Sunday 11 February 2018

Seasonal Weather

Hello! Everyone ok? I'm enjoying the peace of a Sunday night with the extra good feeling that comes from not having to get up for work and school tomorrow. I love the February half term, and this one was welcome. I don't know about you, but I felt like it was the longest five week term ever. John is home this week and we have a few day trips planned but nothing major. No travelling, no decorating, just lots of taking it easy. Ok, obviously I have a list of jobs to do this week, the kinds of things I only get time to do in the holidays: spring cleaning, sorting out all the children's toys under their beds, admin. I made a start today and repotted all my house plants. I reckon I have a fifty/fifty success rate with my house plants; for every pilea peperomioides I propagate, I kill a succulent. Ziggy likes to chew the odd plant too, so I can't keep any on the floor at the moment and I fear that my poor Mother in Law's Tongue plant will never be the same again. I think I've got room for a few more though - I'd very much like a String of Hearts/Rosary Vine and a Calathea

It's been so cold this last week. We've had sleet, hail, frost and wind that makes your cheeks sting. I like it when the weather behaves in a seasonally appropriate way, and would always take cold and dry over wet and mild weather, but my skin is protesting. My hands and lips are chapped, and the skin around my eyes gets red and itchy when it's very cold. This never used to happen, and I can only think it's one of the delightful things that must happen as one gets older. Fantastic.

We walk and walk - the beach or the shore at the weekend, or I go down to the woods in the week before I go to work. It's good for me and tires out Ziggy who, if he's feeling energetic or mischievous and doesn't fancy the look of his various bones and toys, will chew shoes and furniture. He's pretty handsome though, isn't he? He's also a joy to walk, especially when we go somewhere where he can run off the lead. 

I've been cooking a lot. The cold weather makes me want to eat cake, so I make blondies and flapjacks and banana bread, and then broccoli and quinoa salad to make myself feel better. The cold also makes me want to crochet and knit, so I've been doing lots of both. The crochet socks are finished now, although I did have a soul crushing moment earlier in the week when I realised that I had somehow managed to crochet an entire second sock on a different sized hook, and didn't realise until they were almost done and I tried them on, and so I feel like I crocheted that sock about seven times, when in fact it was only twice. I am knitting away at my huge jumper when I can, and surprising myself by how much I'm enjoying the rows of garter stitch.

It was my Grandpa's funeral at the start of the week. I'd been dreading it, but is was about as lovely as a funeral could be. So many people came that they had to stand at the back of the church and the tributes and eulogies were beautiful. His wish was to be buried in a natural burial site and today my family and I all met down there to scatter wild flower seeds before going for a walk together. It's a nice spot, near the shore, and somewhere we walk a lot anyway, so it will be nice to pop back over the spring and summer and see if any flowers have grown and say hello. 

We're off to Brighton tomorrow and, while John tells me there won't be time for any shopping, I'm just going to quickly google "yarn shops in Brighton", just to have a look. It can't hurt, surely. 


  1. You must go to Yak if you're in Brighton. I've never been to it personally as I can never manage to drag my family along when we visit, but I hear good things about it. My, you do have a lot of house plants. Well done with all the potting up. Your baking and salad look wonderful and Ziggy is adorable. So glad that the funeral went well. Enjoy your half term. xx

  2. I'm happy to hear that the funeral went well and was a lovely time. I remember when my mom's father died, when I was about 19, some of his friends came to the funeral and joked that they were there to make sure he was really dead. He was quite a character and you either loved him...or not. :) You have so many plants! That's so impressive. I still have my two little plants, just trucking along, but now I fear that my little ivy, about a year old, may not be long for this world. I wonder if I should try repotting it. I hope you all have a nice break!

