Sunday, 25 October 2015

Autumn Cleaning

Thank you so much for your comments and compliments on my poncho. So kind of you! I am really glad you like it and I was so looking forward to sharing it with you as I knew you'd all get just why I enjoyed making it so much. That's the beauty of the online community, the way you find kindred spirits or people who understand why it's such fun to make things.

Ah, half term. You're here. I spent yesterday in a haze of housework and cleaning which sounds dull but was actually just what I needed. John was at work, the kids were engrossed in various activities, and I just methodically worked through room after room. I sorted through piles of clutter, cleaned out the fridge, steam cleaned the floors. My parents took the kids to the park in the afternoon and I went to the shops. I returned to that magical thing, a house just as I had left it. Still, quiet and clean. No shoes in the middle of the hall floor or dirty plates in the sink. I sat down with a cup of tea and just inhaled that peaceful, tidy house. Of course twenty four hours later, it's a different story, but that moment was amazing. I totally savoured it. 

This morning was spent at home baking and pottering, readying our home for the arrival of guests. I dragged two reluctant children to the woods after lunch, determined to sneak in a quick trip to the woods. Oh autumn, I just love it! It's such a relief to stop waiting for the good weather, as I do all summer long, and just accept whatever comes our way. In autumn, all weathers are welcome. Rain means glorious squelchy woodland walks in boots with the damp smell of fungi and rotting leaves, while sun brings those delicious crisp breath-in-the-air days when the trees seem to glow. And while we were in the woods, I asked Bella to take some photos of me wearing my poncho. (I had to pay her £1.) She is, like me, more comfortable behind the camera than in front of it, and in among about one hundred blurred shots, I found these. 

And the next two shots crack me up. Angus is doing the annoying smile he does when he's been told to look at the camera but doesn't feel like cooperating.

And here I am trying to persuade him to give me a kiss.

Happy half term to you all. 


  1. They're lovely photos of you and Angus, £1 well spent. And the poncho looks even better on, it's really fab. I know exactly what you mean about the bliss of returning to a tidy unmessed-up house. Very occasionally that happens here too. Do I spy the makings of gingerbread there? Perfect Autumn deliciousness. CJ xx

  2. Your poncho looks great - and I'm rather keen on your wellies too! Not sure I can remember when I last returned to a tidy house! Enjoy half term. xx

  3. Happy Half Term! I've just had a scroll back visit and enjoyed catching up with your latest, Gillian. Wood nicely stored, wall paper up, walks in the woods, yummy food and your pretty poncho completed are worthy of celebration, especially when accomplished in the midst of your busy work schedule. I agree with CJ that your money was well spent in hiring your photographer :) We are getting some more rain and my son reports he sees some water in our front pond! I'm still working on my shawl, and hope to make some apple crisp this afternoon. Enjoying autumn with you xx

  4. Oh Gillian! Your tidy house sounds like bliss. Not sure I remember when last our house had everything in its proper place. Love your poncho! Bee xx

  5. Such lovely photos - you in your poncho, with your boy, a lovely tidy house. I do like the way the light falls in your dining room. Keeping our house clean and tidy is an ongoing challenge but I do love it when everything is in order (for that fleeting moment!). Have a lovely week, Gillian. Sam x

  6. Terrific photos! Bella is a blogger in the making :) I work at a school as well and love the holidays for re-establishing a bit of order in the home...enjoy the break! In Canada here we don't get a break till Christmas...will be looking forward to that!

  7. Aah the rhythm of the terms; it is one that has dictated my whole life! I totally understand that need to impose order on the house at the start of half term and I spent yesterday doing just that. There is nothing as lovely as getting into a clean bed knowing that the whole house is spicy and span for at least one day. We are away for a few days and I know that when I walk back into my house the fact that it is clean will bring me great joy! Sad?

    1. I'm not sure where spicy came from but I quite like it!

  8. Beautifull photos ,i love your poncho ;)
    Have a great week

  9. Great pictures, all of them! I had imagined the poncho to be a bit longer, but it suits you very well and with the length it is, certainly offers more room for moving about in the woods easily.
    The sunflowers and everything else that is yellow is just soooo beautiful in your house right now!

