Thursday 16 June 2016

Thursday Night Happies

:: A beautifully tiled splashback behind the cooker. (Also, a harmonious DIY experience, a husband who is handy with jobs around the house, and a finally finished kitchen.)

:: This amazing chicken and lentil curry, of which there was plenty leftover so the freezer is filling up again. The spices were fried and the paste made from scratch. The rice didn't come out of a packet in the microwave. It tasted of, well, flavours. Lots of flavours. Also eaten this week: chicken fajitas, barbecue pulled pork with buns, coleslaw and salad, spaghetti carbonara. Tomorrow night I'm going to attempt some kind of hash with the leftover pulled pork and some potatoes and beans, chuck a fried egg on top. Ah, cooking! 

:: The discovery of a really, really old iPod in the back of a drawer. It's practically vintage, but it works, and Angus is very taken with it. Because it's full of John's music, I think he was listening to The Clash here. (Also, I just think Angus looks really cute in his little vest which he has been wearing as a pyjama top lately.)

:: Herbs on the window sill. The lovely pots were a kind gift from my mother in law.

:: The arranging of stuff. It was like unpacking all over again, as I got things out of boxes and dusted them off. Comments were made about having too many vases. I'll just say that I am adequately prepared for any flower-giving situation and that's very sensible of me.

:: Tiny baby ranunculus seedlings. I doubt I'll get flowers this year, they're too small, but I'm proud of them. I might plant them out this weekend.

:: Peony season. How I love watching these unfold.

:: This one who, when he wants to, can melt my heart. Especially when he does "helping". Look at his concentrating face. 

:: Dusting off  - I mean literally wiping the dust - off my sewing machine to make a tunic for Bella to wear to Anglo Saxon day at school. Then I sat in front of two episodes of the Great British Sewing Bee while I hemmed the dining room curtains. A happy evening of sewing. 

:: My Anglo Saxon girl. She was particularly proud of her plaits. I don't think the long sleeved t-shirt, leggings or trainers worn under the tunic were historically accurate, but I saw one boy in her class dressed as Hercules and another as a Roman solider, so I don't think we need to worry. 

:: Salads shaped like faces.

:: Our first dinner (chicken fajitas) in our new kitchen-dining room on Sunday night. One of those lovely harmonious family meals when no-one moans and everyone likes what they are eating, although Angus continues to refuse to eat peppers or the salad, and both he and Bella eye the guacamole with something resembling fear. 


The world is a dark and scary place sometimes, is it not? The senseless killing of innocent people, political wranglings  - at home, in Europe and further afield - that leave me worried about the future, plus so much more. But let's remember that the world is mostly made up of nice people. Be kind. Take joy where you can find it and celebrate the things that make you happy, however small. 


  1. Your last paragraph tended to grab me after such a lovely post, but I'll try and dwell on the lovelies that went before that. The kitchen is looking so lovely and all that cooking that is happening means it is working well. You can never have too many vases (me!), or too many nice books. We are all different and what one likes is up to you. Love the pics of the kids today, especially Angus concentrating on slicing beans. Have a good weekend and take care.

  2. Yes, there are so many good and lovely people and posts like this make me think of them, beautiful simplicity xx

  3. I know you're thrilled to have it all done and be able to cook again. It looks so good. Your little Anglo-Saxon is adorable.
    I'd like to believe that the world is full of good people, but sometimes I despair.

  4. I enjoyed seeing your food, especially. So glad you're back to cooking again! I had to laugh about food tasting like flavors; when we first moved to New Mexico, we were put up in an efficiency apartment for about a month while we looked for a house to rent (our own belongings were stashed away in a warehouse). The apartment was ostensibly stocked for prolonged stays, but there wasn't enough equipment to cook real meals so we often ate ready-made or packaged foods. I remember making wayyy too much food when we finally had our own things back. I think there was one day that I made biscuits, cookies and focaccia. I went through the whole bag of flour. I agree with you, there are many good people in the world and I will always have hope.

  5. Thank you for this lovely post, Gillian. I have shed a tear this morning reading about Jo Cox. What is going on in the world? But you are so right, it is mostly full of nice people. Thank you for cheering me this week xxx

  6. I guess these days people feel more united because of all the terror and dark things happening...
    I loved seeing your photos, very cozy, homely.. May it remain as such!
    Take care!

  7. I loved reading this with my morning coffee, Gillian, thank you!
    Your home is beautiful, and the tiled wall behind your cooker looks great. Also, both Bella and Angus are great kids from all I've gathered through your blog (no wonder, coming from great parents).
    So true about your last paragraph.

  8. What a wonderful post full of lovely cooking, a beautiful new kitchen, rediscovering all of your treasures, getting to sew and having such a charming family!!

  9. Lovely post and thank you so much for sharing the photos of Angus and bella. I don't know whether you wrote before or after the horrific murder of Jo cox, with your connection to Leeds this must particularly resonate. I have been appalled by some of the opions expressed during the referendum and the hatred. But yesterday I saw the happiness in my colleagues a football match can bring and last night I saw 50 young people perform Made in Dagenham and give it their all. There is so much wonder but I still do feel sad this week! X

    1. I was particularly thinking of the death of Jo Cox - such a senseless and tragic waste of a life. She was one of the good ones.

