Saturday 1 June 2024

Cookery Book: A Table Full of Love

Throughout the months of March and April I cooked a lot from the book A Table full of Love by Skye McAlpine. The author is British but grew up in Venice and so her cooking is heavily influenced by her time in Italy. The book is more at the aspirational end of cookery books: beautifully shot recipes arranged with abundant flowers in a beautiful home containing sometimes expensive ingredients. However, it's a really good recipe book. She knows her food, she writes very well and the recipes are gorgeous. I had a thoroughly lovely time both reading it in bed at night, and cooking from it in the kitchen.

The book is divided into the following sections: comfort, seduce, nourish, spoil, cocoon. The idea is that feeding people is rooted in love, but we want to cook and eat different sorts of food for different occasions and needs. 

From the comfort chapter, I first of all made saffron and lemon risotto and took a terrible photo of it.

I wasn't sure if a risotto without vegetable or meat wouldn't be a bit boring, but it was so good and we made it quite a few times. The saffron gave a subtle earthiness to the recipe while the lemon made it really sing. It was gorgeous, and risotto is the ideal meal that you can eat on your lap with a spoon. Heaven.

Equally comforting was macaroni cheese. Now, I know how to make macaroni cheese, it is one of the children's favourite meals, but I always like to try a different recipe. It gives me an excuse to cook what is quite an indulgent meal. This just had evaporated milk as well as regular milk in the sauce, which did make it more creamy, and a LOT of cheese, which is kind of the point. 

From the same section was this chocolate, coconut and cherry cake. The batter contains both desiccated coconut and coconut yogurt, as well as cocoa and lots of tinned cherries. 

The cake itself is quite heavy, very dense and moist, so you do need the cream cheese frosting to add sweetness and lightness. 

The cake is HUGE. I loved this cake but the kids did not enjoy the coconut. John quite liked it, but not enough to want to eat it over and over again. I ended up giving slabs of it away to people to eat it up. A cake to serve to a big group of people or a family who like coconut.

Other things from this chapter I wanted to cook: cheese Tiropita, a kind of cheese pie with filo pastry, but I could never get filo pastry from the supermarket when In wanted too cook it; creamy saffron chicken pie; coffee and ricotta cream roulade, but my children would not eat this so John and I would end up eating the whole lot; s'more pie; salted chocolate chip cookies. So many good recipes!

The next section in the book was "Seduce", which is very decadent and impressive first date food. Cocktails, souffles, and desserts full of chocolate. All delicious looking. I would like to try the nutella tiramisu. 

The "Nourish" chapter is very much about family meals - lots of pasta, store cupboard ingredients and cakes for the cake tin. We tried - and very much liked - pollo alla pizzaiola, which is chicken breast cooked in a tomato sauce then sliced mozarella is stirred in at the end. 

With this, and from the same chapter, we had  melanzane alla parmigiana. This could be a meal in itself, but it went well with the chicken, along with some salad and bread. There were lots of leftovers.

You just bake the aubergines, sliced, rather than frying them.

Then you layer them in an oven dish with passata, mozzarella and parmesan before baking.

I realise it looks terrible here. It caught a bit on top, but it really was absolutely delicious.

I also made an orange loaf cake from this chapter and I know I took a photo of it but I cannot find it anywhere. Other things I plan to make from this section of the book: tomato, mozzarella and black olive tart (perfect for picnics or summer lunches); honey roasted chicken thighs with golden potatoes - essentially a tray bake; rhubarb and almond cake.

The next chapter, "Spoil", is so lovely and tempting but I couldn't really justify any of the ingredients or recipes. The idea is food for gifts, to treat someone and make them feel, well, spoiled. Jams, jellies, preserved fruit, truffles, biscuits and some show-stopper-style tiered cakes. I wanted so much to try the pistachio butter (pistachios and white chocolate blended together into a very decadent nut spread) but all the ingredients added up to £10 and, at the end of a food shop, looking at an already full trolley, didn't really feel I could justify adding five bags of pistachios to the bill. Food is so expensive. I also would like to try the mimosa truffles, little yellow treats made from leftover sponge cake and melted white chocolate, then rolled in limoncello and coconut. Someone make these for me. Or maybe I will just make them for myself. I also liked the sound of the lavender tea cake and rose shortbread as I do like anything with a floral flavour. But I think this chapter might have been my favourite as everything in it was so tempting, to make and eat.

The final section, "Cocoon", focuses on the pleasure of cooking for one. Because I have the privilege of eating with my family daily, I do enjoy the very rare opportunity to eat a meal alone, cooking just what I want for me. Not thinking about anyone else's tastes or preferences but my own. I usually make marmite spaghetti as only I like marmite in this house.  I made myself saltata di risotto which is leftover risotto fried like a pancake until crisp on both sides.

I've never tried frying risotto: I would usually just reheat it but the texture is never quite the same. It was, predictably, delicious. How could it not be?

I think this last recipe may have been my favourite in the whole book: sourdough toast with dark chocolate and olive oil. Not even a recipe, just an assembly job, Toast the bread, sprinkle over a little chopped chocolate while the bread is still warm so that it begins to melt, then top with a little salt and a drizzle of olive oil. It was incredible. Like the best chocolate spread on toast you've ever eaten. Not too sweet or claggy, but balanced, with the rich chocolate on the crunchy, chewy bread. 

A treasure of a book. 


  1. All these recipes look and sound absolutely gorgeous, Gillian.

  2. I really dislike Nutella on toast but I think I'll give the chocolate, salt and olive oil recipe a try.

  3. H Gillian, I was given this recipe book by a dear friend. My favourite so far is the fennel and burrata gratin, which I've made with mozzarella and can't think it makes much of a difference. I can really recommend this as a lovely side dish with salads, meats (for the meaty members of my family, I'm vege) etc. My favourite from her previous book, A Table for Friends, is the salsa verde which also goes wonderfully with the above deliciousness! Your post has inspired me to dig these out again- I love the sound of the chocolate, coconut and cherry cake. Thankfully, my family all love coconut. x

  4. Thanks for such an honest review of this book! Like you, I love a cookbook that you want to read as a book. As always, love your pictures, thank you for letting us see your beautiful home!


Hello there! Thank you for leaving a comment. I read them all and I always try to answer questions, although sometimes it takes me a while.