Tuesday 4 September 2012

Back to School

Name labels sewn on? Check.
Uniform ironed? Check.
Packed lunch made? Check.
PE kit ready? Check.

It's back to school for Bella today as she enters Year 1 or "proper" school, as John calls it. Last night, as I tucked her in, she asked me to stay for a few minutes. We chatted about this and that, mostly about what she would do at school the next day. I wouldn't say she was worried exactly, but she just seemed to want a little extra reassurance.

Bella settled so well into reception last year, largely because she went to nursery in that school and was familiar with the other children, the teachers and the building. I was primed for tears (hers and mine) but it soon became clear that she was fine. More than fine in fact. Each morning I was dismissed. Sometimes, when I dropped her off, I would linger in the classroom and watch her with her friends. I love watching her when she doesn't know I'm there. Then she would see me and give me a look as if to say "Why are you still here? Go away. I'm busy."

This morning she was fine. I knew she would be. After the initial flurry of hanging up coats and bags, changing outdoor shoes for indoor pumps and putting lunch boxes on the special Lunch Box Trolley I kissed her goodbye and left her. It felt ok. My beautiful, busy, chatty, growing-so-fast little girl. I love her so much.


  1. Oh, how lovely ... remember when my Millie had shoes like that, and a little lunch box! Enjoy this time, it's special ... Millie's about to enter her final year and can't believe she'll be leaving school forever in 9 months!

    Love, Claire xxx

    1. Oh, leaving school, that feels like so many years away, but I know it will come round all too soon. I can't believe how fast the time goes sometimes. x

  2. Sweet Bella's list. So adorable, you must save it. How long is the school day there? Can you walk to her school or do you drive? I love hearing how it all "works" over there! :)


    1. Her school day is 8.45 till 3.15 which is pretty usual I think. We try to walk most days as it's only half a mile away, but I do take the car if it's raining. Or we're late. I quite like the little bit of exercise first thing, then Angus and I get back in at 9 and I have a coffee - it's our little routine!

      I am equally fascinated by how education systems work in other countries! x

  3. So sweet! That list needs framing! It's heartwrenching leaving them. I was happy when I spied on Bella through the glass, though she was picking her nose and blowing raspberries. Sam moved into 'proper' school too and was totally fine.

    1. Angus starts nursery next week and I know that will be harder on him and me. But so good to hear your two are settling well. I love spying on my Bella through the window. x

  4. Ah, so lovely, that list brought a tear to my eye! Max is starting Year 3(!) tomorrow, he will be a Junior! They grow up so fast. Glad Bella has settled in so well, it makes it much easier for you! x

    1. Oh, year 3, bless him! I hope he settles well. It feels like the milestones are coming thick and fast at the moment - I just want to pause it all for a little bit and get my breath back! x

  5. Lovely handwriting for a little one I must say! :)
    It was first one at high school for us today. It will be here before you know it. Enjoy! X

    1. Coming from an ex-primary teacher, that means a lot - thank you! I love her incorrect, phonetic spelling and back to front numbers. Good luck with high school. x

  6. So glad Bella settled in well ... her handwriting is so cute and very impressive too ... enjoy the quiet time with Angus ... that's my plan with my littlest ... Bee xx

    1. I am making the most of this week before he starts nursery next week...eek, my baby! :-( xx

  7. Today was the first day back for the boys. I love Bella's list.

    1. I hope your boys enjoyed their first day. I am keeping that list in my "sentimental" box. x

  8. How lovely, I hope she had a wonderful day and enjoyed playing with all her school friends again. My daughter starts her last year at primary school tomorrow, she also went to nursery and we used to have the screaming ab dabs for the first few weeks, but school went smoothly, just me shedding a tear or two. xx

    1. I think it will be Angus having the screaming ab dabs and me shedding a tear next week - he starts nursery. Boo. My baby! x

  9. Aw...this is so sweet. Your little girl is growing up and making friends. I'm so glad to hear that she's settled in just fine.

    1. Thanks Trishie. It's so weird when they start to become independent little people with their own social lives.

  10. Ah sweet! They grow up so quickly! When the toddler started play school this year I think the first few days were tougher for me than for him :-) x

    1. It's so strange coming back to a silent house. It always takes me a while to readjust - I'm not used to silence!x

  11. It's VERY quiet today here too! She will be fine! Don't worry too much! Ada :)

  12. A new stage in her life, now exciting! Love her little lunch box and bottle : -)

    1. She chose them - Hello Kitty and Minnie Mouse rule our house. x

  13. What a fab list. Glad all went well. I think we're reassured when our little ones are fine with it. Eleanor's 14 now but she still loves to get back to school after the holidays, not to learn of course, it's more of a social life to her.

    1. Oh goodness, her social life seems hectic enough now and she's not a teenager yet! At least by 14 she will be organising her own things though - sometimes I feel like her social secretary! x

  14. I love Bella's spelling! I loved my own Dolly's phonetic spellings when she was small! Something heart-warming about them doing it by themselves :)

    I also remember the dismissal days :( those never go away!! Infact they get worse- hehe! Least you are still up at the door now... enjoy it! I am at the, kisses goodbye in the car (so no one sees) and then crosses at the crossing on her own stage. Nevertheless we love to see them grow up and move along through life! I hope Bella (and Angus too) have a wonderful school year xxx

    1. Hazel, I loved your story of having to do kisses in the car! So no-one sees - bless. At least Bella is too young to know just how embarrassing I am. x

  15. So glad Bella enjoyed her first day! I love her school outfit and darling little shoes.

    1. It's so cute isn't it? All the infant/primary schools round here have uniforms. They all look very sweet in them, and it makes getting them ready in the morning so much easier!

  16. Oh bless... Love Bella's handwriting it's perfect! I've just finished labeling everything in sight. Now I've got to get used to my littlest starting nursery. (sob!)

    1. My littlest starts nursery next week too...I am in denial. He is my baby!

  17. A different list has been compiled by the boy here who is about to leave home to do a masters course in a big city. Gulp.

    1. Oh, gulp indeed! I hope his handwriting was better than Bellas! I wish him good luck for the course and the move - scary stuff, but good too.

  18. What fabulous handwriting, so lovely. Glad she settled back in so well.
    My big girl went into Juniors yesterday (gulp) and my little one started reception today, I'm an emotional wreck, yet they are excited, happy and completely fine.
    I hope the nursery start goes well for you both next week ;-) x

    1. Oh Colette, don't be sad. It's good that your girls settled well. And think of all the time you have now to do whatever you want or need to do. Although I will totally be a wreck in years time when Angus starts reception... x

  19. my little one, only 2 1/2, is starting preschool today. i'm feeling a mix of excitement, sadness, and anticipation. i'm guessing there will be tears, but probably only mine.
    i spent last night writing her name in her clothes and making her lunch. glad to know that i'm not alone in this!

    1. I hope she settled well at preschool. Labeling clothes and making packed lunches are part of the fabric of life with kids! And dealing with the barrage of letters/notes/memos that come home with them daily and need dealing with...

      How nice for you to have some time to yourself before baby comes. x

  20. They grow at lightning speed ... one day they're Bella's size and the next they are as tall as you and off to Uni. Cherish the moments x

    1. How do you tell them off when they are as tall as you? Height is my advantage and weapon in all matters disciplinarian! But yes, I am working hard to cherish the moments. xx


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