Thursday 24 December 2020

Christmas isn't cancelled

Hello! Merry Christmas. Gosh, what a lot has happened since I was last here and that was only ten days ago. I hope everyone is well and looking forward to Christmas, even if it will be different to anything we could have hoped for. I've heard a lot of people say that Christmas is cancelled: it's not, it's just different, and I am doing my utmost to make it as lovely as possible for myself and the children.

Bella turned fourteen last week. We managed to celebrate it the day before our local area went into tier 3 by going shopping in Chichester after school on the last day of term. Bella was able to spend her birthday money and do that most normal of things that fourteen year old girls want to do: browse shops like H&M and Paperchase. John met us when he finished work and we went to Wagamama for dinner. It was so nice, wandering around the shops as it grew dark - almost normal.

The next day wasn't the best; we found out that we would shortly be going into Tier 4, meaning that we could not see any friends or family on Christmas day, which was hard. We'd actually planned to spend Christmas day just the four of us anyway, but were going to see family on Christmas Eve and Boxing Day. It was a blow. Then Angus fell off his bike and fractured his arm and we had to go to A&E. He is absolutely fine - it's a tiny fracture and he's not in any pain, just annoyed with the cast, and I saw him play fighting with Bella yesterday so I think it's safe to say he's ok. But it was a rubbish start to the Christmas holidays.

My strategy for this whole week has been to throw myself into all festivities possible and enjoy every Christmassy moment. We were supposed to host Christmas Eve mulled wine and mince pies at our house today, but instead we have just had a family Zoom where we all wore Christmas jumpers and drank mulled wine in our own living rooms. 

I have enjoyed every Christmas card that has come through our letterbox. I always love sending and receiving these, but this year they felt extra special and we've had some beautiful handmade ones.

I have baked and baked this week. 

Mince pies again, and I think these were my best batch yet.

I decided to ice our Christmas cake this year and had a go at making royal icing for the first time. It was surprisingly easy and gave me the kitsch, over the top snow scene I wanted. I also made a Yule Log, as I do every year now, for tonight and tomorrow. No-one really likes Christmas pudding as much as I do. 

We had to make peppermint bark. Out of all the festive baking I do each year I did not expect peppermint bark to be the thing that the children insist on making each year. I can take it or leave it, but Bella and Angus absolutely love it and feel that it's as important as mince pies or gingerbread.

I think I've covered every surface possible in Christmas decorations now.

I made some quick festive garlands by threading together wooden beads and felt balls. I love the simplicity of the colours and making them was a very happy hour or two sat at the kitchen table while I listened to The Christmas Chronicles podcast.

We have walked every day, whatever the weather. Much of this week has been drizzly and grey, and our walks have mostly been short and local.

The temperature dropped and the sun came out today though, and it felt perfectly wintry and just right for Christmas Eve. Everywhere is so muddy but we still enjoyed being out in the sunshine, even if the wind was cold.

And now here we are at that beautiful moment on Christmas Eve, full of anticipation. Gifts are wrapped and delivered, food has been bought and prepared, new pyjamas delivered by the elves. Nearly everything that needs to be done has been. John is cooking, Angus is watching TV, Bella is most likely face-timing her cousins and I am drinking rose prosecco. I will wish you all a very happy Christmas. I hope that despite everything, despite the rules and restrictions and not being able to see family or do any of the usual, you have a safe, healthy and joyful Christmas. 


  1. Merry Christmas Gillian and thank you for entertaining me all year. x

  2. Merry Christmas. And thank you for alle the lovely pictures of your christmassy things.

  3. Merry Christmas my lovely, it's good to hear that despite the cray-cray of the world at large, that you (and I) continue to enjoy the simple pleasures of being home and celebrating in small, quiet ways. Sending lots of love for a joyful and magical festive season xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Enjoy Christmas with your lovely family.Sadly ,we can’t see any of our grandchildren.We just have to make do with the two of us.

  5. Everytime I look at your photos, I think of my sister. She has a similar style to yours. I am going to send her your blog link. Happy birthday to Bella. Our oldest granddaughters just turned 15. It's a fun age. Sorry read about the broken arm. But he'll heal much faster than my dh did this summer at age 60. Today is Christmas Eve and I had to work this morning. Now we're home and I'm doing prep for tomorrow's meal and just enjoying the day.
    Merry (Happy) Christmas!