  3. Arh Ziggy, he's very handsome indeed and looks at home in your crafting chair. I meant to say your crochet socks look good, sometimes I read blogs on my phone and forget to comment straight away. I hope you have a good week off work with the family. That's one of the best things about working in a school, hols with the family. My 2 teens are old enough to sort themselves out now but funnily still ask me, are you working? or when will you be home?
    At the primary school in the village, that I used to help in, there's a sign in the staff room that reads - There are two good reasons to be a teacher - July and August. I'm guessing you've probably seen it. Have a good week, Cathy x

  4. Nothing like a break from routine to liven us up. He is a handsome young "man".

  5. Funerals can be good for us, I find. To gather with people who knew and liked the person we have lost can be helpful, and I very much like how your grandfather's wish regarding his burial site was fulfilled.
    Well done for having repotted all your house plants! I never do that - it is so messy, and I am not good with plants in the first place, so I admire you all the more for yours.
    It has turned cold here this month after we had a very mild winter so far. We've rarely seen the sun, but more daylight already makes a difference. Spring is on its way, no doubt, but I guess we're in for some rather unpleasant conditions before it arrives.

  6. Glad the funeral was a beautiful experience. The natural burial site sounds lovely. The funeral I went to a while back was a burial up on a hill overlooking miles of countryside. The weather was atrocious, howling wind and horizontal driving rain. I thought I would go back in the summer when it will no doubt be beautiful.

    Lots of dog walking here too, no doubt doing me good but taking up a serious amount of time. Ziggy is utterly gorgeous, such lovely eyes and colour. Bertie has a whippet friend the same age as Ziggy whom he loves to run around with. Some dogs are too big for him (rough!) and some are too small (crotchety!) but his whippet friend is just right. Hope you have a lovely half term. Enjoy Brighton, it's one of my favourite places. And there's always time for a quick whip round a yarn shop, that will hardly take any time at all I am certain. CJ xx

  7. Always lovely to read your blog. I also love your house and how you decorate it and suddenly realised that the dog fits in wonderfully with the house decor! Have a nice break and I'm sure a wool shop or two can be worked in...!

  8. I do hope you found YAK while in Brighton... surely time for just one pop? Serious house plant envy-and I certainly think you should add to the spectacular collection. Have the happiest of half terms

  9. Yay!! After discovering your blog a week or so ago I have now caught up. I have been back to the start and read right from the beginning, I have really enjoyed reading your post and it has given me lots of inspiration for what I would like to do with my own Life Of Pottering blog. Whilst I have loved reading all your back posts I am a bit sad now, like when you’ve finished a good book ... it might mean I actually get something done around the house though. I’ve never been to Brighton so look forward to reading about it and I have to say I too often google fabric and craft stores when we are visiting new places. 😃

  10. Just catching up on some blog reading Gillian & enjoyed your this post. You were talking about cold & here we've been sweltering in the heat, so enjoyed the top pics of being out & about. Ziggy is handsome. Glad to hear you got through the funeral OK & look forward to seeing what you get up to in Brighton. Enjoy the break & take care.

  11. Do you do that too? google yarn and fabric shops in far flung places - me too! and then I say oh look fancy seeing this here!!! Thank you for your marathon comment on my blog you really are very kind. I hope you are enjoying your week off. Ours is next week and I really want to do nothing but we will see. Your paragraph about your grandad was touching and lovely to read. Really that dog - such a cutie. Peace and love. Jo xxx

  12. I am glad that your grandpas funeral was a "lovely" experience. I know, lovely is not the right word, given the circumstances but I can't think of another one. It will be wonderful to see the wildflowers grow later this year, a beautiful memory. Half-term is good, isn't it? I am back at work tomorrow, ours get three days only. We have been busy in a good way. x

  13. I’m reading this retrospectively so I’ll say that I hope you had a good half term week, It sounds like you were gently busy, but in a nice way. You did better than us, we were total sloths! I’m glad your grandad’s funeral was good, well as good as a funeral can be, as sad as they are they can be comforting too. I also think Ziggy gets even cuter. I hope he’s behaving himself, that innocent face is a little too good to be true! 😉

    S x


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