Sunday 20 September 2015

First World Problems

1. I shrunk one of my favourite tops today. I've actually felted it, it's completely ruined. It's the one in the middle above, hanging between Angus's school jumper and one of my tops, just to give you a sense of scale. I've got no-one to blame but myself. It wasn't new but it was a good one, pure wool from Boden and not cheap, and it was an old favourite for going out in the evening or work.

2. Talking of work clothes, I don't appear to have anything to wear to work for autumn. I wear cropped trousers and ballet pumps and I shiver, a skirt and tights and I boil. I need to buy some trousers but I'm already dreading that as I know they'll all be too short and it'll be a nightmare getting some that fit. Gah! 

3. I can never get all my shopping in Aldi. Why don't they sell maple syrup? I asked someone who worked there where the suet was. She looked at me blankly. "Suet?" "Yes, for dumplings", I offered helpfully. She shook her head and actually laughed at me. 

4. I've started work in earnest on Bella's zigzag blanket since she nags me about it daily. "When is my blanket going to be ready?" "Why is is not ready yet?" "You said it would be ready for autumn." I stopped working on it over the summer as it was too warm to have it on my lap, and I left it so long I forgot what size hook I was using. I knew it was either 6 mm or 7 mm. I tried 7 mm. Four rows later I pulled it back and started again with the right one, the 6 mm. 

5. There are wasps everywhere. Bella was stung on the finger this week. I was almost stung at the bottle bank at the tip. They really like the bottle bank, those boozy wasps. That's probably why they're so sleepy.

6. We now have swimming lessons on two weeknights instead of one, and I have to endure the wet-tissue-changing-room-floor-horror twice a week now. 

7. The boiler is on the blink, very possibly broken. The pipes make the most horrendous clanking sound and whether or not there is any hot water is a lottery. There is no heating, but thankfully we don't need the heating on yet, and there is the stove. I love the stove. 

8. Weekends are too short. I'm only now just relaxing and settling down into it. I've gardened, been to the tip, given the wood store two coats of wood stain, shopped, assisted in lengthy homework and reading sessions and just ironed the school uniform ready for tomorrow. I'm ready for my weekend to start now! 


Whingeing aside, it's been a really nice weekend. Homely and pottering, centered around the kitchen and garden, just how I like it. The weather has been lovely, all misty mornings and warm sun but with a nip in the air in the evening, to remind us that summer is truly over. The leaves are starting to change colour here and there. John cooked beef and ale stew with dumplings for dinner today, with sticky toffee pudding and custard for pudding. It was amazing. I love it when he gets the urge to cook at the weekend. And I am, of course, very happy to have my first world problems, such as they are. Mere inconveniences in an otherwise comfortable life and I know that things could be so much worse, and are for so many. But a little whinge feels good, no? I feel loads better. Got any first world problems you want to share?


  1. I'm glad you're able to see these things as inconveniences; too many people will tear their hair out over things that don't deserve the attention or energy. I hope your boiler is fixed soon. It's not a good time of year we're going into for worries like that one. I'm glad you've had a busy but good weekend.

  2. Such a shame about your jumper, I think we've all done it at one time. The beef stew sounds delicious. It's that time of year. We had home made chicken pie with mash this evening. My first world problem? I've just spilled hummous down my pyjamas! X

  3. I totally agree that weekends aren't long enough!! I always start the week with jobs left over, like finding size 1 wellies that go above my sons calf ! Short wellies for kids are definately a first world problem. How are you supposed to go in deep water with short wellies??? Sarah

  4. Oh, so sorry about your top, how frustrating. Aldi used to sell maple syrup, maybe they've stopped. M&S for trousers? They have long length ones. I have two separate lots of swimming lessons now too, sigh. And my washing machine is making a horrible noise. A four day weekend is an excellent idea. Two days to get everything shipshape, two days for kicking back. Top plan. CJ xx

  5. 'First world problems'...a favourite phrase of my teenage daughter when she moans yet again about intermittent broadband and phones with no signal, as we live in a bit of a black spot. I guess at least I'm grateful that she recognises that this is indeed not the end of the world, and she is really laughing at herself for getting so riled up. My first world problems this week are that the iron has started dribbling, and the cooler weather has brought too many spiders into the house! Have a good week x

  6. oh such a shame for the jumper, it looked a beautiful one too (I realise that is perhaps less than helpful). weekends are definitely too short, although I have a shorter work week this week too, so I can't complain too much! xx

  7. Oh how unfair it is when things go like this. I know they are not big things but it is still irksome in our lives isn't it, and things like the boiler are never fun are they. I am so very glad to be back in my jeans that fit and I can wear them to work and they are not too hot or cold so I totally get your work issues, if I had to wear really posh stuff all the time I don't know what I would do! My first world problem now is that I drank caffeine too late and am now wide awake when I want to go to bed and my shoulder hurts from too much hand sewing! Hope you get things sorted. xx

  8. Sounds like you've had a wild ride this week. I hope it all falls in to place gently and softly this coming week. I hate buying pants too. I've got thick thighs and no bum so nothing every fits. My advice - if you find a pair that fits , but it in every colour available and twice in black. You won't need to shop again anytime soon!

