Sunday 2 May 2021

Rushing through April

A friend who is an early years teacher said she read somewhere that teachers of that age group are asked up to 3000 questions a day. I don't know it that is true but after a hectic - and, I must emphasise, very enjoyable - first two weeks in a Y2 placement I think it could certainly feel that way. My feet have barely touched the ground since the Easter holidays and the days have been so long, but here are a few of the things keeping me grounded and making me smile.

The emerging tulips I planted last autumn. When will I learn with bulbs - plant more! However many you think you want, plant double or triple. Nothing looks more beautiful than a swathe of tulips with their wobbly heads of boiled-sweet colours.

Blossom against a blue sky, although don't let the colour fool you into thinking it's warm - the wind has been cold and sharp and we are still regularly waking to frosts. I had to switch the heating on the other night.

John making brioche french toast for breakfast. There is no better kind of french toast. (Thinking about french toast always reminds me of eggy bread, which I used to eat growing up. It's basically still bread soaked in egg and fried, but savoury, and best eaten with bacon and ketchup. I need to make some eggy bread.)

A new recipe from my newest cookery book, One, by Anna Jones. It's mostly one pot or pan meals and all vegetarian. This is a sort of saag aloo Shepherd's Pie: beans in a curry-based sauce topped with potatoes, caulflower and spinach mashed together. I loved it but sadly no-one else so I happily ate the leftovers for lunch all week.

Much more successful was this warm salad I made for the windiest barbecue we've ever had but the weather was so nice I was determined to try to eat outside. Roasted butternut squash mixed with couscous, chicory, feta and pomegranate seeds. Delicious.

This steadily growing pile of granny square for this top. Granny squares are proving to be the perfect crochet for after work at the moment, it's all my brain can cope with.

A stitch a day, or more often seven at the weekend, whatever works. I am still loving this record of the year so far. 

Highlights include Easter, first visits to shops and the library, takeaway coffees and "cruffins" (croissant muffins) in the park, variable weather, gardening, flowers, using the pizza oven, signs of spring, DIY, yoga and spring cleaning. A mixed month.

The bluebells. Even on the grayest day these purple-blue wildflowers look so pretty when glimpsed through a hedgerow. This year they were not such the carpet of blue  they have been on previous years, but still one of my favourite signs of spring.

Seeing people playing cricket this afternoon. Such a small sigh of normal life returning, it made me happy.


  1. Your granny square blanket is growing rapidly! I worked in a kindergarten classroom for three years and I am pretty sure that 3000 questions a day were definitely asked!

  2. I'm loving the granny squares for your top, with them being edged in white it seems so restful a design and yet the colours sing in their own right too. I don't think I could cope with 300 questions a day let alone 3,000!!

    Do you have a diary that accompanies the monthly embroidery segments? I'm thinking in years to come you may need something to jog your mind about the gorgeous little stitched pictures, well I think I might ;-)

  3. I think the granny squares are lovely. Usually I'm not one for so much color but you really pull it off well. BTW, I'm thinking of getting that pizza oven. Do you think it's worth it? and how often are you using it?? I just can't decide.

  4. Goodness, the bluebells are late, are they? Mine starting to raise their heads above their leaves. Not opened yet. Love to hear you get asked loads of questions, nothing more curious than a little childs mind. Your embroidery is becoming stunning. Just like the granny square blanket, just lovey.

  5. Your embroidery is such a lovely record, along with your photos. I would eat the shepherds pie too!

  6. We have Virginia bluebells in a forest preserve on the south side of my city. They are more blue with pink accents and are just lovely this year! Fields and fields of it blooming along the river there. Clever embroidery!

  7. I'm glad you're enjoying Year 2. The school year is rushing by isn't it? And thanks for the Anna Jones link - I'm going to try that this week x x x

  8. Yep I'd say 3000 questions a day is about right. That's why I always had a sore throat from talking so much after a holiday. CN x

  9. Do your tulips still have petals on them after the strong winds? I agree wholeheartedly about planting more, they have really cheered my quite barren garden up this spring.

  10. The bluebells are looking lovely as ever and I agree about the tulips, never enough of them.
    Enjoy the rest of your placement Gillian.

  11. A lovely age group, as is Y4. I often threatened to change my name! My bluebells are just breaking from their buds. Shame I'm going to have to move them soon. I will plant loads of tulips later this year. They are such good value, cheering up the whole garden.

  12. Spotting our life snaps. We put our cutlery in an italian tomato tin on the table, I am making granny squares, My family would love that cauli dish but all hate cous cous! It is the girls who are stitching in this house at the moment and my orange tulips are giving me great joy. Loving your April news. Hang in there with the teaching - it is knackering. Jo x


Hello there! Thank you for leaving a comment. I read them all and I always try to answer questions, although sometimes it takes me a while.