of cuddles and stories adjusting to the new dog. We fostered guide dog puppies for 5 years. We raised 8 puppies in total. Wouldn't trade it, but some days....Enjoy the process! LOVE the cupcakes! Bella is a star in the kitchen. That grin! She knows it, too! Enjoy the week!

  12. It sounds like a perfect weekend, just time to relax and be. Those cupcakes look delicious and best of luck with the new dog, how exciting!

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  14. Bella looks exactly like you! And her cupcakes look delicious! It sounds like you had a nice, cozy weekend.

  15. That sounds like a lovely weekend, Bella's cakes look great!

  16. Well, I am pleased to read you have been passed as sane. I like greyhounds, gentle dogs with a beautiful soul. It will fit right in with your family. Love Bella's cupcakes, each one a little different and each one piped with passion. I bet they tasted amazing! Bella is a mini you, beautiful! x

  17. A lovely weekend. Those times are precious, few and far between. I have a very keen baker here too and as a result I have been eating far too many cupcakes of late. I'm thrilled you passed the home check and to know that you and John are not lunatics! You must all be so very excited to collect your newest family member this weekend. X

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  19. How exciting to be welcoming a new doggy into your home! I bet the children are over the moon. Your weekend sounded lovely. I think we all need times like that but perhaps aren't always good at doing them? x

  20. What gorgeous photos, Gillian, of your lovely homey weekend. Best of all, the total joy on Bella's face as she presented the tray of cupcakes to you!
    Margaret P

  21. I love your cosy, homey weekend, it's the sort I like best. Bella's cupcakes look great - her piping is actually better than my previous efforts! Well done to her and congratulations on passing the house check. You must all be so excited - good luck! x

  22. Why do we do the guilt thing when we sit with our feet up? My husband has no issue with it!!
    Many congrats on the greyhound news, incredibly exciting.
    Lisa x


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