  9. Quite the week! Hope this upcoming has a few more highlights! I love that you see able to see the blessing in the curse in many cases. Solution for the maple syrup issue.....move to Canada! Every grocery store sells maple syrup.....many varieties, too!

  10. My nearest Aldi is about 5 minutes on foot from my flat, and I don't need to go anywhere else for my (admittedly, very modest) household requirements. I only need to go to a different supermarket when I make Tirami Su, as Aldi does not stock mascarpone. Oh, and I try to buy proper bread at the proper bakery 5 minutes on foot in the other direction, instead of supermarket bread.
    Your weekend sounds far more busy than my whole week!
    I hope you'll find trousers that fit and keep you just at the right temperature at work. Yes, it's definitely that time of the year where I have to wear tights with my skirts and dresses... but that's OK, I very rarely feel too warm at the office.

  11. Why don't Aldi sell wholewheat pasta and brown rice? I feel better for my Aldi moan.Good luck with the trouser buying xo

  12. Oh what a shame about the top; it looked like a really lovely one too - maybe you could make something with the felted fabric? I don't envy you the swimming twice in one week either. Our first World problem is that we are STILL waiting for the spare part for our lawn mower to be delivered - the grass is getting rather long around here! Wishing you relaxing evenings this week. xx

  13. You cant beat a good winge now and again ,sorry about your top ,why does it always happen to our favourites ? xx

  14. I often think when I'm complaining about the rain how other countries would love to be so lucky. Still going to complain though!! Xx

  15. Good it get it out off your chest and out of your head, otherwise these things just go round and round and drive us scatty.
    Hope the boiler issue is sorted with minimum fuss and cost.
    Very annoying about the top, looks so pretty.
    Lisa x

  16. Bless you, darling. Try getting trousers to fit when you are 4' 10 1/2"!! (and in between a 14 & 16 with a frugal budget).
    My children are grown now (yippeekyeaye), tho still at home, so the homework/back to school chores are done with, *huuuge sigh*
    Also, tho my hubs is an aging plumber we still had hot water problems for 3 weeks before he got off his backside and sorted it out, grrrr.
    Love your home and style.

  17. I recently shunk my favourite pair of trousers - they were elegant and comfortable, now they're just tiny and ridiculous. Wasp plague here in Holland too - unbelievable. It's Monday morning, I'm at school (work) and just about ready to start the weekend too. xxx

  18. I like your first world problems but shrinking your lovely top is the worse! I was accused yes accused recently of whining over my minor problems when I was a lot better off than other people. My reply was indeed there are many worse off but I've worked hard to be able to suffer from my minor problems & I don't need anyone's permissions to moan. Aldi do stock maple syrup but maybe it's a seasonal thing, that store is like an Aladdin's cave - you're never quite sure what you will find, that said I do quite enjoy shopping there. They didnt have any ricotta at my local one though. Hope you get your heating fixed soon x

  19. Oh so disappointing about your newly felted jersey - does it at least now fit Bella maybe? Battling a temperamental boiler at the moment too - and hoping the plumber can sort it today as it's definitely getting chillier and we have house guests staying this week! But oh how delicious the stew & dumplings look.... Have a happy new week, chin up & onward ho! Xx

  20. So sorry about your favourite top ! I know how that feels... Had a similar experience, I didn't shrink it but coloured it....
    About Aldi, I love the stores, but you just can't find everything there... Too bad... I use them as my "second" supermarket, for certain goods, like milk, water, toilet paper, and don't forget, the cookies (here in Belgium they have really good cookies !)