  6. Happy Christmas to you and your family. Your photos and blog are always such a joy. Thank you for writing them. May it be a wonderful Christmas. In California, we are on stay at home orders but when I went to do a pick up of groceries, it seemed that everyone and their mothers, grandmothers and on on were out:(
    We always have cheese fondue on Christmas eve and lasagna for Christmas day. My adult children live with us so it's just the 4 of us and that is lovely.

  7. I love reading your blog, I always have a smile on my face. Here at80 plus it is lovely to see what you do in a different country across the world. So far a very pleasant cool lead up to Christmas but we will have heat soon, not in e at my age but brings back memories of surfing, snorkeling and camping trips in a slower world. Happy Christmas

  8. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones, dear Gillian!

    It's not been much different for us, really, as we're always just a small group for Christmas Eve (my parents, my sister and I plus one or two of our closest friends) and then on the next day - today - I travel to O.K.'s to spend Boxing Day with him and his family, all in keeping with the restrictions we are under.

    All your food and decorations are lovely! I hope you can get some rest, too, from all your hard work.

  9. Merry Christmas to you & your family & as you say,not cancelled, just different. Thanks for a lovely blog and I do enjoy catching up with your happenings. Take care, stay safe and huggles.

  10. I am new to your blog and I wanted to say how much I enjoy it! Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!

  11. Here's wishing you and yours a healthy and happy Christmas, Gillian! I love your blog and hearing about your family life. Your photos are amazing too, not least because, as today, you often show the place where I grew up and which I still love. Sadly my family, who live close to there, are shielding so I shan't be visiting them this year but I've enjoyed my day alone so far - a lovely "bracing" walk, phone calls and a festive lunch. I'll be unpacking presents later. This quieter Christmas has given me time and space to think about all the people and things I'm most grateful for.

  12. Thank you for such a delightful blog this year, happy times are of your making. Happy Christmas! SandyShoes Cornwall x

  13. Same to you and your family, I hope the week will pass by with lots of cooking and baking at your house filling it with scent of love.

  14. Merry Christmas!! Thanks a lot for cheering me up !! Stay safe! 🥂🥂

  15. Merry Christmas. Your blog is always balm for the soul.

  16. thank you so much for your posting in this incredibly strange year. you have been a beacon of sweetness and just plain goodness. cheers and happy holidays dear lady.

  17. Things are alike here in the Czech republic. We are in " the 5th grade" which means that the shops are closed except of the groceries and drugstrores, pharmacies etc. and in the supermarkets you can buy just food, the other goods are covered and you mustn´t buy these.Fortunately the shops with yarn and accessories for kniting and sewing are open. Thanks God! The school will be closed (again!) after Cristmas and I will teach online lessons again, which is terrible, less effective and much more tiring for kids and for us teachers too. So Happy New Year! :)) Hana

  18. Oh yes you are so right Christmas is NEVER cancelled and yours all looks so wonderful, and I'm glad your daughter got to celebrate her birthday before the Tiers changed again.

    All the best for the coming New Year ... things just have to get better, don't they?

  19. Hello! I just discovered your blog this evening and read back to May posts! I love your pictures and content. I am also a gardener and crafter so appreciate what you do. I wish you and yours a Happy and Healthy New Year from North Carolina, USA!

  20. Have a wonderful if somewhat different, Christmastime Gillian. The Christmas cake looks great and I'm glad that Bella and Angus still enjoy making the peppermint bark. Happy Birthday to Bella too.
    Wishing you a safe and happy and altogether brighter New Year x

  21. Wow what a time you have had. Glad Angus is on the mend. Sad you’re in Tier 4. It’s hard. But Christmas will still be celebrated by all, just differently but still with love and kindness to each other. Hope your Christmas will be blessed. Merry Christmas to you all xx

  22. Merry Christmas your place looks great....I love Robbie Williams new song "Can't stop Christmas". In Brisbane, Queensland, Australia we had our normal Christmas with family and we have had no community transmission of Covid in over 100 days. We had to shut the borders again to New South Wales with an outbreak in Sydney and my friend had a trip to Sydney so she has been in isolation for 14 days nearly at the end of it so she was by herself on Christmas Day. Keep up your blogging and craft I have loved seeing your beautiful posts and photos in 2020. Regards Kathy, Australia

  23. Merry Christmas! What a lovely happy post (except for your sons broken arm - hope he is mended soon.
    Found you whilst blog hopping, would be lovely to see you over at mine at
    Ps I LOVE Wagamama!

  24. Merry Christmas. Wishing you peace, joy, hope and love this holiday season.

    God bless.


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