      I saw a lovely video on Facebook this week of some quite drunk Irish and Swedish football fans not fighting, but all singing along to Abba's Dancing Queen together. It's not all bad thank goodness. X

  10. Lovely to catch up with you and see your photos. Especially Bella and Angus, love the vest look! :)

    S x

  11. Lots of happy things. It's lovely when order returns after mayhem and you can get back to lots of cooking and enjoying meals in beautiful surroundings. You can never have too many vases by the way :). B xx

  12. How great that you are back in the kitchen again! It looks fantastic and so much your style! Love the openeness of it all. Oh, and never too many vases, just not enough flowers!!!

  13. Your kitchen and dining room are gorgeous, no doubt you are full of cooking inspiration now. Love Bella's costume, and you're right, historical accuracy is not highly valued when it comes to dressing up for school. We have two costumes that I use for anything from 1600 to 1950. It's all in how you carry it off. The salad face is scaring me slightly. Love the kitchen helper and the herb pots though. I'm wishing you and yours a good weekend. I agree so much with what you say in your last paragraph. We need to keep the light in our lives, especially when the darkness seems overwhelming. CJ xx

  14. So lovely to catch up with your posts Gillian, and see what's been happening in your world. Your kitchen looks amazing, and I bet it has been so lovely to be able to cook again!

    Urgh, sometimes I despair of the world we live in. Constantly bombarded with horrific news. I really do feel there is a place for a tv programme every week to highlight all the good that happens in a week, just to balance things out a bit. The world is full of good people too with acts of bravery and kindness. It would be so nice to have that highlighted also.

    On the subject of vases, I'm not sure you can ever have 'too many'....trouble is, that applies to cups, bowls, yarn........well in my house!!!!!!!

    Have a beautiful weekend!

    Vanessa x

    1. Oh Vanessa, wouldn't that TV programme be wonderful?? I'd watch it. Xx

  15. It is particularly important to hang on to the love and the happiness in our lives when the world is as crazy and deeply troubling as it is right now. I see blogs such as yours as beacons of light. Have a wonderful weekend enjoying your gorgeous new space. Sam x

  16. I love your charcoal wall, the and anglo saxon outfit is great! Us mums are so amazing! I am in the middle of making a queen armidala from star wars outfit. Wish me luck on that one! Slightly ambitious in the making department I have to say. I love the black grout on the subway tiles in your kitchen. It is tragic the amount of devastation the actions of lunatics brings, I feel for the families. I hope you have a lovely weekend, hold your loved ones tight.

  17. It is good to think of the happy moments, even after or maybe especially after the awful news yesterday. And your lovely photographs are full of happy moments!

  18. So many more good people out there than bad: we need to focus on that and remember.
    Love your new living space - it must really enhance how you spend your time at home. Great photos, too! Have a lovely weekemd X

  19. Thank you for sharing the pictures of your new kitchen. It really looks so nice!

  20. Thank you for sharing the pictures of your new kitchen. It really looks so nice!

  21. Everything in your home has turned out beautifully and the kitchen is the icing on the cake. You are so right, it has been one scary week.

  22. be kind and take joy. wise wise words xxx

  23. So lovely to see your finished kitchen, it is gorgeous. I love the dark grey wall in the dining room. Your last paragraph struck a chord with me as I have been feeling this way lately, it all seems so scary. I agree with you about finding happiness and especially being kind.

  24. Great job on the tiling! It looks perfect. I'm so glad you've got your kitchen back and are enjoying it. I love that striking dark wall in your living room too!
    I follow US politics a lot and listened to a bit about Britex this morning and was wondering how it must feel to be living there while all of this is going on. And of course, it's just a circus going on over here :( I really enjoy stopping in to your blog to see some beauty and happiness every week.

  25. Well, your kitchen was definitely worth waiting for. It's absolutely gorgeous and just so you. Love the tiled splash back. Bella looks so lovely as an Anglo Saxon girl and Angus' concentrating face is adorable. One can never have too many vases! Happy cooking. xx

  26. You are completely right we should all look or the happiness in our lives and not be dragged down by all the madness in the world.
    You kitchen and dinning room look lovely well worth all the inconvienices.

  27. The world can seem like a very scary place but we have to remember that we hear all the worse and there is far more good than bad. And as you say, we need to focus on the happy things in our lives. You've shared some lovely happy things in this post!

  28. Angus is a cool dude, and Bella a beautiful young Saxon girl. I am glad you are enjoying your food now that it is cooked once more from fresh and flavourful ingredients. I quite fancy dinner at yours. As for the state of the world, I am trying very hard to ignore it at the moment, the joy of life is threatening to leave me if I don't. Wishing you a happy week. x

  29. Hey Gillian,
    Yes indeed. Most of the world is made up of nice people like you and me, who are just going about their business. Making meals for their family, noticing how their little one looks while concentrating, making things for their children to wear. Honestly after a week of horror, I've pulled my three closer than ever.
    Have a lovely week.
    Leanne xx
    By the way, your kitchen is a bloody triumph. xx

  30. Yay to you for sewing, she looks fabulous and the plaits are the perfect finishing touch! tell her I said so!
    ....have a great

  31. That comment about being kind made my heart sing. I've been asking people what we can each individually do to Make It Work (if we leave) or Make It Work Better (if we stay in). Being kind and helpful to strangers, whoever they are, seems a good place to start. Joan

  32. Whoops, sorry, me again. Knew there was something else I wanted to ask - can you point me to the recipe for the chicken and lentil curry please? Joan x

    1. Hello Joan, sorry it took me so long to respond. It's a Jamie Oliver recipe but we used chicken instead of lamb and chucked in some lentils, just to pad it out a bit I think. This is the link:

  33. ah so lovely to see your life returning to lovely normality, and so much delicious cooking taking place. your sentiments at the end of this post are exactly what I needed to read today, thank you for those x


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