Saturday 19 November 2016

Feels Like Winter

There was a gorgeous frost this morning, sparkling and crisp. I made pancakes, drank coffee, baked another Christmas cake - this one will be a gift - and pottered about the house quite happily. The sunny morning turned into a freezing, wet afternoon but we had an appointment to go to, with a local retired greyhound charity. We put our wellies in the car boot and set off.  We've been thinking for a long time about getting a dog and finally decided to do something about it. We have been waiting for the right time, whenever that is, but I think that we'll be waiting forever if we wait for the perfect moment. A puppy is appealing but, from all we've been told, probably not quite the right fit for us at the moment given that we both work, although my hours are part time. The greyhounds are retired from racing and the charity takes them in so that they can be re-homed, rather than destroyed. From the research we've done, we think that their character, temperament and the amount of exercise they need would be a good fit for us. We met lots of beautiful dogs this afternoon and took two for walks. (It's the only time the children have walked in the rain without complaining.) But I think we've found the dog for us - we just have to pass the home check, which involves someone from the charity coming to our house to check the garden is secure, that sort of thing - and hopefully we may have a dog at home in a couple of weeks. I keep saying it won't be allowed on the furniture. People laugh at me and say things like "good luck with that!" 

In other news, life is good. Work is busy but I am loving it at the moment. I haven't done much Christmas shopping but I have made a small start. Enough to stop me feeling panicky. I've crocheted some Christmas stockings but have delayed showing them to you, in case it's too early for some people. It's not too early for me. I ate my first mince pie today.


  1. This is fabulous news! Good luck with the dog!
    P.S. If you are firm with it, the dog will not be on the furniture, but if you let it do it one time, consider the battle lost. ;-)))

  2. I hope everything works out with the dog, I absolutely love greyhounds, they deserve a beautiful retirement.

  3. I have two rescues dogs, lurchers, and they have a lovely temperament. They are happy to walk for half an hour and then laze around for the rest of the day. However, lurchers and greyhounds are renowned for their love of creature comforts. My two take every opportunity to sleep on the sofas when I am not looking even though they know they are not supposed to! They will also move their beds to a sunny spot by the window or to the desirable fireside position! Contrary to popular belief, mine also live happily with two cats as well - they are a happy pack. They have definitely enhanced my family's life and I am sure a gentle hound will do the same for you and yours. Good luck!
    PS I would suggest hiding anything snuggly which is remotely precious as it may well be pilfered for nest building!

  4. I also you are all very happy together with the new dog, it's freezing here today
    Clare x

  5. Hello! I have been reading and loving your blog for a long time but been too shy to comment! We are on our second greyhound and can't recommend them enough! Both of ours have been gorgeous, gentle, loving, easy to housetrain and very content to spend some time home alone. They give so much and ask for very little in return. They do love sofas and beds but given their own folded duvet will stay off them if you are consistent in keeping them off. I have admired the photos of your lovely home on your blog, it will only be enhanced more by the addition of a greyhound! And a dog blanket would be a fabulous crochet project! All the best xxx

  6. What wonderful news! I regularly donate to our local greyhound rescue charity shop - I absolutely love the breed. One day we will also adopt a retired one. Think of all the doggy blankets you'll be making!

  7. How exciting, Gillian. I've known some very nice greyhounds and I think they will be a good choice for you guys. If it helps, we had a dog for nine years (he was our first baby) and he never once got up on the furniture. No luck needed, it was all training and consistency. Enjoy the search. :)

  8. Have fun with the dog - we ended up 'giving' one sofa to the dog and trying to squeeze the four of us on the other one - of course, as soon as we're out of sight she's on 'our' sofa. Absolutely love the last two sentences of this blog post :-)

  9. Good for you for adopting a greyhound. They are such sweet dogs and low maintenance. You will love yours.

  10. Now adopting a greyhound is something we've thought about too. One of the members of our car club fosters them & they are mostly very docile & loving. Some of them here in Oz, lead terrible lives if they don't come up to scratch on the racing front, which is such a shame. Look forward to hearing more about all this. Ah, winter for you & possibly our hottest day tomorrow since last summer (38deg C predicted) Ugh! Enjoy the rest of the weekend & take care.

  11. we are 6 months in with our rescue dog. the first 2 weeks were a little anxious. Keep going its worth it. Your all going to love that dog to death.

  12. Oh I'm thrilled for you Gillian, how lovely. From what I hear greyhounds are wonderful dogs. My neighbour has a greyhound cross who is the gentlest, quietest, best behaved dog I have EVER met. We are all in love with him. I am looking forward to seeing your new doggy very soon. Good luck with it all. CJ xx

  13. One of my best friends has two rescued greyhounds and her whole family loves them so much. I am looking forward to your Christmas crafting!!

  14. What a great choice of dog - I hear that they are very gentle pets and what a lucky doggy it will be to join your lovely family. We went to Blenheim Palace yesterday and I ate my first mince pie of the year as part of a very chilly picnic! Looking forward to seeing photos of your new family member. xx

  15. It's wonderful news about the dog. I am a little envious as I would dearly love another myself but cannot commit to one at the moment. I will get caught up in your excitement instead. What a fantastic addition to your family.
    I have been putting off any festive indulgence, not wanting to get too carried away too soon but I will be joining you in that first mince pie before much longer. 😊 X

  16. How very exciting! I remember Flossie's arrival so well: she walked in, climbed casually onto the sofa and looked genuinely surprised when I made her get off again immediately! For some time afterwards, she would try it again, but thankfully no longer does so - like most of the dogs round here, she is a mud magnet. My friend's greyhounds are lovely gentle creatures (so long as they don't get near cats) but manage to take up so much space in the sitting room - like teenagers, their legs seem to extend unnaturally far! Good luck with your new addition; do post pictures, won't you.