  21. Biden stock long skirts, maybe they do long trousers, too? I feel for you, a shrunken top can just about ruin the day. You could make a small cushion with the felt and the sparkles, you are crafty like that. I stopped shopping at Aldi because they never have all I need and I end up doing another shop at Morrissons nearby, ultimately spending more not less as advertised. My friends swear by Aldi but I don't have the leisure time to drop by frequently to pick up what they may only stock occasionally. Wishing you a good week. x

  22. Hey Gillian,
    A post that resonates with me this morning, as I stare mournfully at my cup of tea. I am dreading the huge washing and ironing pile, the to do list as long as my arm and the though of trudging into town in the rain. If that's as bad as it gets, life is pretty good. Loved this post, my friend. Sorry about your top. Do Next do longer length trousers?
    Leanne xx

  23. I can see you reimagining the felted black top into something amazing Gillian. I shall watch this space. We had our 24 year old boiler replaced this year. We had no choice as British Gas condemned it but the whole job was done and dusted in a day. The only problem was we had no heating and only limited immersion tank water for a week before. My advice would be to go for a new boiler, it will be worth it over the years to come. Could you take a pair of (clean) flip flops to wear in the changing room? When my daughter was doing a life saving course I would go for a swim rather than hanging around and my pet hate was the parents wearing muddy shoes in the wet changing rooms. John does make you delicious dinners, that is something to be thankful for. Trouser length is so tricky isn't it. Hope you find the perfect pair.

  24. Such a pity about your top. And there's really nothing you can do with it to save it. I did the same with a beautiful baby coat many years ago. It shrunk so much it was useless - even apart from the size it was just so thick. Hopefully the wasps will soon disappear. I can't bear them flying round me.

  25. A pity about your top Gillian, you certainly shrunk it good and proper! If it's any consolation, the dog pinched my some thread I was using for my cross stitch and took it into the garden for a good chewing at the weekend, then raided the piano and ate my music :o) Have a good week xx

  26. My first 'problem' of the week: I decided to warm some brioches to have with early morning coffee and then chose blackcurrant jam to have on them ... saw that the juice had separated slightly from the fruit in the jam and thought, "I must be careful here, otherwise I will splash jam juice onto my CLEAN white cotton towelling bath robe ..."
    Well, I don't need to tell you what happened next ...
    Margaret P

  27. Sometimes you just need a good moan about the injustices in your world to feel better. Glad you had a good weekend in spite of the jumper woes. I bet you come up with a clever plan to do something with that jumper (when yo can bring yourself to of course!). Are those Antirrhinum in your vase? Beautiful!! I'm so fed up with going to hundreds of supermarkets to get everything you need. I'm sure it's a conspiracy!! Hope you have a great week xx

  28. PS Just sent for some navy and black cords online from John Lewis as I couldn't find any on the M&S website - thought, too, that they'd be better quality. No, they weren't. They are like two bags joined together in quite thin material. They just about fit around the waist and nowhere else. Who designs these things? Something else to be returned.

    I once asked for pudding rice in a supermarket. They didn't know what I was talking about either. They showed me all the various savoury rices - basmati, arboreo, etc, but nothing I could make rice pudding with. Re suet, I buy dumpling mix now and just add some herbs and water, because suet is often hard to find.

  29. It's a common refrain in our house to bring the 'complainer' back down to earth and I'm pleased my children recognise their problems aren't big really. Sorry about your jumper. My husband did that to a favourite of mine – put it in with the regular wash... Your list did make me smile. Perhaps we should all do that once a month – get everything off our chests. Blogging therapy :-)

  30. Oh, your jumper! Such a shame but you now have a great piece of felted material to make a little purse or something with. It must be tough going from stay at home Mum back to working with weekends being catch up time, we don't mind a little moan, always ready to listen if it helps somehow :-) The stew looks great, I think I need to drop a few hints to my Hubby! Have a great week. xx

  31. Oh that poor jumper, maybe you can felt it into somehting else, hope this week is a good one for you all
    Clare x

  32. What a shame about the jumper! Perhaps you can cut it up and make a little toy out of it (an animal for example) - you could donate it and it would give someone else a lot of joy. Perhaps that will lessen your loss?

    Take care
    Crochet Between Worlds

  33. I take a 36" inside leg for trousers, I get mine from Long Tall Sally. I just buy them on-line. They're currently doing free UK returns, which is good.

  34. Sounds like you've had a few frustrating days - I totally agree that weekends are far too short and that a 4 day weekend is the most civilized. Your stew looks so tasty and your fire so welcoming. Hope this week is less frustrating.
    Caz xx .

  35. Loved this! My first world problem this week was saving up forever to finally attend Yarndale in Skipton, booking an amazing cottage, bouncing with glee all week with the excitement, dragging my family and even my Father-in-law along for the ride, and then arriving and finding out I was a whole week early! Can't afford to go back next weekend, but to be fair we had a lovely weekend away and I enjoyed every minute. I'm still sulking though...