  10. Oh yes Gillian, the joy of coming home to a house that is as clean and tidy as when you left it! it feels so good to get outside doesn't it, and enjoy some fresh air. We went camping last week for 2 nights and it was such a tonic. Bella took some super photos of you and Angus! Happy half term!
    Caz xx

  11. I can come back to clean house all the time and most of the time that is great, but sometimes I would just love to have the clutter of the family back!! Lovely photos and the poncho looks great. James used to make just that smile in photos ..... or a scowl! xxx

  12. LOVE the poncho! It looks even better on! The collar makes it look particularly cosy... This is in my to do list as I bought the pattern ages ago but I have loads of lovely dk yarn that I bought for a different project and I was wondering how easy would be to transfer the pattern instructions for Aran into DK wool....what do you think? I'd love to hear your opinion....
    I completely get the feeling of enjoying a house that is just clean and tidy. It allows me to relax....but usually as soon as I make my cup of tea and sit down on the sofa to enjoy the peace...everyone else returns!!
    Have a lovely half term! Mine have never been better since I started working at school.....awe...bliss! Pati x

    1. Hi Pati,

      I'm sorry it took me so long to reply, I have actually been giving this quite a lot of thought! If you just do the same pattern with the DK yarn (with presumably a smaller hook like 3 or 4 mm not the 6mm I used) then you will end up with a smaller poncho. So, you would need to adapt the pattern and increase the number of stitches in the cowl neck to take into account the thinner yarn and smaller hook. I don't think that's insurmountable, but I think there would be a bit of trial and error and a fair bit of unraveling before you hit upon a size that you feel is right. Then it's just a question of working the grany treble clusters into the neck, then you just keep going round and round after that. It would be a lot more stitches though, and would take longer to make, but I am sure it would be doable.

      Sorry, I don't think I've really helped you there. Good luck with the poncho - with or without the tassels it really is a great pattern.

      Gillian x

  13. Beautiful photos, you look lovely! I liked Angus silly camera face especially, my boy does it too. It always amazes me how similar people are across the world - despite all those differences, children make the silly camera faces everywhere. Have a very enjoyable halfterm!

  14. What a lovely lot of photos. The woods are definitley turning from your photos, and my favourite activity in autumn is kicking the piles of leaves about. Yes, even at my age(lol). Good photos of you and Angus, so well done Bella. Have an enjoyable week with your children and take care.

  15. Poncho looking good! Very sweet photo of you and Angus at the end.
    The luxury of a clean and tidy house!
    Hope you have a great half term and enjoy the results of all that treacle and ginger, two very autumnal ingredients.
    Lisa x

  16. Hey Gillian,
    I agree with CJ, definitely a pound well spent. She'll go far, that daughter of yours! And I know exactly what you mean about walking back in to a house that you have just cleaned. It is the most sublime feeling. I think it's why I always clean first thing Monday, then walk the dog. Just so I can return to a beautifully clean, faffed and tip top home!
    Have a lovely half term week.
    Leanne xx

  17. happy half term, hope it's a great one xxx

  18. The photos are great Bella, I love the photos with Angus! I hope you have a great rest and relax during the hols :-) x

  19. Love your blog. It gives all stay at home moms a purpose to engage in a
    productive craftship.

    I'm impressed by almost all your creations, in fact, I have mentioned your
    site in my list of Home Decor Blogs You Should Follow[1].

    Lubna Ali


  20. Isn't half term fabulous, I used to book this one off but have two weeks off end Nov beginning of Dec instead which will be far more fun. Lovely photos well worth a pound x

  21. Gillian, the poncho looks terrific - and it looks like you had the perfect weather for wearing it. Your son's latest camera look isn't that bad - I asked my daughter yesterday if I could take just one picture of her on the beach and what did she do? Stand there and put both of her bright pink mitten clad hands over her face. I guess that is being three!

  22. Oh, and congratulations on your Amara award - I just noticed that nice little button up here. Hooray for you!!

  23. Perfect, well apart from the lack of co-operation hehee. Love Gem x x x

  24. You got a whole 24hours of clean house? I'm lucky if I get 24 minutes. And that's not because I have children running about making it untidy or dirty again - it's ,y husband who is the culprit! Love the pictures.

  25. What is it with boys and smiles in front of the camera? My youngest once asked "But how do I smile? I don't remember". I leave to you to guess how the photos turned out :-D

    I really love your poncho! Every time I see it, it makes me want to buy yarn for one (which is a bad thing considering my stash).