  17. my teenage boy would love a dog. I keep saying no. but I bought him mince pies Weeks ago, so it's not all bad here.......

  18. Sitting at the moment with 3 dogs (1 is Dan's) all on the furniture. They are annoying, loud, mucky when wet but also loving, happy, loyal and fun .... enjoy. X

  19. Oh Gillian, that is such exciting news! Greyhounds and lurchers make ideal family pets. Our rescue dog is a greyhound cross and she suits us perfectly. I had the same rule about furniture... She's now allowed on one chair (which has, yes, become 'her chair'). We can't imagine life without her now; we all love her. It does change your life for the better. Oh, but do make sure all of your children's beloved crocheted animals are out of reach... My eldest was 17 yesterday (ridiculous) so now I can start thinking about Christmas. Have a relaxing Sunday. Sam x

  20. Oh please tell me it's a greyhound, I recognise that lanky gait!! We've had two greys and they make lovely, placid, affectionate pets. Keeping my fingers crossed! Good luck!!

  21. Sorry, I didn't even read the article properly, was just so excited to see the greyhound! Yes, they are great pets and don't need much exercise. Great, greyt news :)

  22. Ah, FAB news re grey hound, I look forward to your news, I had my first mince pie about a month ago when they hit the bakery, very nice it was too!! xx

  23. I remember someone saying to me once that "having a dog makes a house a home" and whilst I would extend that to cats as well, there's nothing quite like having someone always at home to greet you when you walk through the door. It is possible to live without having to let your dog claim the sofa as it's own - although ours does like to take a sneaky leap onto the cushions whenever he thinks we're not looking! I'm sure you'll sail through the home visits, and look forward to seeing your new family member soon! xx

  24. I think it is fantastic that you are giving a rescued dog a home. A greyhound does sound like a good fit for your lifestyle.

  25. How lovely to have a dog... Perfect for Winter walking!

  26. We went to see my cousins cocker spaniel puppies last weekend and managed to walk away without one (phew!) especially as the girls had them on their laps for ages. Love your welcoming photos and words tonight. Love Jo x

  27. Ooh, exciting! Looking forward to meeting your new member of the family! Haven't had a mince pie yet but it's just a matter of time..! X

  28. What a lovely early Christmas present - getting a pet dog. I'm excited for you and your family, especially the kids. I haven't had my first mince pie yet but I've eaten loads of stolen bites already! X

  29. Patch is so very unrelenting with campaign dog... He told me on the walk to school last week (while clasping my hand very tihjtly) that a dog would make his life complete. Oh my. Would love to know how you get on with your new family member!

    It was such a beautiful frost, such a beautiful morning - which we glimpsed on the way to the pool. I have spent the entire weekend sitting on a plastic seat. But oh, so much knitting. (And proud Mummy moments!)

  30. How exciting - a new, four-legged family member! I have no doubts that you will pass the home check with flying colours. Will the dog stay at home on his/her own when you're out working? I know that's not a problem for many dogs, as long as it isn't all day and every day.

    Mentioning Christmas and all that involves is definitely not too early for me - I've bought most of my presents already. On Saturday, O.K. and I went to a small Advent Market where a friend of ours sold her hand-made jewellery and other nice things. And tomorrow, my hometown's Christmas Market starts; of course, my Mum and I plan to go to the official opening ceremony :-)

  31. Such a lovely time of year! The change of seasons has been rather abrupt here....17C on Friday followed by -2C on Sunday with a windchill of -11C...and snow!! It does make it feel more Christmassy. I tried to put up the tree Sunday afternoon when my daughter-in-law was over, but alas...Mr. R was not ready for it. I'll sneak it up soon! Have fun with the new addition! Puppies are wonderful! Alot of work, but wonderful!

  32. Lovely photo's. We had a wonderfully mild last week and then Sunday night temperatures drop and we're bringing out the winter jackets, hats, mitten etc.. brr

  33. Aw greyhounds are lovely, although apparently quite addictive too! My parents had three at one point, such calm gentle dogs (apart from the mad half hour when they charge around and go completely loopy!)

  34. My friend Penny, who blogs at Parent Shaped has a retired Greyhound and loves it, it has made the most wonderful addition to her family. I'm sure you will find the same.

  35. We have guinea pigs. We couldn't handle a dog, but I love them. I hope your rescued greyhound is lovely... and I'm looking forward to the crocheted coats you'll make them!
    Winter is well and truly on the way now, isn't it? I'm feeling almost ready present-wise, but I miss lots of time at home to do stuff. But then... I love work, so I'm torn in two!

  36. Aw Gillian, how lovely, you must all be so excited. I look forward to seeing some pics. Enjoy the rest of the week xx

  37. Oh my goodness what an exciting time ahead! I do hope everything works out as planned and I look forward to meeting them here.
    Lisa x

  38. Gosh think of all those lovely dog walks you will go on! We kept Otto off the sofa for quite a while, but if I'm honest, there's nothing better that snuggling up with him on it...our next sofa however will be dark grey! Good luck with it all, turns your life upside down for a bit but then thinks just become normal again. Just love those Christmas stockings ;) xxx


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