Friday 21 April 2017

Easter & After

Hello! Gosh it's been busy around here and Easter feels like a long time ago already. Our Easter Day was quiet with a walk on the beach in the morning and roast lamb for dinner. John cooked and it was one of his best roasts yet, even in his hungover state. Angus picked a haphazard little posy of garden flowers for the table and I got out the embroidered napkins. Family called in and a lot of chocolate was exchanged and eaten. Bella and Angus had asked if we were doing an egg hunt. I hadn't organised anything, thinking they were probably getting a bit old for that sort of thing, but apparently not. So I was out there in my pyjamas bright and early Sunday morning, hiding small foil-wrapped eggs all around the garden. They absolutely loved looking for the eggs - it was a really sweet moment, watching them padding around out there in their dressing gowns. The Simnel Cake was delicious and I can report that homemade marzipan tastes a million times better than shop bought (and this is coming from someone who really doesn't like marzipan), with a lovely crumbly lemoniness and none of the cloying sweetness of the bright yellow stuff. The cake was a little over done but still good, with a lightness that the fruit cake I make at Christmas doesn't have. The Key Lime Pie was a bit so-so, to be honest. Not limey enough. 

When I haven't been eating I've been painting. We decorated Bella's bedroom this week and I'll show you some photos soon. It's not finished yet - we still need to wallpaper one wall and I promised her she could choose a new print or two - but the worst is done. This Easter holiday I have sanded and painted one bed (Bella's, grey, the same as Angus's), one garden bench, one wooden planter, and an entire bedroom floor. My poor hands!

I've made a little project out of this rather grim corner of our garden over this holiday. This fence and collection of pots is right in front of the patio doors from our dining room and I look out upon it every day. It was really starting to depress me. The fence is new and in good condition, but such a dark and dreary colour. The whole corner really needed some love. 

We started by jet washing the decking. (And the children.)

This is how it looked before...

...and after. I'm not wild about this decked area but it's practical and will stay for now. It's perfect for our outdoor table and chairs and the bench.

Do you remember this wooden planter?

I sanded it and painted it grey...

...then lined is with plastic, drilled in a couple of holes for drainage, before filling the bottom with large stones and the top with compost

Then I planted it with sweet peas. If I'm going to look out onto this area every day, then there may as well be something pretty and colourful to look at. I also planted up all my other pots with a mixture of carnations, verbena, pinks and pansies.

The planter came out really well and I'm so happy with it as a finished project.

And a week later, those sweet peas are already growing and filling up the space. 

Can you believe we haven't had any rain over the whole two weeks of the holidays? I've been remembering to water all my pots and am full of my usual spring time enthusiasm for the garden.

Other parts of the garden still need work though, like our wood store. You may notice that more wood lives outside the wood store than is actually stored in it. John says he needs a chainsaw to tackle the rest of it.

I finished my crochet cardigan, too. It's so lovely, I can't wait to show it to you. Now that project is over, I've begun something completely different - some crocheted fruit and vegetables.

I'll leave you with a photo of me gardening taken by Angus.


  1. Your photos are beautiful. We are back from a week in Mevagissy in Cornwall. I am looking at our holiday washing and your seaside picture is making me want to return on holiday NOW xxx

  2. Your lamb looks luscious! Your never too old to hunt eggs, a couple of years ago my husband hid them for me!

  3. Loved looking at your photos. My family joined a group of friends for a big shared lunch on Sunday. It was a lot of fun with so many people and kids. They even did an Easter egg hunt for everyone including the adults. Each person had to find their own (labelled) egg outside. Cathy x

  4. Oh that cake stopped me in my tracks, it looks utterly delicious. Well done on the gardening, that corner is looking lovely. Pinks are one of my favourites, I love that, well, pink one that you have, fab colour. I have some sweet peas to plant out tomorrow as well. I hope John gets his chainsaw soon, boys do love a nice new toy. There will be no stopping him. A neighbour of ours is forever outside playing with his, he cuts up literally mountains of wood. I think he must sell it, no-one could get through that much on their own. Well done on all the sanding as well, it sounds as though you've had a brilliantly productive time. Spring energy is a very fine thing isn't it. CJ xx

  5. All sounds and looks great Gillian. I admire your enthusiasm for painting and decorating, wish I had even a fraction of it. Maybe when you are done, you fancy a visit to Glasgow? You look lovely and happy, such a beautiful photo. x

  6. What a transformation of your decking area; it looks fabulous. You made me laugh about thinking that Angus and Bella might be too old for an egg hunt - my 2 still wanted one this year ....... at 19 and 23! Your Simnel Cake looks delish. xxx

  7. What a lovely Easter you had! And so much energy--could you send some my way? I love your planter with the sweet peas; it's going to be beautiful!

  8. What a lovely relaxed family time. I love the fact your two still wanted an egg hunt. My friends daughter still wanted one at 23! I'm so pleased your cake was a success and that you enjoyed it. It looks deicious. Sometimes we can put time and effort into something that just doesn't work. It's such a good feeling when something exceeds expectation.
    The planter looks like new since you've painted it. I'm hoping to get mine done this next week once Lily is back at preschool. It looks so shabby.
    Enjoy your food crochet. I made some fruit and veg for Lily's play kitchen and found it to be very therapeutic and funny in so many ways. It's also a bit addictive. X

  9. what a lovely time, the washed decking looks great, we need to do ours.....

  10. Wow, you've certainly been busy-busy-busy! You know this was supposed to be a holiday, right...? :-)
    The grey planter looks really good, and I can't wait to see your cardigan and Bella's bedroom.

  11. Sounds like a really busy Easter, though a happy time as well. The decked area is coming along nicely now & should be a lovely to use in summer. I love the planter full of sweet peas & you gardening. Good on Angus. Look forward to seeing Bella's new look bedroom. Have a good week & take care.

  12. Sweet-pea idea has totally inspired me, thanks! If you want a good key lime pie recipe try Nigella's. We always need double the limes she says to get enough juice but it's really good!

  13. I love your planter. The pup has completely trampled my Sarah Raven sweet peas in the garden Ho hum! maybe next year. Jo x

  14. Wow, you have achieved an amazing amount in two weeks! The planter is unrecognisable and looks great planted with sweet peas. I normally dislike marzipan but I'm tempted to make some now after reading about your cake - it looks delicious.

  15. Love your posts, love your enthusiasm. Thank you for sharing.


  17. sounds a lovely easter, we're in the process of trying to sort out our garden, I love your painted planter so that's one idea added to our list, thank you x

  18. It looks like you had a really productive break! I love the way the planter looks painted. Good for you remembering to water. I just started my seasonal watering this morning and I'll do it every day from here on out. The worst part is coiling the hose when I'm done. I get filthy every time. Looking forward to seeing Bella's room!

  19. Well done! My adult son planted some peas here which are growing in spite of nearly steady rain since he planted them, but they have yet to flourish as yours are...the sun will surely shine here again...right? xx

  20. what a transformation in that corner! It makes such a difference having something lovely to look out over too! x


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