  36. Nothing to report at this moment in time, very unusual ;) just love how you capture everyday life Gillian :) xxx

  37. While I can't match you point for point, I can appreciate your list, Gillian, and especially you have reawakened my memories of warp speed weekends when I worked as a Teaching Assistant. In spite of your list I am glad you have enjoyed hearth and home with your family and I hope you have a Happy Week.

    By the way, did I tell you that the wool autumnal toned hooded cowl I crocheted several years ago and posted about went through the washer and dryer......perhaps I can turn it into a felted bag? xx

  38. You need to make your boden jumper into a bag. I have seen them on Pinterest. I made a bag from a Boden tank tap that Andy shank for me. I sold it for a quite a bit of money when I did craft fairs - not as much as the original top though! Smirking a little at your post, we are aloud to do that aren't we?? Jo xxx

  39. I felted a cashmere jumper last year. I think I might actually have cried.......
    fingers crossed the boiler will be easily fixed x

  40. I have whinged all summer about how rubbish the weather has been and how it has ruined almost every plan I had. I have drawn a line under it now and am trying to embrace the onset of Autumn! I allow myself a whinge and wallow at least one day a month as I believe it really does us good. After that I tell myself there are people out there who would love to have what life I lead, even if it's not perfect and at times it really sucks! That usually perks me up again!

    My favourite vase got smashed this week and two china cups that my grandmother gave to me that her grandmother gave to her were smashed too. But, I have the lovely hum of the washing machine on and some scented candles on the go, so it's all good here today.

    How annoying about your jumper. I've done that before and almost cried. Why is it that when that happens, it's always to either your favourite piece of clothing....or the most expensive one?!

    It's been lovely to catch up with your posts Gillian xxx

  41. Women thrive on the odd whinge or too. We like to share them with other women and then we realise the big whinge we started with is just small fry. Washing and shrinking, are one of my whinges, as is washing the odd stashed tissue. That is a real shame about your jumper, so annoying when things happen like that.

  42. Two swimming lessons a week....I feel your pain. We're sixth months into this, and I will be speaking to the instructor tonight to see if we can do something about this. My nerves are frazzled.

  43. My sons were swimmers, we had practice six days a week, sometimes twice a day. My husband just shrank my brand new top, he meant well putting the clothes in the dryer for me, but it was an epic fail. Hope you have a great week,

  44. Pool change rooms *bleaugh* Sam is water safe and earlier this year moved up to mini-squads and he now HATES his lessons, so he stops at the end of this term. Ollie is only at the beginning of his lessons and at 2, we still have years of lessons to go... I hope he is a fast learner ;-) x

  45. Hi Gillian, I have just nominated you for the Liebster award. I would love for you to join in but please don't feel obliged to if you would rather not.You can find out all about it in my post here
    Sharon xx

  46. you tried to buy suet - in ALDI??!! Fool woman, what were you thinking! That's funny. Reminds me of the time I foolishly enquired after an aubergine in the local Co-op and the assistant looked at me as if I'd suggested she boil her dog for tea.....
    ahhh, how we suffer for our extravagant palates...... lol

  47. Gillian, I am so sorry about your favorite top. I've done the exact same thing before, and it made me so mad at myself! Your stove looks so warm and cozy. And John's stew looks delicious... perfect for an early autumn evening. I agree. Weekends are too short!

  48. Perhaps you can salvage the felt from your sweater and make yourself an interestingly trimmed hat and gloves?

    I order my maple syrup from Amazon ... there are half a dozen things I can't find in the supermarket here that I get each month using their Subscribe and Save, all at 15% off.

  49. First World problems, but we are still allowed to be irritated when things go wrong, and can have a moan about it. Boden top ruined, now that Is something to moan about. I remember when the boys were small, and I never really could afford new clothes, I treated myself to a new Boden 'French collar' cardigan (remember those?) and my mum shrank it to toddler size when she was very kindly doing a load of washing for me. I was inwardly devastated! x

  50. Aren't we lucky to only have First World problems? But I'd be really annoyed too if I'd shrunk a nice Boden top like yours. Sorry about that. But you can always use this as a reason to treat yourself to a new top this autumn :-) Wishing you a good week and I'm looking forward to seeing which wallpaper you've chosen! X

  51. Don't we all have those first world problems...of course we think we are selfish and superficial for complaining but sometimes it's really better, to get it all out. Sorry about the sweater. Maybe Bella can wear it? Or is it too short for her either?


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