Friday 23 September 2016

An Autumn Scarf for an Autumn Day

It finally felt crisp enough to wear my scarf this morning. I finished it a few days ago and have been wanting to wear it so badly, but it's been too mild. But this morning was perfect; cool first thing, with a low bright sun and delicious chill in the air. It's made with Drops Nepal yarn, mainly to use up the large amount leftover from my poncho, and I bought another couple of balls of the cream colour too for the third round, joining and fringe. I doubled over the yarn so it was really thick and used a 10mm hook as I wanted something really chunky and robust. It's certainly that, and incredibly warm too. 

Are you doing anything nice this weekend? Anything especially autumnal? We have nothing planned, which is just how I like it. John is off. I love the weekends when John doesn't work, they feel much more weekend-y than when it's just me and the kids. There are jobs to do around the house, the kids need some new clothes, there are various errands to run, but nothing urgent. We haven't lit a fire yet, but I must admit I'm looking forward to the first one. We should probably chop some wood this weekend. (When I say "we" I mean John. I'll make cups of tea and say something encouraging.) I'm aiming for some pottering and cooking, and hopefully a walk somewhere. Definitely crochet, and I have two episodes of the Great British Bake Off requiring my full attention which I have to watch with Bella. I'm not allowed to watch it without her and she gets really annoyed with me if I do. I just realised it's Yarndale tomorrow. Are any of you going? Have fun if you do. Tell me what your plans are for the coming weekend, however quiet. I'd love to know. 

Happy Friday Night, you lovely lot. 


  1. Hey Gillian,
    Gorgeous scarf. My weekend consists of gardening, going to the cinema to see Ms Jones and being treated to a take away curry for my wedding anniversary.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Leanne xx

  2. Oh Gillian, it's gorgeous. I didn't realise just how chunky it was until I saw the photograph of you wearing it. Today has been our weekend (that's working in retail for you) but it's been a fabulously relaxing day which involved hot chocolate, cake and a beautiful walk. Perfect! Enjoy your weekend. X

  3. Love the scarf though I'm hoping it will be a few more weeks before I have to wear mine! I'm going to the theatre to see To Kill a Mockingbird and really looking forward to it. And of course the new series of Strictly :)

  4. Oh I love the scarf I want to make one for someone for Christmas x

  5. Fabulous!! I love the great big size and the cosiness!! xx

  6. That scarf is lovely! We have no plans for the weekend, just family time at home... Irune

  7. Lovely scarf, perfect autumn colours. I'm feeling yarny as well now it's all got a bit cooler. Just back from cricket presentation night. Tomorrow the littlest boy has a party in the local pub(!), there will be fishing and birdwatching for the others, then Sunday will be an entire day of football. It's completely fine at this time of year though while it's still warm enough that I'm not shivering. I hope you have a lovely weekend Gillian. CJ xx

  8. The scarf looks great! I'm on my own this weekend as Dave is at a capoeira event tomorrow and working on Sunday. I'm doing a five year olds fairy birthday party on Sunday for DWT and I'll be watching strictly but aside from that I don't have much planned. I do, of course, want to play outside and spent some time reading too!

  9. What a fantastic scarf; just right for the cooler days to come and it looks lovely on you. Quite a quiet weekend here, just a trip to the theatre tomorrow night to see Ian Hislop's 'The Wipers' Times' and then I really must do something with our tree full of Bramleys. Enjoy your weekend with John. xx

  10. What a lovely Granny scarf, so cheery. I love your photos; how do you get those food photos so fantastic. I have found it is a bit of an art to photographing food.

  11. Hi,love the scarf its beautiful. I am having a Scandinavian weekend. I,'ve just finished a hard two weeks work, with only one day off in between weeks so chilling. Off to Ikea tomorrow to buy candles, to get the hugga vibe going. Love Beck on Saturday night. None this week so might watch a previous episode or an episode of the Killing. Have a great weekend.

  12. Well done on your scarf, Gillian! It was cool enough here today that I gladly wore a turtleneck shirt and wind breaker to and from swimming. Tomorrow morning I have a meeting to attend and then get to go to my monthly art group which I really enjoy. I just got a copy of a book my cousin had published in July, so reading it is high on my priority list for the weekend, too. The GBB is fun to watch and I hope you and Bella get a chance to watch it and that you are able to accomplish the other activities you have in mind, too :) Happy Weekend! xx

  13. It's Christmas Eve today in 3 months - there, I've said it now, and I am not ashamed for looking forward to it!
    But before that, there's all of that lovely autumn stuff to look forward to. This weekend is forecast to be still at 24-25 Celsius during the day, but with chilly mornings and nights. So O.K. and I are going to make the most of it, probably go somewhere by bike, and/or walk, and definitely a run on Sunday morning.
    Your scarf looks so cosy!

  14. Fabulous scarf and it looks great. I love the colours and the chunkiness. It's just me and the boys here today so I am planning to blitz the house (it is in a rather shocking state) before David and my daughter get home later this afternoon. We're out to dinner with friends tonight, then various garden jobs, ferrying children and trips to the tip tomorrow. Have a good one. S x

  15. I love the scarf, it looks so cozy. Have a great weekend,

  16. That is a great scarf and it looks good on you. I must start another crochet project. Just found your beautiful blog via Thistlebear. Hope you have a happy weekend. Nice to catch up on the GBBO.

  17. I thought the squares were really small but now I can see it in all it's chunkyness. have a great week Gillian. Love from Jo x

  18. Not to brag, but I went to Yarndale today and met Lucy. Okay, a slight brag there. And yesterday I hygged in the house, with candles and a lovely polish around. Tomorrow, it's back to paid work and writing on my new blog (about hygge)

  19. I, too, went to Yarndale yesterday and had a lovely time. Having just been given a spinning wheel, I was keen to chat to some of the spinners there and came home with some gorgeous roving to practise on before tackling the two raw fleeces I've been given.

  20. Gorgeous scarf - love the chunkiness!! My daughter has just had a new winter coat for school now that it's getting chillier but she chose black so think I need to make her a bright scarf to go with it xx

  21. Love the scarf in all its chunkiness! Beautiful colours too... This morn was the first chilly walk to school, looking forward to jumper and scarf weather. We had a weekend spent at the swimming pool for P's first swimming gala. Lots of knitting time for me!

  22. What a wonderfully cosy scarf and how nice to see you wearing it. Your colour choices are always so good Gillian - I might have to invest in a 10mm crochet hook and try something similar.

  23. I love the chunky textures and the gentle colours of your scarf. The fringes are very funky too! Looks great x

  24. Love the perfectly cozy on you! I love your version of "we" for wood chopping. Same around here...he can chop all he wants...I'll stack :) We are getting pretty close to our first fire...season is certainly changing fast around here now! Easy weekend plans...the best! :)

  25. It looks snugly and cozy. Great use of left overs too 😀

    S x

  26. Love your scarf, I'd wear it an jiffy. I hope you and Bella enjoyed the GBBO catch-up? We went camping last weekend, it was fantastic. Have a lovely rest of the week. x

  27. I'm trying to catch up with your posts from these past few weeks...what a beautiful scarf! I love the colors. I have been thinking about a skinny scarf for a while now but have not pinned down exactly what kind of pattern to use. This came out so nicely. I love that photo of you, you look very pleased with your scarf skills. :)


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