  26. Gorgeous pix all round! Love the Poncho, but I don't think I'd suit one being only just over five foot one and a half and a little rotund! I'd look like a pumpkin, har, har. Seasonal, but not the effect I'd wish to achieve!
    We have had a good friend staying with us for eight days. Lovely, but of course, no housework done during that period so when she left on Saturday (we were up at a very early hour - 5.30 am - to take her to collect a National Express coach to Heathrow) I got on with the cleaning and went through the house, dusting, polishing, vacuuming, doing the bathrooms, sweeping and steam cleaning the floors in the kitchen and shower room, cleaning out the fridge and so today I don't have a huge amount of cleaning to do and should be getting on with my writing work but instead I'm admiring your lovely clean and tidy home!
    Read about the ten million pumpkins that are produced each year (taking up good agricultural space) that are merely hacked about by children for Halloween. What a waste ... when did all this Halloween pumpkin business start? I don't recall this being done when I was at school in the 1950s/early 1960s. I'd not given it much thought, but I suppose if farmers are paid by supermarkets to grow the blimmin' things, they will, when the land could be used for a better purpose.
    I don't expect anyone with children will agree with me, though.
    I also detest the American invention of Trick or Treat.
    I'm a miseryguts, aren't I!!!
    Margaret P

  27. Hi Gillian...great shots of you and the poncho! Bella takes a good pic :) I had that walking back into a clean and tidy house the other day - it was ah-maaazzzzz-ing...but it didn't last - some days I feel I'm constantly walking round putting things back or wiping something down! :) Hoping you're having a brilliant half term week. I'm on a day off tomorrow with my biggest girl :) Have a good

  28. Your poncho looks great on you! I'm glad you were able to persuade Bella to get some photos. My son did the same kind of smile when he was Angus's age; we called it his Frog Smile because he looked just like one. I hope you have a good break, enjoy your time off.

  29. Should we pay children to be helpful and to act in a kind way - or should they do it anyway?

  30. Anonymous asks should we pay children to be helpful and to act in a kind way, and I was surprised to that you needed to pay Bella to take the pix ... I can honestly say I never paid our sons (they're adults now, indeed middle aged) to do anything for me (or for my husband). We do things for each other out of love and respect and a general feeling of being helpful to one another. Why could Bella not take a pic of her mummy simply because she asked her to do so? It seems a very small thing to ask, even of a young child. Or maybe I'm behind the times and children expect payment these days even for the most small kindnesses.
    Margaret P

  31. Oh, that Angus! At our house, we call that a "picture day smile," i.e. school pictures where you have to line up with your classmates and smile whether you feel like it or not.

  32. Anonymous & galant. Bah humbug. Families do things differently & who are we to judge? Bella & Angus look like the kind of children who are always helpful & act in a kind way. Sometimes pocket money is earned. They're brilliant photo's and well worth it!

  33. Great autumnal pics Gillian and your poncho looks lovely on you. Have a great half term xx

  34. What beautiful photographs of autumn, both inside your home and out in nature. I'm so glad that you got out into the woods - you said how you needed to reconnect with the seasons last week. Have a lovely half term holiday.

  35. Hi Gillian! Your poncho looks gorgeous on you. The last photo of Angus looking up at you is so sweet. I love all of you autumn photos today, and the light in your dining room photo is so soft and pretty. Enjoy your half-term break - I know you are!

  36. Super poncho and looking forward to hearing more about your baking as your food always makes me feel hungry! x

  37. My goodness you are so beautiful! The poncho is nice too :)

  38. Lovely post Gillian, love your photos too. Especially of you and Angus together, they are so sweet.

  39. That poncho looks even better on you. I used to dream about cleaning the house from top to toe but somehow it never happened and now it's just me making the mess and creating the clutter. One cleaning job a day seems to keep the worst at bay. I love how you capture light in your photos and Bella's photos are so lovely.

  40. Lovely pics. You look just my friend Jackie Chambers. We are enjoying the weather and doing whatever comes our way too. Jo x

  41. Obviously Angus didn't catch on, would he have been more willing to give you a kiss for a £1. Children are so wonderful, my grandchildren have started giving their great grandparents a handful of pennies when they visit because my parents always give them a treat when they see them.
    Glad you're enjoying your half term!

  42. Your poncho looks great. Especially teamed with bright wellies!
    Neatness never lasts here either, especially as the only room fit for purpose in this awful rented house is effectively a living, dining, play and work room. Not for much longer though.
    Half term's almost at an end. I hope you've enjoyed yours - I have to say, I'm secretly relieved Joe's back at preschool next week!
    S x

  43. Your poncho looks fab - especially on a tall person with longs legs I think that length of poncho really suits you. The perfect outerwear for when it's chilly but not too cold, crisp and not raining. I would love to have a clean house but new job hours mean less time at home!

  44. You look fabulous! And I still have yellow welly envy. Enjoy the rest of half term :o)

  45. I made the poncho last year too. It is such a wonderful garment to wear! Hope you will enjoy your poncho as much as I enjoy mine!

    Take care
    Crochet Between Worlds

  46. Autumn is such a wonderful season! It is my favorite season and I like doing a fall cleaning. For me it is very important to deep clean your house before winter comes! Thanks for the lovely post! :)

  47. This sounds like such an idyllic Autumn day, love your poncho with those colourful wellies!


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