Monday 9 March 2020

Glimpses of Blue

In amongst the gloom, the relentless rain and the mud, news bulletins full of floods and Coronavirus and the climate emergency, I am trying to find glimpses of spring and good things to come. I don't think I've ever wanted winter to end and spring to come as much as I do this year. Everywhere is muddy. The garden is squelchy underfoot, the grass desperately needs cutting, and I'm desperate to get out there and start pottering and tidying up. But I am trying to remember to look up, in all senses. 

There was that dog walk at sunset last week. It had been the first dry day in what felt like weeks (probably was weeks, to be fair) and I went over to our usual dog-walking fields and had the place to myself. It was totally waterlogged, but wonderful to stride around on my own, throwing a ball for Ziggy. And so beautiful. I felt elated when I got home, a reminder of the power of some fresh air, exercise and vitamin D to improve your mood.

Storm after storm have brought down many trees, including one round the corner from our house. The council cleared it off the road and left it all, half chopped, in a pile where it will probably remain for some time. I don't know what kind of tree it was but some of the twiggy branches with their furry catkins came home with me, so be arranged in amongst the daffodils (not bored of them yet)...

and just in a vase on their own. I picked up another bigger piece which I think will make a wonderful Easter tree.

One upside to this turbulent, ever changing weather is the rainbows.

This one I saw yesterday seemed like the clearest rainbow I've ever seen.

The shadows are pretty too.

I recently had printed a photo I'd taken of a boat on a flat calm, misty day down at the beach. I ordered a mount (I like this place and have used them a few times in the past) and put it in a frame I bought for £3.75 from Wilkos. I'm really happy with how it came together.

I've just finished this book and cannot recommend it enough; good characters, good plot, a proper page turner. I couldn't put it down at the end, and I am glad to see the author has a nice long back list for me to turn to! 

I tried these white chocolate and berry coconut mountains from The Little Swedish Kitchenand they are good. A bit like macaroons but with sesame seeds and ground almonds as well as coconut. Perfect to go with the 4 pm cup of tea when I get in from work.

I'm crocheting myself a pair of wrist warmers from here (I stumbled across it - the pattern is in US terms but very easy) and I'm enjoying it a lot. Basically they fit which, after the jumper, is all I want from a crochet project.

Thank you so much for all your compliments and tips on my jumper in my last post. Such good advice, I will definitely size down in future projects as well as going down a hook size. 

Wishing you all a happy, stress free, sunny week. 


  1. It's raining Now in Ituzaingo(Buenos Aires) and with the media crazyness about coronavirus it's so nice to read your post!! Beautiful rainbow!!! Enjoy your week!

  2. Fantastic photos, as always on your blog, Gillian!
    Those rainbows are so beautiful; we've not seen many here, but there was one just yesterday afternoon when I was out for a quick walk around the fields with my sister. She had called spontaneously on her way home from work while I was still working from home. Aren't such impromptu things the best?
    The mirror in the picture with Bella looks exactly the same as the one I have in my bathroom. Is it IKEA?
    Good idea to rescue parts of the fallen tree. I am sure your Easter tree will look great!

  3. All the signs of Spring bring so much hope of renewal after all the gloomy and frightening news. Beautiful photos. Your children are really growing up.

  4. There are glimpses of Spring. Keep looking up Gillian. Jo xx

  5. I am with you, wishing winter away and spring to arrive with a blast. At the very least I want an entire dry day. As I am typing, my windows are battered by wind and rain. So I'll take your lead and keep looking up. Have a good week xx

  6. 6 grey cold wet months do take their toll do they. We're in desperate need of spring, sun and lots and lots of flowers here in North Europe. When I looked at your pictures, excellent quality as usual, it striked me your son is growing into a man. Bigger but also less round features. And that magnolia <3

  7. My favorite Moriarty book is What Alice Forgot, just in case you need help narrowing it down :)

  8. What beautiful photos... thank you for sharing. I am also wanting spring to come more than usual... it has been a very strange winter for sure. I love your rainbow photos and you positive attitude! Have a great week!

  9. I didn't fancy the film big little lies but read the book instead - enjoyed it and will read some of her other books.

  10. Rainbow spotting is a joyful thing to be doing now... We need more sunny days

  11. We’ve had quite a few rainbows with the very mixed weather we’re having. They are an uplifting sight, although I always wonder who has the pot of gold?

  12. I love Lianne Moriarty. Particularly her earlier books. Three Wishes is a lovely, quirky story without the slightly darker undertones of some of the later ones. Probably less popular appeal/TV potential but one to return to when you need something light. I particulary like the little vignettes from strangers who crossed paths with the main chanracters. I'd love to know what you think if you end up reading it.


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