Wednesday 23 November 2016

Crocheted Christmas Stockings

Don't worry, the decorations aren't up yet. I'll wait until at least until early December. But I was in the loft, rummaging through the Christmas boxes, looking to see if I had any cards, wrapping paper or gift bags leftover from last year. I dimly remembered buying a load of cards and bags for something ridiculous like 50p in Waitrose last January, and I'm trying to get organised and think about what I need to do over the next four weeks. We are hosting Christmas this year, and I'm feeling the pressure. I wrote an epic list today, two pages, broken down into sub-categories.

Anyway, before you know it, I'm pulling out baubles and faffing around with decorations to show off my new stockings.

I can't honestly say that we needed any more Christmas stockings - the children use these ones which I made a few years ago - but I just liked the look of them. The pattern came with the one I used for my socks and is by Sandra Cherry Heart. It's a brilliant pattern for using up small amounts of yarn. I used up a satisfying amount of almost finished balls of DK, some wool, some acrylic, just whatever I had lying around. You could even avoid darning in the ends if you wanted, as no-one would ever wear these, but I did. I found it strangely satisfying. 

Half finished balls of yarn annoy me, as I try to find projects that use them up then invariably end up buying more yarn as I don't have enough. I'm almost through my yarn stash now - apart from balls I've bought for specific projects - and it feels liberating. 

I like the colours. They are my kind of colours, but then it's my yarn leftovers, so that makes sense. They will be hung from the mantel in December. They are very stretchy so I know that I  - I mean Father Christmas - can squeeze all kinds of awkward shaped gifts inside. But they were an altogether lovely festive crafting project and I enjoyed every stitch. 

Thank you so much for all your comments on dogs and greyhounds. It was lovely to read them all and feel your support and good wishes. We have yet to pass the house inspection, which happens tomorrow. Our neighbour is replacing his fence; if you remember his progress was hampered by a laurel tree in our garden which had grown over the boundary, but we've finally had it chopped down. But there is a gap there, and I'm not sure how much of an issue that will be for them. We'll find out tomorrow. But, even if we have to wait a while longer - until the fence is fully in place - we'll be adopting a greyhound eventually. We're pretty committed to it now. I even dreamt about it the other night. 

I will keep you all posted.


  1. Oh, those stockings are adorable! I'm useless at anything remotely 'crafty' so I do admire your skills in this department!
    Margaret P

  2. I love the stockings and can imagine how exciting they must be filled with unusually shaped gifts. Good luck with the house inspection and hope you get your greyhound soon. Another stocking may be needed if he/she arrives before Christmas!

  3. The stockings and the way you have made them fit in with the deocration in the one picture are lovely!
    Every year, I put up my Christmas decoration on the Saturday before the first Advent Sunday. It is this Saturday, and I am already looking forward opening the box and deciding what to put where - greeting "long lost friends", old familiar pieces and a few new ones. It will be the first time I decorate for Christmas in the "new" rooms, with the new colour scheme.
    Also, I intend to write and post my Christmas cards next Monday, and have started putting together what goes in the packages to my relatives in Yorkshire. I love this kind of job!

    All the best for the house inspection. I am very much looking forward to you eventually introducing your new four-legged family member to us!

  4. These are gorgeous! I love anything stripy and the colours you have used are fabulous.
    No decorations up here either. It's still too early for me, although I did have my first mince pie if the season last night.
    Here's hoping all goes well for you with the house inspection. Xx

  5. Brilliant stockings, as you say, the colours are very "you", I love them. FC will no doubt be filling them with all sorts of loveliness in JUST THIRTY DAYS time. Sub-categories you say..? CJ xx

  6. Gillian to the rescue with a 'must make' to use up those leftovers. I'm going to have fun making two of these for our Christmas extras this year. Thirty days - yikes. And I am so excited for you and your new greyhound. I think it is brilliant you are adopting an unwanted greyhound.

  7. I love the colours of your Christmas stockings - so cheerful! I bet Father Christmas could fit lots of presents in those. Good luck with your Christmas Day hosting preparations. Having a long, detailed list is where I'll start too. x

  8. Fabulous socks, sorry, stockings :-) I am in complete denial that in exactly ONE MONTH it will be Christmas Eve..! Yikes. I need to start a list. Good luck with your house inspection. Sam x

  9. How fabulous that you are making plans to adopt the greyhound. I have heard they don't moult and only need a 20 minute walk daily so they are not hard work! Betty

  10. I love your stockings as well as your blog. Good read.
    I will start following you on Feedly

  11. Your stockings are really sweet. I love that you were able to use up bits of yarn. I think that's one of the best things that can come out of any project, no matter what you make. Good luck with the house inspection!

  12. Festive looking stockings! Love how you used up bits to make them :) If they were hanging in my home, I would smile every time I walked by them :)

  13. These are fabulous stockings, beautiful colours and indeed very you. I am impressed with your list, subcategories and all! I am not in the mood for Christmas yet, it is too messy here. Got home to find 84 metres square of floorboards piled up in my living room, leaving us with next to no space..... ah well, come Christmas it will be all good. We'll just have to go to the chippy for our Christmas dinner :-)

  14. Oh I love these Gillian, they are just gorgeous! I'm so impressed that you are getting through your yarn stash. Some thing I'm not sure I'll ever manage but I do really like the idea of having less. These things seem so weigh me down after a while. Good luck with the dog! How exciting and hopefully a retired greyhound will mean you miss out on some of the problems that come with puppies... They are cute but so much work. We liked the idea of a greyhound too but since we have a cat it didn't seem like the best plan. Can't wait to meet the new member of the family though! :)

    S x

  15. Oh such a good idea for leftover yarn. I have a serious problem with leftovers, it's just ridiculous now, so I need quick makes that use up a ton of the darn stuff.

    I just need to get my crafty mojo back on again. It's that time of year where I panic, then I get grumpy, then I get even more grumpy that I'm grumpy when all I want to do is enjoy the festive period.

    Your stockings are inspiring, so thank you for this post, I think it might jolt me into crafty action!!!!!!!

    Take care

    Vanessa xxx

  16. Love the stockings, best of luck with the inspection.

  17. I love your pre-festive festive display! And gorgeous stockings... I really do feel the need. Not necessarily to be used of course, just to look lovely. Though I think most of what makes these so lovely (apart from the wonderful pattern, of course Sandra!) is your beautiful choice of colours. I really must go into the attic and do the wrap and card search, and also find the Christmas books for P's book advent. I really do need to so that!


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